Page 79 of My Professor

No dinner.

No dates.

Not with a man like him.

I know that much.

I stow my bag at my desk and look up just in time to see Lewis make his way over to our cluster of cubicles. I stand up straighter and make sure to smile politely as he approaches. I don’t get much face time with him. He keeps to his office mainly, communicating with the team via email. I want to impress him, though, and he seems to appreciate my tenacity when it comes to my work. His subtle nods when he sees me staying later than my coworkers are fuel enough for me.

“Morning, Emelia. You’ll see an announcement about it in your email in a few minutes, but I wanted to give you a heads-up. We have a last-minute meeting for the Belle Haven project at nine. Make sure to let everyone know.”

I nod and he’s already walking away, on to the next thing.

I boot up my computer, check the email he said would be there to confirm the meeting time, and go about my morning routine. I unpack my lunch from my bag then water my little ivy plant. Next, I fill my coffee cup with what’s left of the pot in the break room, making sure to brew another pot before I leave. I like my coffee black and piping hot, so I steal sips of it on my way back to my desk. The mug is still at my lips when I round the corner and find Professor Barclay talking to Lewis right by my chair.

He sees me straight away, and his blue eyes say it all.

Good morning, Emelia.

What an outfit.

Oh, and by the way…that lipstick isn’t fooling anyone.

I’m glad my private smile is concealed behind my mug.

Neither of them steps aside as I approach, so I’m forced to walk annoyingly close to Professor Barclay. There’s no ignoring him now. I meet his eyes and smile in acknowledgment as I would for any boss. A generic “Good morning” is a requisite too.

He tips his head in greeting then watches me take my seat.

Their conversation doesn’t falter on my account; why would it? Under different circumstances, I’m just a lowly new hire Professor Barclay wouldn’t honor with his attention.

I sit down and shake my mouse to wake up my computer, aware of his presence behind me. I go back to my email inbox, wishing something new would pop up and steal my attention. I’m a tidy person. I clean my desk before I leave work. I make sure there are no pressing matters that will bury me first thing in the morning. Now, I’m regretting that.

I can smell his cologne over my morning cup of coffee.

That scent means something else to me now, after yesterday.

It clung to me as I walked out of his office at the university, my hair in disarray, my lipstick smeared across my cheek. I went to the first bathroom I could find and cleaned myself up, waited for the shame to set in. What a devious thing to do. What a bad, bad choice.

But there was no shame. There still isn’t. Only a delicious little thrill at the thought of doing it again if the opportunity presents itself.


I blink and look up to see Meera standing on the other side of our shared cubicle wall, holding up something wrapped in foil.

“Did you already eat breakfast? I grabbed an extra bagel this morning.”

I nod. “Back at home. Thank you though.”

“I’ll take it!” Hugo says, reaching his hand up and waving it wildly. Hugo is rarely without food.

Meera rolls her eyes. “You don’t need it, Hugo. I saw what you brought in today. Did you really needfourbreakfast tacos?”

“I’m a growing boy.”

Meera and I laugh, and she tosses him the bagel. “Fine, but don’t come crying to me when you have a stomachache.”

“Don’t count on it. I have a stomach of steel. Not like our little Emelia.”