Page 50 of My Professor

I roll my eyes and sigh.

“Are you kidding me?” I utter just loud enough for her to hear as I find my license again and hand it over. “I already went through all of this back there.”

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”

The line behind me is getting noticeably long now, and people are starting to whisper. I refuse to turn around, knowing if I see everyone’s curious gazes, I’ll likely chicken out and run right back home.

She takes my ID then turns to speak with a security guard.

Oh god.

I’mthisclose to bailing, already preplanning my route back to the street in my head, when I hear a commotion behind me.

I peer over my shoulder to see Alexander walking up the red carpet with an entourage of people, all well-dressed, all beautiful. They’ve stolen everyone’s attention, and I’m glad for it—until I realize what this means.

He stops on the step-and-repeat for only a moment, enough for one decent photo, and now he’s only steps away. I stand frozen in shock as he nears.

The woman holding my ID calls out to him. “Mr. Mercier, may I have a word?”

Oh shit.


I would hightail it out of there right that instant, ID be damned, but the way is blocked.

Alexander hears the woman, looks up, and spots me.

Obviously, it would be wonderful if, by some miracle, he knew to play along with my plan.

He pauses for a moment—making everyone around him pause as well—and stares up at me.

I’ve never seen my brother, or pseudo-brother, or whatever the hell I should call him, in real life. He’s taller than I imagined him to be, handsome in a way that makes me feel proud for some inane reason. Whereas Emmett took after Frédéric, Alexander took after their mother. His features are open and friendly where Emmett’s are severe, almost cold.

Alexander has medium-length brown hair he’s combed back for the event, but he hasn’t bothered to shave his facial hair, only trim it. His prominent Roman nose pairs well with his thick brows and wideset jaw. I hunt for similarities between us only to realize belatedly that there shouldn’t be any.

“Emelia,” he says, breaking out in a huge smile before finishing his ascent up the stairs, coming nearer, and folding me into a tight hug.

I’m so taken aback that for the entire duration of it, I forget to breathe. Though to be fair, I’m not sure I could even if I wanted to because he has me squeezed so tightly.

He steps back but doesn’t let go of me. He stares and stares, his gaze roving over my face. He looks completely bewildered, and I’m sure I’m wearing a matching expression.

A cameraman shouts Alexander’s name, and he lets go of me at once and steps back, clearing his throat.

“Is there some issue here?” he asks, looking at the small group of people blocking my way into the hotel.

The woman who has my ID immediately hands it back. “None. Sorry. Clerical error on our part. Ms. Mercier, you’re welcome to go in as your brother’s guest.”

Alexander peers at me with a spark of amusement. I busy myself by putting away my ID then hurry up to the door, anxious to get away from the crowd and cameras.

“You aren’t going to run off, are you?” he asks, coming after me.

“I just…want to get inside before they revoke my invitation.”

He laughs. “They won’t. You’re myguest.”

I take my bottom lip between my teeth for a moment before sighing and turning back to him. We’re in the foyer of the hotel now. The rest of his entourage is still checking in with the woman outside, so beyond a few people mingling here and there, we’re relatively alone.

“I apologize. I didn’t mean to cause a scene out there. I didn’t actually expect there to be an issue getting in.”