Page 37 of My Professor

“What the hell!?” She’s pissed. “You always do this, Emelia. Everything with you is so secretive.”

“Are you upset I got the job?”

“No.Of course not. Don’t spin this around. You know I’m excited for you, it’s just…god, we’ve been friends for so many years, and sometimes I feel like I still barely know you.”

She stands from the couch.

I want to respond with something cliché, likeSometimes I feel like I barely know myself, but I keep my mouth shut and let her vent.

“I just feel like friends are supposed to be open and honest with each other, and you have a hard time doing that. I know we’re different. I can’t force you to change, but still…” She shakes her head. “I just…it feels weird to be left out of your life so much of the time.”

“I’m sorry. And I mean that, truly, Sonya. I know it’s hard being friends with me. I know I’m not exactly an open book…it’s just hard. Growing up, I was so used to it just being my mom and me, and now, it’s just me.”

The fight is already starting to seep out of her.

“It’s fine.” She forces a heavy sigh. “I think I’m just in shock.Boston?Seriously? Do you have to go?”

“I already signed the contract.” I stand up and walk over to grab her hand, trying to get her to smile. “C’mon, you’re telling me you’re not excited to get your apartment back to yourself? Get a little alone time with Wesley?”

“I’ve loved having you here!”

“Sonya.” My tone says,Stop the bullshit.

She laughs. “I’m serious! It’s been fun. You’re like a cat. You mostly want to be left alone somewhere warm, like your bed, but occasionally I can coax you out into the living room with the promise of food.”

I nearly choke at how accurate this is.

“So you’re really doing it? Going to work for Professor Barclay?” Her eyes widen as she considers something. “Have you twoseeneach other yet? Did you have to interview with him?!”

I shake my head.

“No interview. Not that it would have mattered—he’s not going to remember me, Son.”

She exhales an exasperated, “PAH!” My cheeks heat as she continues emphatically, “The guy was obsessed!”

“The guy,”I stress, “asked me to drop his class.”

She waves her hand as if trying to get me to keep up. “Be-causehe was obsessed.”

“It’s irrelevant. He doesn’t even realize I’m working there. Our past won’t come up.”

She laughs, openly mocking me. “Okay, so that’s how you’ve spun it in your head. That’s good. I like it. Let me know how long you’re able to keep up that delusion. I bet you two have a run-in within the first week.”

“SONYA!” I lean down and thunk the wooden coffee table with my knuckles to stave off the bad luck. “Now you jinxed it!”

She doesn’t even have the decency to look remorseful.