Fuck!I’m in trouble.
I couldn’t peel my eyes away from my office manager’s stunning body. She’s fucking perfect in every single way. Even the sanctuary between her legs is groomed exactly the way I like it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to close my eyes again without seeing the image of her bent over, massaging that fucking addictive rose scent onto her long, smooth legs. I shake my head, trying to clear the image. I should have fucking closed the door. I don’t know what came over me. Standing in the doorway like a letch, my eyes greedily soaking up the magnificence that is Molly.
Molly, my fuckingemployee.
Molly, who is afull decade youngerthan me.
Molly, the girl I can’t seem to stop thinking about.
Girl. She’s definitely not a girl. She’s a fully grown, sexy ass woman. Those pink nipples. I groan as my dick expands in my overalls. At least it’s not as obvious when I have a hard-on in these.
I need to shut this shit down. She’s my employee. I broke all sorts of rules and regulations today. If she wanted to take me to task over what I did this morning, she’d fucking ruin me.
And you know what? I would fucking stand in that doorway and look my fill all over again.
How fucking stupid is that?
The woman who’s never far from my thoughts steps into my peripheral vision. “I made you a coffee since you didn’t get one earlier.”
I don’t raise my eyes. I can’t. I’m embarrassed by my behavior this morning. She has a right to have a shower and get dressed in peace. Her boss should not be fucking ogling her in her place of workorresidence. I groan internally at myself. “Thanks. Just leave it over on the bench, please.”
“Sure. No problem.” Her voice lacks its usual confident tone. She steps away and then comes back to stand right beside me, her rose scent playing havoc with my dick. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to smell it again without associating it with Molly. “What are you working on?”
Turning my head slightly, I look at her. Well, that was a fucking mistake. She’s peering right at me. Those silver eyes of hers, bright and inquisitive. I return my focus back to the cylinder head cover. “Just taking this off so I can replace the gasket.” I drop the bolt I was removing down into the engine bay. “Fuck!” I whisper with a harsh breath.
“Oh, sorry. I’ll get outta your way.” Her thick eyelashes flutter and her cheeks flush. “What time is the guy coming to look at the car?” She tilts her chin across to the Sprint.
“Okay. I’ll leave you to it!” She spins on her heel and walks straight back to the office. Her long white-blond hair swishing behind her. I wonder if it’s as soft and silky as it looks?
Stop fucking thinking about her hair!
* * *
Molly and I manage to get past the awkwardness of the morning and spend the rest of the day doing our respective work. Me in the workshop. Her in the office. Occasionally she comes out to check a serial number for a part, but we both maintain a professional manner.
It feels forced and I don’t fucking like it.
When I glance up, Molly’s walking toward me with Martin. He’s a long-time client of mine. Martin’s been watching me slowly restore the Sprint and, a couple of months back, asked me to keep him in mind when I finished the restoration and was ready to sell. He’s studying Molly like a science experiment as she brings him over.
I don’t like the way he’s looking at her. I’m pretty sure he’s married with a couple of kids and he’s probably old enough to be her father.
I step between him and my girl, blocking his view. Holding out my hand, we shake in greeting. “Martin. How have you been? How’s the family?”Do you like what I did there? I reminded him he’s a married family man.
“Max. They’re great. Holly’s in her last year of high school. I can’t believe how fast she’s grown up.” He turns his attention to Molly, holding his hand out to her. “And who do we have here?”
I pull her to my side, wrapping my arm around her waist and landing a kiss on the top of her head. Understandably, Molly stiffens in my hold. She’s probably wondering what the hell’s going on. “This is Molly. She runs the office for me.”
Martin’s eyebrows almost hit his hairline in surprise at my public display of affection toward my office manager. Fair enough because this would seem highly inappropriate.
Molly slides her hand into his, gifting him with her dimples. “Hi, Martin. Nice to meet you.”
He holds her hand a little longer than what’s socially acceptable. His eyes locked on hers.
What in the actual fuck?