Page 21 of Moonlit Kisses


As I crouch downto collect the dirt I’ve swept together in the workshop, I smile to myself. Max was clearly shocked when I pulled out the broom to clean up at closing time. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my first week at my new job. Max is a great boss and I think I’m going to be very happy here working with him. He works incredibly hard every single minute of every single day. I’m not sure when he had time to do his office work, because he’s always fully booked, with a minimum of two cars in the bays at a time. Even on Thursdays, the day he doesn’t take any bookings, he’s crazy busy if not busier.

I think I fell a little for my new boss last Thursday when I discovered the reason he doesn’t take bookings. I mean, I’m pretty sure I developed an instant crush on him based on his looks alone, once I got past his gruff demeanor when we first met, but over the past week, he’s been nothing but kind to me. He even bought lunch for me each day, which has helped me make my meagre stash of food last longer.

“Are you ready to go home?” Max’s deep voice reverberates through the workshop. Tilting my head back, I catch my breath as my eyes land on him in navy shorts and a white t-shirt, a bag slung over his shoulder. A navy logo of a knight’s helmet surrounded by the words,Monday Knights, sits on his right pec. The t-shirt hugs his torso, showing the ridges of his stomach and the outline of his chest. Glancing down, I notice he’s got great thighs—powerful. For an older guy, he’s in great shape. I wonder if he realizes how good looking he is because he doesn’t come across like he does. “Molly?” I realize I haven’t answered him.

“Uh, I need to finish the cleanup for the day. Then I’ll be on my way. Sorry if I’m holding you up.”

“You don’t need to apologizeorclean. You know I have a cleaner come through to do it.”

“I can do it as part of my job. To be honest, you don’t have enough office work to keep me busy for the entire week. I’m happy to add this to my duties and save you some money.”

He moves closer to me, towering over my crouched body. “I’ve been getting through a lot more work since you started because I don’t have to keep stopping to answer calls or chase up parts. I don’t want anything to distract you from doing that work.”

I stand. We’re only a couple of feet apart and the overhead light is highlighting the green flecks in his eyes. “It won’t interfere. I’ll do all of that and then do the cleaning before the shop opens and after it closes. No problem.”

He studies me closely, thinning his lips, then nods slowly. “Okay. But that means I’ll pay you what I would normally pay the cleaner. You don’t need to clean every day either. I only have the cleaner come through twice a week.”

I shuffle my feet, uncomfortable with the idea that he thinks I’m doing it to get more money. “I wasn’t offering to do the cleaning for extra money. You’re paying me enough to do both jobs already. I was hoping to saveyousome money.”

He drops his bag, then turns on his heel to head back to the office. “We’ll work it out.” He calls over his shoulder as he disappears inside. I notice the number seven on the back of his shirt with STANFIELD in bold print across the top. I crouch back down to sweep up the mess and a couple of minutes later, he returns to me with a set of keys and the code for the alarm. “You may as well have a set of keys in case I’m late or need to leave before you.” He shows me how to work the alarm system, which is similar to the one at my last job. “Make sure you lock everything up tight, okay? I have a lot of money tied up in the tools and equipment, not to mention the project car I’m working on.” He nods his head to the farthest bay and the car I’ve been sketching.

“Don’t worry. I get how important it is to keep this place secure. You can trust me.” He studies me for a long moment and my body heats under his gaze. I’m going to need to shut down my reaction; a crush on my hot boss is not something I can afford. I need to sort myself out before I even think about getting involved with anyone, especially this sexy man.

Once I’m on my own, I turn up the music and dance around as I sweep. I’ve missed my morning run for a while now and I desperately need to move my body. I freeze in place when I realize I’m happy for the first time in weeks.

Mom would want me to move forward and be happy, but I’m quickly filling up with guilt. Mom never let anything stop her or slow her down, and she shared the importance of moving forward with me. She always said that it’s okay to have my time for wallowing when something didn’t work out, but then I had to pick myself up, make a plan, and move forward. She wouldn’t want me to dwell on my losses, but it’s tough when I’ve lost so much.

Without my family, I feel adrift; they were my anchor, my port that I knew I could always rely on. Now, I’ve only got myself and it’s a scary prospect. I think about Mom when she ran away from home: seventeen, pregnant, and completely alone. Living in her car and never knowing where she was going to get her next meal. She must have been terrified for her future, but she made it through. If she can do it with a baby on the way, I can do it too.

I wipe away the tears tracking down my cheeks and finish my task more somberly. Turning everything off, I secure the building, and head to the location I found close by on the weekend. It means I’m not using a lot of gas commuting to and from work, saving me some precious dollars until I get paid on Friday. The sports field comes into view as do the dozens and dozens of cars and trucks filling the parking lot. My lungs deflate in disappointment.

Teenagers are playing multiple games of soccer as grown men run laps around the perimeter of the field. I doubt I’m going to find a park while everyone’s here. Driving past, a matte black Dodge Charger catches my eye. At lunchtime, Max said he was playing soccer tonight and he was dressed for sport when he left the workshop. I’m guessing this is where he is. The temptation to stop and watch him play is strong and after a few seconds of internal debate, I decide to do it. I’ll stay away from the action, so he won’t see me.

I eventually find a park at the far end of the lot and sit on the hood of my car to watch the action. Once everyone leaves, I can move my car to the spot behind the building where I normally park. It’s mostly hidden from the road, and nobody’s bothered me on the nights I’ve used it.

Watching the teenage kids playing brings a lump to my throat. Ethan loved playing soccer. He always moved with ease, maneuvering the ball away from their goal toward their strikers and the opposing team’s goal. He would dodge left and right between his opponents with a bright smile because he was doing something that he truly loved. I wipe my cheeks as my emotions get the better of me yet again. Shaking my head mildly, I smile at the memory of him receiving a trophy last season for being the fairest and best player on his team. It’s stashed away with all of my other treasures.

A group of men run past, laughing and pushing at each other, shirts tucked into the back of their shorts, leaving their torsos sweaty and bare.

Oh, boy!

This really was a good idea. I think this might become my favorite Monday night activity.

Another group follows behind and I notice they’re wearing the same-colored shorts and t-shirts Max had on when he left. These guys are equally bare and equally sweaty. My eyes catch on a dark head of hair above everyone else in the group. My heartbeat picks up speed as he smiles at his friend. I duck my head at the last second, hoping he doesn’t notice me. As they run past, I raise my eyes to find him staring directly at me over his shoulder. Shit, he’s caught me. He raises his eyebrows at me, gifting me a gorgeous smile, then turns forward to continue his run with his teammates. He passes by once more before they stop to do some stretches and run some warm-up drills.

Three whistles blow, indicating the end of the teenage games. The boys leave the field after congratulating the winning team and the men make their way onto the field. I wish I had some snacks to enjoy while I watch Max play his game, but I need to be sparing with the food I have. He already knows I’m here; I may as well move closer to the field so I can enjoy the game properly. I rummage through my car to dig out a blanket to sit on and take up a spot on the sidelines. The guys get into position, and I’m pleased to see that Max takes up the same position Ethan used to play.

For forty-five minutes, I watch the guys run, dribble, and pass the ball from player to player. Max’s team is getting hammered by the other team. My voice is becoming hoarse from all the cheering I’m doing, and it feels great to have a genuine smile and enjoy the moment. I’m not thinking about my worries or where I’m going to sleep tonight. I’m having fun, like any other woman my age. The guys move off the field during halftime, grabbing drinks and laughing amongst themselves. I figure, while they’re taking a break, I’ll use the bathroom facilities before they’re locked for the night.

Max is leaning up against the wall as I step out of the building, his arms crossed over his chest, his legs crossed at the ankles. His posture looks casual, but his face is another matter. His eyebrows are drawn down low and his mouth is tight. Glancing across to the field, I see the game has already started. He notices me and stands straight, towering over me. “Are you okay?”

I look down at myself, my eyes scanning all around. “Yeah, why?” It’s funny. I thought the first thing he would ask about is why I’m here watching him play soccer.

“You were in the bathroom for a long time. I got … worried.” I’m stunned he noticed. It took me a while, because I brushed my teeth, and wiped myself down in all the important places, since I won’t get a shower tonight.

“I’m fine, truly. You don’t need to miss your game for me.” I wave my arm out toward the field. He studies me closely, then nods his head once.