I wrap my free hand around my thumb, attempting to reduce the throb. “Hit my thumb with the mallet. I do it at least once a week.”
“Shit. That’d hurt.” Molly stands and spins on her heel and runs back to the office. I’m guessing she doesn’t like to see people injured. Shaking out my hand, I start back up where I left off, being more cautious of my own body parts. “Here. Wrap this around it.” Molly grabs my hand and wraps a cold compress around my thumb, holding it in place.
Her concentration on the task is admirable, but I don’t need to be this close to her this soon, especially when I can see right down her t-shirt. I quickly avert my eyes, but they snap back of their own accord to the creamy mounds restrained by a simple cotton bra. This morning was hard enough in my office. I was hoping the workshop would be a large enough space to ensure I didn’t have to inhale her floral perfume. I’m not sure what type of magic it has, but it’s affected me more than I want it to. At least I know she’s not as young as I thought she was, but she’s still too young for me.
Plus, I’m her fucking boss! I need to remember that.
I pull my hand away abruptly. “I’m okay.”
Her delicate eyebrows drop over her steely eyes. “Are you sure? Your thumb is already swelling. I think it’d be a good idea if you iced it for a while.”
I take the compress from her and hold it back on my thumb. “Sure. But I can hold it.” I nod toward the office. “You’ve got work to do. How did you go with sourcing those parts I wanted?”
“No luck at the first two suppliers, unless you’re prepared to wait for four to six weeks. I was about to try the next one on the list.” She fidgets with her bracelet, shifting on her feet. “I’m really sorry.”
“What in the hell are you apologizing for? Sometimes I have to go through my entire list of suppliers before I find one who has the part I need in stock.” I remove the compress from my thumb to inspect the damage. The ice seems to be helping. “Thanks for this.” I hold up my thumb. “You’ll get to know which suppliers are better for particular parts. If you’re not sure, come and ask. No point wasting time.” Molly nods, dropping her hands to her sides.
“Uh, do you want a coffee?”
I glance up at the large clock I have on the back wall of the workshop. It’s after one already. “Nah, time to stop for lunch. You should take a break. You get thirty minutes for lunch each day.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks.”
We walk side-by-side back to my office, her floral scent invading my nose. “What is that perfume you’re wearing?”
“I don’t wear perfume. It’s probably my shampoo and body wash you can smell.” She smells her hand, then holds it out for me, and I draw in a deep breath. “Is that it?”
It’s a subtle fragrance. “Yeah. What is it?”
“Rose. I’m sorry if it bothers you.” What is with this girl apologizing for everything?
“No need to apologize. I was only asking. I … uh … I actually like it.”
Her cheeks flush. “Thanks. My mom used to use the same products.” Her voice has a shake to it and she drops her face toward the ground. Her mom used to use it? Does that mean she’s lost her mom? I don’t know her well enough to ask questions, but I make a note to get to know her a little better.
I collect my phone so I can grab my lunch from the deli across the road. Lawrence makes the best sub sandwiches. “I’m gonna head over the road to grab some lunch. Do you want anything?”
Her head snaps around to me, her eyes wide. “Oh. Thanks for the offer, but I’m okay.”
I narrow my eyes. “You’ve got lunch, right?”
She tucks a loose strand of silky white hair that’s fallen from her top knot behind her ear. “Not today. I completely forgot about it. I’ll have a coffee. That’ll get me through.”
I nod as I head out the door, pulling my jacket around me as I take my first steps. I don’t like the cold weather and today’s high of sixty-three degrees makes me shiver. The warmth is a welcome reprieve as I step insideLawrence’s Diner.
“Max. How’s your morning been?” Lawrence calls out from the doorway to the kitchen.
“It was going pretty great until I hit my damn thumb with the mallet.”
His face scrunches up with a pained grimace. “Ouch. You want your usual?”
“Yeah. Thanks. Could you make it two, though, please?”
“Sure. You extra hungry today?”
“Nah. I finally got myself an employee. I figured I’d buy her lunch to celebrate her first day.” I stuff my hands in my pockets. “Her name’s Molly. She might come over now and then to collect my lunch.” I shrug.
He nods and goes about making two of my usual sub sandwiches. Turkey, cheddar, thick cut bacon, and avocado in a ciabatta roll. Mmmm, my mouth’s watering already. He wraps them in paper and slides them across the counter to me. “I’ll add them to your account.”