Didhe just offer me a job?
My first day in town and I thought I’d messed up in a major way, but now I already have the offer of a job. I’m certain my eyes are the widest they’ve ever been.
“Are you serious?” The pitch of my voice is higher than normal. Swallowing, I work to temper my shock and excitement. “I mean, are you really offering me a job?” I fidget with the leather cord of my special bracelet. Mom gave it to me when I turned twenty-one and I’ve never taken it off. She had a complementary one, which is now packed with all of my special treasures along with everything else I own in my car. I’ve found I rub the silver heart between my fingers more since I lost her; it makes me feel closer to her somehow.
Max seems to be schooling his own surprise. “Uhm, yeah.” He laughs. A deep rich sound which sounds amazing after the way he reamed me out about my car. “I guess I am.”
I jump up and down, squealing in delight. Running around to the other side of the desk, I throw myself at Max’s tall body, wrapping my arms around him. Beneath the smell of grease and oil, hides a masculine scent that’s sexy as all hell. “Thank you so much. I can’t believe how well today has turned out to be.” I squeeze him again before releasing the man who’s given me so much but doesn’t realize. “It looks like everything’s gonna work out!” I chuckle.
Max is frozen in place. He probably thinks I’m crazy. He doesn’t know how much this means to me. How can he? I can’t believe that on my first day in this new city, I’ve already landed myself a job. Things are really looking up. Perhaps this was the right decision to make, after all.
The door opens and closes, so I step away from Max to greet the customer. My eyes almost pop out of my head when they land on the guy who’s stepped through the door. He looks even better in real life than he does in pictures.
Toby Summer.
I can’t believe I’m in the same room as a famous person. Not justanyfamous person. The hottest famous person on the planet. The greeting I should have dies on my tongue. He’s followed by another equally hot guy. I’ve often seen him in the background of Toby’s social media photos. He’s his bodyguard. Finally, I gain my wits. “Good morning, I’m Molly. Welcome to Stanfield Auto Repairs. How may I help you?”Look at me being all professional.
He looks at me, smiling, then raises his eyes to Max, who’s standing beside me. “Max, you finally got yourself some help around here!” He steps forward with his hand outstretched toward me! I’m worried I may faint as my hand connects with his. “Nice to meet you, Molly. I’m Toby. My car’s booked in for a service this morning.”
Max glances at me, his eyebrows scrunched together, making an adorable crease between them. “Thanks, Molly. I can take it from here.”
I drop my hand and step back, realizing I’ve probably overstepped. I mean, heonlyoffered me the position two minutes ago.
He turns to Toby. “Hey, Toby. Shane.” He nods to the men. “Good to see you again. The girl needs a service, right?”
Toby nods. “Yeah. She’s running like a kitten, but I want to make sure I look after her properly.”
Max smiles. “That’s what I like to hear. If you can give your keys to Molly. I’m running a little behind this morning, but your car should still be ready for collection at two.”
“No problem. Shane followed me in his car. He’ll take me home and bring me back later.” He nods over his shoulder to the man behind him as he steps forward, handing me his car keys.
I’m holding Toby Summer’s car keys in my hand. Oh. My. Gosh! I have the broadest smile on my face as I study them as though they’re precious gems.
Max points to a board next to the door, which leads out to the workshop. “You can hang them on there. On the booking sheet, you’ll notice I give each car a bay number. Hang the client’s keys on the corresponding bay hook. Okay? I’ve allocated bay one for Toby’s car.”
I nod. “Sure thing.” I step over and hang the keys on the hook that says Bay 1.
“Molly will call you when your car’s ready to be collected. Did you need me to check anything particular or are you happy with a general service and check?” Max asks Toby as the men walk back out through the front door.
I follow them, staying inside, but watching through the glass window in the door. I whistle quietly to myself as my eyes land on his nineteen sixty-seven Chevy Impala convertible. Wow! That’s a nice ride. Ethan and Jack used to always be looking at muscle cars, making it easy for me to identify Toby’s car, which is in great condition.
Max walks back into the small office, smiling. “Okay. Your car is ready, so if you want to head off, feel free.”
“Oh, you don’t need me to stay?” I’m confused. I thought he offered me a job, now he’s telling me I can go. “Aren’t I supposed to phone Mr. Summer when his car is ready at two? Have you changed your mind about the position?” I hope not, I really need something to go right.
“Not at all. But you said you’d arrived in town early this morning. I figure you need to get to wherever you’re planning to stay and settle in. You should do that. Come back on Monday. Eight a.m. You can start then.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you.” I guess he’s being considerate. “See you Monday.” I smile at him. With no money for a place to stay, I was planning to sleep in my car until I saved enough, but he doesn’t know that. I guess I can use this time to familiarize myself with my new city and locate some safe places to sleep at night. Maybe even some public showers or something.