Page 70 of Moonlit Kisses

Molly freezes momentarily, her mouth partway open as she glances up at me. “Hi, Mrs. Stanfield. It’s lovely to meet you.” She holds out her hand for Mom, but Mom pushes through, wrapping her arms around Molly and drawing her in tight. Molly awkwardly returns the hug one-armed, Lachlan’s gift bag dangling from her forearm, because I refuse to let go of her hand.

“Oh, my dear girl. Thank you for joining us today. It’s all Kenny could talk about.” She rolls her eyes light-heartedly. “But please, call me Sally. Or Mom.” She smiles at Molly, then her face goes ashen, and her smile drops. Her hand rises to her necklace, and she fidgets with the chain. “Oh my, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean that … I mean … oh dear.” Mom’s flustered as she tries to recover, looking to me for guidance.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder. “It’s okay, Mom.”

Molly grins and waves her off. “Please don’t feel you have to watch what you say with me, Mrs. … I mean, Sally. I promise I won’t break down.”

Mom nods and I can tell she’s holding back what she would really like to say. Knowing Mom, she wants to wrap Molly up in a warm hug and tell her everything will be okay. That she’s got us now and that we’ll take care of her. It’s exactly what I want to do, but I know Molly’s extremely independent and likes to stand on her own feet.

Dad comes in from the back deck, which Theo extended when Em and the boys moved in. It was already big, but now it’s huge, with doors that open onto it, giving us the feel that the kitchen and deck are one space.

“Son!” Dad walks straight toward me with a slight limp, and we embrace.

“Dad. How’s your knee?” He was jumping on the trampoline with the kids last weekend and fell as he was climbing out, twisting his knee.

“Oh, it’s fine. I’ll be back to trampolining in no time.” He pats my arm and finishes with a squeeze. “And who do we have here?” He turns to Molly.

“Hi, Mr. Stanfield. I’m Molly.” She holds her hand out to shake and Dad treats her to the same fierce hug that Mom gave her. I’ve told my family a minimal amount about Molly, which included why she moved here. You can imagine how that went down with Mom and Dad. Mom was a sobbing mess and Dad wasn’t too far behind her.

“Call me John. Mr. Stanfield is my father.” He chuckles at his own joke.

Molly chuckles too, as she looks at me with a raised brow. “Sounds familiar.”

“Can I do your hair now?” Kenny tugs on Molly’s dress to gain her attention.

Emma steps inside. “Kenny. You need to wait until a little later. We’re all gonna eat and have some cake, and maybe then you can braid Molly’s beautiful hair.” She looks at Molly for confirmation.

Molly crouches down to Kenny’s height. “Oh yes. I’m too hungry to be able to sit still long enough for you to make my hair pretty. Do you mind waiting until after we’ve had the birthday cake?”

Kenny places her hands on her hips and tilts her head to the side. “Actually, come to think of it, I’m pretty hungry, too.” She nods at Molly, then glances up at Em. “Are we gonna eat soon? I’m starving.”

Em giggles. “Of course. I’ve come inside to grab what we need to set the table.” She wraps an arm around Molly, squeezing her close. “Hey, Molly. I’m delighted you came today.” Then she pats my arm on the way to the kitchen drawers and whispers, “You’ve done good, little brother.”

Molly places Lachlan’s gift on the counter alongside my gift and extricates her hand from mine, pressing up to land a chaste kiss on my cheek. “Can I help with anything? I’m happy to set the table.” Everyone in the kitchen freezes, eyes on Molly. She flushes that pretty pink and her eyes widen. She looks across at me for guidance. “Did I say something wrong?”

I laugh and pull her into me, landing a kiss on her lips. “No, Dimples. You’ve said and done everything right.” I turn to my family. “Stop making my girl feel uncomfortable.”

Everyone returns to their chatter and whatever they were doing before and Molly fits in seamlessly, helping wherever she can. It’s like she’s always been part of this family and pride fills me that she’s mine. We all carry the plates, dishes, silverware, and glasses out to the deck and work together to set everything ready for lunch.

I introduce Molly to Theo and his dad, Cristo, who takes both of Molly’s hands in his. “You must come into my restaurant. I’ll make an enormous feast for you both.”

Theo chuckles. “Not everyone wants to be stuffed so full they can’t move, Dad.”

Cristo looks affronted. “What do you mean?”

They argue over the merits of eating until you can no longer breathe, and Molly and I collect our gifts to give them to Lachlan. I let Molly go first, since she’s been nervous about her gift for him.

“Happy birthday, Lachlan. I brought you a gift.” She hands it to him.

He briefly glances at her, then his eyes settle over her shoulder. “Thank you.” He’s getting better at making eye contact with people, but it’s still a work in progress with new people. He digs into the bag and pulls out a tool belt that should fit him perfectly. His eyes snap up to Molly’s and one side of his mouth tips up. Dropping the gift bag, he tries to wrap it around his waist, but isn’t quite coordinated enough to pull it off.

“Would you like me to help you?” Molly asks. Lachlan nods, and Molly moves closer to assist him, settling the belt on his hips. I told her not to worry about the tools, because he’s got that part covered with Theo’s tools. “I wasn’t sure if you already had one. Your Uncle Max told me how much you like to work with timber, and I hoped this would be a good idea.”

His eyes snap up to hers and a full smile touches his lips. “I don’t have one. Thank you very much.” He steps away and heads straight for Theo. He runs his hands over the leather as he shows his stepdad his new belt. “This is the most useful gift I’ve been given today. I’ll be like you now.” He’s standing tall, pride filling his little body.

Theo squeezes his shoulder and crouches down to inspect the belt more closely. “This is exceptional quality. I need a new one. I’ll have to ask Molly where she got this one from.”

I have to admit; I wasn’t sure about Theo at first. He seemed like a total dick the day we all went to the beach, but the way he loves my sister and her boys, as well as how he stepped up for his niece, settled my concerns quickly. He’s a genuinely good guy and I’m thrilled that he and Emma found their way to each other, even though the road was a little rocky for the two of them.