I’m dizzy with lust.
My overloaded senses are begging for attention. My hands grasp onto his back, feeling the stretch and pull of his muscles. He pulls back, cupping my face in his large, calloused hands, and presses his forehead to mine. “This is wrong.” His eyes drop to my nose ring as he toys with the blue ball.
My breath gushes out of me, replaced with disappointment.Why is he fighting this so hard?
His eyes move back up to mine. “But I don’t want to stop. You need to be the strong one, Mols. Tell me to stop.” He closes his eyes, blocking his forest gaze from me.
“I don’t want you to stop. Don’t ask me to be the strong one.”
He tilts his head to the side and starts all over again. My breath whooshes out of my body in sheer relief. He pillages my mouth with rough strokes as he cups my face with a gentleness that doesn’t match. My breaths are ragged and I don’t care.
The buzz of my alarm steals the moment and we both pull away, panting. “Damn alarm,” I mumble as I throw out my arm to mute the offending noise. Max rolls off me to allow me to twist further. Finally, my hand makes contact and I silence the stupid thing. It’s five o’clock and I don’t want to leave my bed to get my exercise today when I could have a perfectly good workout here.
Our moment gone, Max climbs out of bed and pulls me up. He tugs me forward and places a delicate kiss on my forehead, then spins me toward the bathroom. Smacking my ass, he laughs at my pout. “Go for your run. I’m gonna head home for a shower.” He adjusts the obvious bulge in his jeans. “I’ll see you back here for work.”
“But I don’t wanna run.” I whine. “I wanna keep doing what we were doing.” I’m close to stomping my foot on the ground to punctuate my sentence, but I fear that would remind him of our age difference. I’m certain it’s one of the reasons he’s been keeping himself in check around me.
“No arguments, Dimples. I’ve got a busy day. I had to rearrange my schedule yesterday.” He nudges me toward the door, but I stop and turn.
“I’m sorry, Max.” I rest my hand over his heart. “My mess shouldn’t impact you. I promise it won’t happen again.”
He reverently slides my hair behind my ear, his eyes locked on mine, as his fingers move to glide down along my jaw where he uses his knuckles to tilt my head back a little. “Yesterday was an anomaly, Molly. I would cancel everything all over again to be here with you when you needed me. I’ll be here every step of the way as you navigate your way through this new information. That’s if you want me to be here with you.” His eyes dart back and forth between mine.
Raising my hand, I grasp the back of his neck and pull his face closer to mine. “Of course I want you here,” I whisper against his lips before pressing a sweet kiss against them.