My legs are burninglike crazy. It’s been ages since I’ve run and my muscles are reminding me of my laziness. The streets around here aren’t all that flat either, adding to my misery.
I suck in lungfuls of air and remind myself that I love to run. It’s the thing I love to do to start my day. It settles my mind and helps me to sleep better at night. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since the night of the accident. More nights than not, I wake with images I never saw stuck in my head and it takes ages to find sleep again.
Finally, the workshop comes into view, and I slow my pace until I’m out front. Walking in circles, my chest burns as my lungs attempt to get enough air. Bending at the waist, allowing my hands to drop to my toes, I slowly grasp my ankles, gently stretching my hamstrings, careful not to go overboard on my first day back. Now that I have a proper place to live, I can get back into my usual routine of running every day. The prospect is exciting—how sad is that?I work through my cool down sequence, then climb the outside steps to my apartment.
A smile touches my lips at having my own space. No neighbors making obscene noises or listening to other people’s arguments through the paper-thin walls. Mom would be happy with the way things are working out for me. My smile falls as thoughts of her drift through my head.
I miss her.
I miss my brother, Ethan.
I miss Jack.
Looking down at my feet as I breach the last step, I wipe the escaping tears from my cheeks and softly smile at my bright pink runners. My last birthday present from my family. Perhaps I should pack them away for safekeeping?
Mom, Jack, and Ethan were so impatient with me as I slowly and carefully unwrapped the box. The sparkly purple paper was far too pretty to tear, and I wanted to save it to cover my newest sketch pad.
“C’mon, Molly. Just rip it for goodness’ sake. It’ll be your next birthday by the time you open your present,” Mom coaxed.
A chuckle escapes at the memory. Jack was incredibly proud of the research he’d done to find the perfect running shoe for me. They were secondhand, but you’d never have known. They were like brand freaking new! I put them on straight away and went for a run with Jack and E. When we got back to the trailer, Mom had a birthday cake sitting on the table, decorated with twenty-six candles.
Unlocking the door, I step inside and toe off my favorite running shoes. Should I pack them away so I can keep them forever? Or should I use them the way my family intended? I ponder the thought as I strip down and head for the shower.
Turning on the faucet, I wait for the hot water to come through. And wait. And wait some more. I stick my hand beneath the flow and pull it back quickly. The water’s still freezing. Damn it. I really need to have a shower after my run. It’s partly why I didn’t run while I was living in my car. I couldn’t always guarantee the ability to shower afterwards. I remember the shower downstairs and decide to make my way down there.
Grabbing my phone, I check the time. Yep. I think I’ve got time to whip downstairs to have a shower and be back up here before Max arrives. I collect my toiletries and make my way down the internal stairs, rush over to turn off the alarm, and then head for the bathroom. Closing myself in the small space, I turn on the hot water.
I’m in luck.
I’ll have to remember to tell Max about the situation with the hot water when he comes in later.
I work quickly, lathering up, shaving the essential areas, and scrubbing others. Climbing out of the shower, I grab my towel and dry myself, then use my favorite rose-scented moisturizer all over my body.
The door bursts open, and I freeze.
Max glances up, his eyes locking on me, and he freezes in the doorway.
Oh my God!
Neither of us moves and I don’t understand why my body won’t snap into action so I can hide behind my towel or something. Anything. I’m not the only one who’s failing to act, though. He could close the damn door, but he’s too busy trailing his eyes all over me. His Adam’s Apple bobs up and down with his swallow, and I notice his eyes are darker than usual. Finally, my sensibilities return, and I grab my towel, trying to cover as much of my body as I can.
“Shit! Sorry.” Max drops his eyes down to the floor, away from me, but doesn’t move to close the door to give me privacy. My body flushes at the thought of the man I’m currently crushing on seeing me completely naked.
Did he like what he saw?
Should I even be wondering if he likes my body?
Probably not.
I should tell him to close the door, but the words won’t come. “That’s okay. You didn’t know I was in here and I didn’t lock the door. I thought I had longer before you’d be in. It was my mistake.” While his eyes are still averted, I move the towel away from my body to wrap it around myself properly. At that moment, he raises his head, his eyes locking on my nakednessagain. My breathing picks up speed at the darkness in his eyes, and when I drop my eyes down his body, I can’t miss the unmistakable bulge pressing behind his zipper. My tongue slips out without permission to lick my lips and my teeth latch onto the bottom pillow.
Max groans and runs his fingers through his hair, messing it up further. It’s crazy hot the way he does that. “Fuck!” It’s a harsh whispered word on a breath, but I feel its impact right in my solar plexus.
One side of my mouth tilts up at the knowledge that my hot boss is attracted to me.Little old me.