The smellof sweet treats greets me as I step into the office. “Morning!” I call out. “What’s all this?” I eye the white boxes stacked on the minuscule kitchen counter.
Max drops from the last step, carrying some type of bag over his shoulder, making his bicep bulge. “Morning! It’s Thursday.” As if that explains anything to me.
I open a couple of lids to check the contents inside. Tucked neatly inside are a variety of doughnuts and pastries. I can’t remember the last time I could afford to splurge on some sugary goodness. Oblivious to my musings, Max unzips the bag and pulls out some type of contraption. As he works to open it, I discreetly enjoy the show he’s unwittingly providing me as his muscles stretch and flex with his movements.
“Uhm, am I supposed to know what’s special about Thursday?” There aren’t any bookings for today. I assumed he kept the day free to catch up on office work, which he no longer needs to do now I’m here, but clearly, I’m mistaken.
He looks at me over his shoulder as he continues to set up whatever it is he’s setting up. “Thursdays are dedicated to single parents. They can bring their vehicles in for a checkup, have me look at any issues they may have, or to do a minor service. If I find anything major that needs further attention, I speak with the owner about it and work out a way to help them with the repairs for the lowest possible price. I don’t charge them for my time, only the cost price of any parts I need to supply. It works out well for them.” He stands upright after pushing the last strut into place.
A playpen. He has a playpen for the kids. Of course, he does. I’m guessing all the pastries are for the moms and dads, too. I rub the center of my chest to contain the flutters that erupt at his thoughtfulness. Not only is he providing a valuable service, but he’s also making the experience special for the clients.
“If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you could look after the ladies and gents while they’re waiting today. Normally, they mostly help themselves to the pastries and coffee, but since you’re here, it would be great if they could relax a little while they wait for their car. Don’t worry about doing too much office stuff. Just answer the phone when it rings.” Creases form across his forehead as he waits for my answer.
“Of course. Anything you want me to do, I’ll do. No problem.” I gesture to the boxes of pastries. “How busy do you get?”
The tension releases from his face and he runs his fingers through his hair, drawing my eyes to the salt and pepper strands at his temple. “Pretty busy. Not everyone has their kids with them, because some of them are at school, but some customers have young babies and/or toddlers, so it can get pretty noisy in here.”
“How do I know if they’re a single parent and not just a regular customer? Do they have some sort of token or something?”
He folds his arms across his chest and uses his thumbnail to rub back and forth across his bottom lip. I notice he does that often. I have to make a concerted effort to concentrate on his words and not get lost in thinking about what that lip would feel like against my skin. “There’s a sign on the front door that says today is single parent day. No bookings required.” He motions with his head toward the front door.
“But anyone could walk through the door and pretend they’re a hard-up single parent. How do you monitor it?” This world is full of scammers, and I would hate to think someone would take advantage of Max’s generosity.
He raises one shoulder in a careless shrug. “I work on honesty and hope my clients do the same. I’ve had no issues so far, and I’ve been doing this for a while.” If it’s worked this long, who am I to question it?
I nod. “Okay. Sure thing. I’ll check the bathroom is clean.” The cleaner came by Tuesday night, and I think he comes back on Saturday morning, so I don’t think it’ll hurt to give it a once over.
“Thanks, Molly. Can you please set up the change table in there? It’s upstairs. I’ll run up and grab it.” He makes his way up the stairs, two at a time, allowing me a superb view of his ass. To say I haven’t enjoyed my man candy this past week would be an outright lie. But he’s my boss and I can’t go there. I desperately need to keep this job and falling for my hot boss would be a disaster. But there’s no reason I can’t enjoy the view. Right?
I grab the bucket of cleaning supplies and get to work cleaning the toilet, vanity, and basin. I check there are spare rolls of toilet paper close by and that the paper towel dispenser is full. It doesn’t take long before it’s pristine and I have the change table set up in the corner, making the space tighter than it normally is.
I unlock the front door and our first client walks in with a toddler in tow. “Good morning, welcome to Stanfield Auto Repairs. How can we help you today?”
“I’ve been having trouble starting my car. I was hoping Max would have time this morning to take a look?” Max steps out of the bathroom in his overalls and the woman’s eyes light up, raking over him in a not-so-subtle sweep. Her lips widen as her eyes sparkle. “Max!”
“Oh hey, Georgia. Car troubles?” He steps closer to her, reaching out for the toddler, who giggles wildly as Max tickles him. “Hey, Ryan.”
“Yeah. I’m having trouble getting it started some mornings. I’m hoping it’s not the battery.”
He holds out his hand. “Let’s take a look.” She lowers her car keys into Max’s hand, and he closes his fingers around them, her touch lingering beyond what would be deemed respectable. I resist, barely, rolling my eyes at her overt flirting. I bet it happens a lot on Thursdays. Max holds out his hand toward me. “Georgia, this is my new office manager, Molly. She’ll take care of you while I work on your car.”
From that point on, the day is a flurry of men, women, and children coming and going. I spend the day making cups of coffee and tea, handing out pastries, and playing with babies and toddlers of all shapes and sizes. It’s crazy, but Max seems to be in his element. He’s always happy when he’s working on the cars and trucks he repairs, but today he’s got a pep in his step. Obviously, he likes that he’s helping people who need a little extra. He actually reminds me of myself when I do my volunteer work. Something I want to get back to.
After the last client leaves, I lock the door and peer around the small office. It appears as though a storm has come through the small space. One lone box of pastries is left sitting on the counter. The chairs are all over the place after a game of musical chairs this afternoon; the bin is piled high with used paper cups and napkins, and I’m exhausted. I have no clue how Max must be feeling. He hasn’t stopped since this morning, missing lunch all together. I’m working up the energy to clean up the office when Max steps into the room. His overalls are filthy, and he’s got grease on his forehead. He looks tired but pleased. Genuinely pleased.
“Today was a great day. Thanks for all of your help. I got through more cars than usual because I didn’t need to keep stopping to answer the phone and meet with the clients. That information sheet you made up this morning for each client to fill out actually helped streamline things.”
My chest puffs up with pride. I’m thrilled I could help to make his job easier. “I figured if they quickly jotted down what the issue was, it would save you having to stop working to speak with the client. I’m glad it worked.” Once I saw the time he was wasting this morning, I quickly drafted a check-in sheet and asked the clients to complete it. It just had some basic information and space for a brief explanation of the issues they were having with their vehicle. I then attached the sheet to a clipboard and hung it with the keys on the hooks.
Moving toward the bathroom, he undoes the fasteners of his overalls as he speaks with me, exposing his t-shirt. “It worked really well. I’m thinking maybe we can put it in place on our regular days too. What do you think?”
“I can do that. No problem at all. I noticed a couple of changes I’d like to make to it. If you have any suggestions, let me know and I’ll add them to the form.”
He nods. “Thanks. I’ll take a closer look at it tonight.” He closes the bathroom door behind him, and I get to work on rearranging the chairs back into position and cleaning up the small kitchen.
When he steps back out, he’s wearing his jeans and t-shirt from this morning, his hair’s wet and his forehead is now clear of grease. As he steps past me, his clean scent wafts behind him and I discreetly suck in a lungful of the delicious smell.