Holly and I spend the next couple of hours showing Noah some basic techniques, reminding him to draw what he sees, not what hethinkshe sees. “That’s the trick. Our mind wants to fill in the spaces, but we mustn’t let it, or our drawing won’t be accurate.” He nods, his face full of concentration.
When I glance at Holly’s sketch pad, I notice she’s drawing a new outfit. I tip my head toward it. “That looks beautiful. You’re incredibly talented.” She glances up at me with a smile.
“She designed and made that outfit she has on,” Noah states proudly.
“Yeah?” She flushes a pretty pink and tucks her dark hair behind her ear. “It’s gorgeous. Did you apply for Art College?”
“Yeah. I got accepted and I’m excited to start!” Her eyes sparkle with delight. “At least I’ll finally be doing something I enjoy.”
I wrap my arm around her, pulling her in close for a hug. “Congratulations. I’m honestly not surprised you got accepted. They’d be crazy to reject your application.” I lean back, releasing her.
I swallow down my nerves because I think now would be a good time to ask her to be in my bridal party. “You know how Max asked me to marry him, and we’re getting married really soon?”
Noah and Holly nod. “Yeah. I really like Max. Well, I mostly like that he works with cars because I don’t know him all that well, but he seems like a cool guy.”
I chuckle at Noah. “Heispretty cool.” Then turn my attention to Holly. “Well, Holly, I was … uh … wondering if you would be my bridesmaid?”
She squeals and leans forward, wrapping her slim arms around me. “I’d freaking love to. This is amazing. Thank you so much.” We sway awkwardly from side to side, giggling with happiness. It feels fabulous to have a sister.
“God, you girls are weird!” Noah huffs out as he steals yet another cupcake.
Holly and I giggle. “Would you mind if I designed my bridesmaid dress?” Her eyes are filled with excitement.
Oh my gosh, I hadn’t even thought of that, but what a fabulous idea. I nod, my eyes wide with joy that she wants to do something so amazing for someone she barely knows. “On one condition.”
She freezes, looking unsure. “Uhm, okay?”
“You’ll need to make a complementary dress for Kenny. She’s going to be my flower girl, and I’d love for you two to match!”
Holly squeals. “Oh my God, yes. She’s so freaking adorable. Thank you for trusting me with something so important.”
I chuckle as she draws me back in to embrace me tight. “Of course. I love your work. If it wasn’t such a short time frame, I’d ask you to design and make my wedding dress, but it would be too much. It’s less than three weeks away.” My heart stalls when I realize how soon I’ll become Mrs. Stanfield. “Will that be enough time for you to make two dresses? I don’t want to put any pressure on you.”
She waves off my concern. “I can definitely do them in three weeks. But I’ll need to measure Kenny within the next few days.”
I message Emma and we make plans to meet up with Kenny. I feel like I’m going to burst from happiness and excitement as I say goodbye to Noah and Holly. This afternoon worked out better than I could have hoped, and spending time with Noah wasn’t anywhere near as difficult as I thought it was going to be.
I blow out a breath in relief and glance up at the cloudless sky. “I miss you,” I whisper to the heavens. “But I think I’m gonna be okay.”
A gentle, warm breeze rises, blowing my bangs out of my eyes, and I blink to keep the tears at bay because it reminds me so much of when Mom used to slide them out of my eyes. I don’t want to cry today. It’s been too perfect and I don’t want to ruin it. I pack up my stuff and head home to my soon-to-be husband.Eeek!