Page 71 of Marrying Hope

This woman! I thought I convinced her last night.

“Hope, just for today let my driver accompany you and tomorrow you can use your belovedVan-nyas frequently as you like.”

Ray giggles at my statement while Hope nods begrudgingly. She is one of the biggest puzzles of the century. We have this discussion every day. She’ll insist every morning on using that death trap van and then I have to convince her to drive one of the many cars sitting in my garage.

I wish my family a great day and enter the elevator. It descends, and when the car reaches fifth floor, I realize that it’s been so long since Ivisitedmy room here. The uneasy feeling creeps and I twist the knot of my tie when my cell phone rings. It’s William.

“Daddy.” My lips curl up in a smile and my fingers on my tie flatten. “I don’t like driving to school without you.” My boy is so predictable. I am Daddy when he is upset.

“Me neither, buddy. But I’ll be home early today, and we can go to the park.”

“Really, Dad?”

“Of course.” I step out of the elevator and my driver is already waiting for me. “Have fun at school and I will see you in the evening.”

“Love you, Dad.”

“Love you, too.” I say the words I’ve until last week only said to my brothers. But now I have a ray of hope that my life will be filled with more meaningful relationships and purpose. I slide my phone back in my jacket. My anxiety is long gone after hearing my kid’s voice and I’m already looking forward to spending the evening with him.

God, sometimes this doesn’t feel real.

“Zach.”There’s a knock on my office door.

“Come in, Kristy.”

In addition to being Rose’s sister, Kristy is a senior manager at our company in Cherrywood. But she often visits the St. Peppers’ office to work with me on special projects.

“What do you think about the start-up?” I ask as she takes a seat.

“They are impressive. The concept of bringing medicine and wellness is definitely interesting.” I thought the same but let her continue. “However, I would personally like to have a closer look at their work. I have found that they occasionally organize conferences where they invite people from the industry, academics, and medical practitioners. I would like someone to participate from our side.”

“Hmm. Do you have someone in mind?”

“Not exactly but definitely someone from Zane’s team. They would be perfect for this task.”

I nod. “My thoughts exactly. Let’s see if he’s free.” I dial my younger brother. “Zane, you got a few minutes?”

“C-coming,” he replies and ends the call.

“A man of few words.” Kristy grins. “So how was Hope after being accosted by the Teagers last week?”

“She was better once back home.” I lean back in my chair, thinking about the exact moment. Nothing but calm fills my brain as I remember how Hope and I spent her first night in my room making fun of the stunt scenes in the movie and enjoying buttered popcorn.

“I bet she was.” Kristy winks at me.

I burst into laughter at hernot so politeremark. My wife was definitely better with my company, though not in the way Kristy thinks.

“Jokes apart, I would love to hang out with her, maybe give her some perspective about her new family.”

“That’s a good idea. I think she will like that. In fact, she’s coming to the office today. As the news of our marriage is now officially out, I want to introduce her to the important staff and security.”

“Great. Let me know when she is here. She and I can spend some time together.”

“What’s-s up?” Zane lightly knocks before entering my office.

“Need your medical expertise.” I move to the couch, which faces the big screen. “This start-up is getting a lot of traction.” I display the presentation and discuss our findings.

“S-sign me up for th-their next conference.”