Page 66 of Marrying Hope


Zach and his brothers, along with the aptly named older man Beast, go somewhere in the house and I’m left in the living room full of strangers who I’m sure have clearly made up their mind about me.

It didn’t help my case when I waltzed into this beautiful, whimsical house saying,Hello, I’m the woman who married your rich and handsome brother. I have no money but a small kid and a sick mother. I also have a marriage contract that says your brother has no way out of this monstrosity, but I gain everything including his money and this huge diamond ring.

Even in this uncomfortable situation I cannot help but notice how beautiful Zander’s estate really is. There are charming details like the small alcove near the glass doors where Ray is sitting with Alex and Charlie. For a second, I’m distracted by their smiling faces. They’re engrossed in the book like they have known each other for years. I wish we adults were more like kids, forgiving and accepting.

“Hi, I don’t know if you caught my name when your husband gabbled.” The redhead sitting next to me on the couch gives me an honest smile. “I am Kristy, Rose’s sister.” She is casually dressed in a shift dress but her skin, hair, makeup, and everything else about her screams sophisticated and classy.

“This is my husband, Oscar, and my daughter, Chloe.” She points to a guy sitting next to her. He has a young girl on his lap. “And that’s Lukas.” She points to the second guy, sitting across from me in one of the lounge chairs. “He is like a fourth Teager brother.”

Lukas gives me a nod and I squirm under his inquisitive gaze.

I look away and notice the older lady, Sophia, and the hostess, Rose, are busy in the open-space kitchen, their backs to me. They both left the room when the men went to the office. I don’t think they want to mingle with me unless a decision about my intentions is made. Zach told me his parents are dead, so Sophia can’t be his mom.

“That’s my mom,” Kristy says.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”

“Don’t worry. I am sure this is more awkward for you than us.” Her smile looks genuine, and I quietly release a shaky breath. At least there’s someone who doesn’t hate me.

“Look at them! They already look like brothers.” She points to our sons, sitting head to head reading the book.

Ray hasn’t been much with kids his age. I’m not the best candidate for friendship with mothers of his classmates. So, it’s good to see him with Charlie and Alex.

The men join us, and I quickly hide my trembling hands when Zander approaches me. “We are sorry, Hope…for the…awkwardness. We were surprised.”

The frown on his face goes away instantly when Rose walks to him. She’s dressed in a loose-fitting flannel shirt and jeans and her face has minimal makeup. She seems shy, but when Zander pulls her closer and locks eyes with her, it seems like they’ve moved to a different world. Watching their love, my throat closes up.

I glance up at myhusbandof a few hours, who is standing in the corner with an empty whiskey glass in hand. Jesus! It’s hard to believe we’re married and announcing it to everyone. But soon, his previous night’s words hit me like a freight train. Any feeble chance I had of love, I’ve paid it as a price for this new life.

“Welcome to th-the family, Hop-pe.” Zane gives me a small hug. My all-over-the-place emotions bring tears to my eyes at his kindness. “Everyone w-will come ar-round,” he whispers in my ear.

“It’s so good to have another girl in the family.” Kristy smiles while Rose’s face is still devoid of any expression. If I didn’t know this was her house, I would think she’s nervous like me. But that can’t be it. She’s most likely just uncomfortable with my presence here.

Beast’s heavy voice breaks my attention. “Hello, Hope. I am Ash to Sophia, Beast to these boys, and Dad to my girls. Call me whatever suits you.” He affectionately kisses my hand before his wife walks to us.

Sophia hugs me and whispers in my ear, “Be patient with this family, dear, before you make opinions about anyone.” My tight chest unclenches, realizing I’m slowly being accepted.

After the congratulations, Zander leads us to the dining area.

Jesus! This is no ordinary dinner.

The huge dining table looks like it was designed specifically for family gatherings. When I take my place next to Zach, I notice the flower vases with roses of so many different colors placed at equal distance along with red and pink candles.

“Do all your dinners look like this?” I whisper to Zach.

He looks around and shakes his head. “I think Rose and Sophia decorated it for us.” He smiles adorably with so much affection for his sister-in-law.

But after witnessing her indifference, I’m having a hard time believing she would go to such lengths for me.

I’m still lost in my own head when two servers start placing salad bowls before everyone.

Shit! Ray is not going to eat this.

I look at my son seated between his new friends, taking in his surroundings with huge eyes. We have never dined in such a fancy style.

God, please, just for once, let Ray not scrunch his face at the greens.