Page 50 of Marrying Hope


Ihear my phone ringing as I’m drying myself in the shower. I quickly wrap the thick, white towel around me before running out of the bathroom.

By some miracle, I don’t skid, despite my slippery feet.

“Please don’t stop,” I murmur, thinking it’s most likely from the hospital. But my racing heart gets confused when I see an unknown number flashing on the screen.

The call rings once more in my hand before I pick it up.


“Good morning, Ms. Davis. My name is Teresa Fox. I am a child protective services caseworker.”

The ground beneath my feet almost slips. My legs shake and I grab the dresser for support as dizziness hits me. “CPS? W-why are you calling me?”

“Someone reported to us that Ray is…being physically abused,” she whispers, and I feel as if all the air is sucked out of my lungs. My ice-cold hands can barely hold the phone. “We know it isn’t true. We talked to your son in his school, and I’m fully convinced that he’s one of the most loved kids.”

“You talked to Ray?” My chest hurts and I slump down to the floor. My bare legs hit the cold floor as I imagine my baby being alone in a room with a stranger.

Miss Teresa hums a yes.

I can still hear the sound of my heartbeat in my ears when the call ends and the wordsphysical abusekeep repeating in a loop. My fearful mom brain wonders if there’s any truth in this. Ray is spending so much time away from me these days. As my mind runs wild, and a headache starts to find its way to me, there is a soft knock on the door.

“Hope, are you okay? I placed your breakfast on the counter. I’m just checking that all’s well as you didn’t come out.” William’s voice filled with care and concern erases any doubts about my son’s well-being in this house.

“Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute,” I reply, feeling a bit better. But then who called CPS? I get up and am about to place my phone back on the dresser when it vibrates.

My mouth twists at the sight of another text from Hank. My phone these days is filled with his texts inquiring about William, threatening me to do the deliveries myself.

Weasel:Do you know CPS takes their job very seriously? If your affair with that old son of a bitch is putting your beloved son in danger, CPS will take him away from you.

My mouth dries and my hand holding the phone quivers as my heart palpitates. I can’t believe that psycho man would do such a thing.

My muscles quiver in a mix of anger and fear. I don’t even know what CPS asked Ray. How’s my baby boy dealing with everything? And what if Hank was successful in putting doubt in their mind?

As numerous questions race in my mind with no answer in sight, I dress in no time. I can’t seem to figure out whom to talk to, except for one name, which has become my answer to every problem these days. Zach.

I rush into the living room and find William arranging flowers in a vase. He must have seen the fear on my face, as he swiftly walks to me. “Hope, what’s the matter?” He leads me to the couch and asks, “Is your mom all right?”

“It’s Ray. Child protective services visited him at school.” Tears race down my cheeks as my heart constricts so tight that I have trouble breathing. “Someone reported that he…isn’t safe here.”

I never thought I’d see William’s face devoid of the calm expression, but the way his lips pull back and the vein in his forehead pops takes me by surprise. Soon he schools his features and nods toward my phone. “I think you should tell Mr. Teager.”

I nod but when William stays by my side, I can’t hold back the words trapped inside my chest anymore. “The caseworker said she’s convinced that Ray is happy, but do you think they can come back?” I hide my face in my hands, hoping to hold back the sobs. “I can’t lose Ray. I can’t lose him.”

“You will not.” William caresses my hair. “Mr. Teager will not let that happen.”

My mind prays and begs that William’s words come true and Zach can use his princely charm and power to fix everything in my world once again.

I grab my phone from my shirt pocket and dial his number, which is now on a speed dial. “He’s not picking up.” My heartbeat accelerates as I dial again and again, but it just rings before going to voice mail.

He told his secretary to not ignore my calls, then why is no one picking up?

“It’s urgent, Zach. Please,” I mumble, trying a few more times.

“Let me call his secretary.” William places his hand over mine and pulls his phone out of his coat pocket.

“Hello, Ms. Linda. I’m good. Thank you,” he speaks in a measured tone as always. “I was wondering if I can talk to Mr. Teager. It’s kind of urgent and he is not picking up his cell phone.” There’s a moment of silence and I hold my breath hoping to talk to Zach soon. “Ah, I see. No problem. I’ll find a way to contact him. You have a nice day too.”