Page 102 of Marrying Hope

A week!

“I will miss you.” The words slip out of my mouth before I can even think.

Can I be anymore stupid?

Holly just told me in casual relationships you cannot be clingy, and Zach and I have the most casual relationship possible in the world.

I’m about to mutter a sorry when he smiles. “Me too. I will miss you both.”

“Hope, will you let your husband go. We need you here,” Holly bellows, pulling my attention from Zach.

We walk up to the counter. I’m about to tell him safe travels, when he grabs my hand and turns me around in his arms. It’s like a scene from a cheesy romance movie as he places his lips over mine.

I forget where we are until Holly hoots.

“Take care of yourself, Hopper. I will see you soon.”

My heart pounds as I watch my husband leave.

Every step he takes away from me makes my heart twitch a little. How stupid was I to think I could protect my heart in this marriage when I myself laid the ground to be hurt by the hands of my husband, whom I have fallen madly in love with.

Dinner without Zachis not the same.

Ray is poking the food on his plate with his fork and even Mr. Stanley is quiet.

“Eat your veggies, munchkin,” I repeat for the tenth time.

“I don’t want to eat veggies.” He shakes his head. What has gotten into him tonight? He is never this cranky.

“Maybe we can all have some ice cream after dinner,” Will says from behind the kitchen counter. “Mr. Teager specifically asked me to buy this.” He places a giant tub of choco-fudge on the table.

“He did?” Ray’s eyebrows shoot up, and for the first time this evening, there is a huge smile on his face.

William nods and I’m thankful to him for distracting Ray, because tonight I am struggling with my own feelings.

When I’m trying unsuccessfully to put Ray to bed, William knocks on the door. “Mr. Teager asked me to give this to you, Master Ray.” He places a gift-wrapped rectangular box on the bed and leaves after wishing us a good night.

Ray jumps from under the covers and opens the box in a rush before showing me the photo frame. I look down at the picture,our picture,from Rose’s birthday party. Ray had stumbled on the ground while playing, Zach and I both were kneeling beside him to check if he was hurt. Zane had clicked this picture, asking us to look up at the last moment.

I had forgotten all about it.

On the bottom of the wooden frame is inscribed in black flowing letters “Love you both, Dad.”

My hands tighten around the frame. The wood digging into my palms. I cannot think anything beyond those words.

Love you.

Love you.

My brain continues to read the words written innocently for Ray to mean something more for me.


I’m startled by Ray’s excited voice. He is video calling Zach!

Ray jumps on my lap, facing the camera at both of us. He tells Zach all about his day, but I can’t focus on a single word he is saying. My eyes are all for Zach and how he’s hanging on to Ray’s every word. Occasionally, his gaze drifts to me, but otherwise my son has his full attention.

As I watch him, I wonder how I cannot fall in love with him?