Page 51 of Marrying Hope

When he ends the call, I grab William’s hands. “What did she say?”

“He’s out of St. Peppers. One of his managers was supposed to attend a meeting out of town, but at the last moment he got sick, and Mr. Teager decided to go instead. He’ll be back in the afternoon.”

“Afternoon! But what if the CPS decides to show up here?” I shake my head, not liking this feeling of helplessness.

William’s hand presses gently on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Hope. I’ll call his driver. We’ll get in touch with Mr. Teager.”

Several minutes fly by, seemingly at the speed of light. William tries to contact Zach through several people but to no success. “Maybe they’re in an area where there is no service. Why don’t you leave Mr. Teager a voice mail?”

My stomach roils as I walk back into my room with my phone tight between my trembling hands. I dial Zach and again the phone rings until I hear his voice asking me to leave a message.

“Zach, it’s me, Hope. We’re trying to reach you. Where are you?” My throat thickens and my grip around my mobile tightens. “CPS showed up at Ray’s school today. I’m scared, Zach. I don’t know if they’re satisfied or if I’m on their radar now.” It’s hard to speak through the hiccups. My brain going to the dark thoughts that have crept in since Mom’s stay in the hospital. “If someday something happens to me, what’ll happen to Ray? I can’t even imagine my baby boy ending up in foster care.” My heart twists saying the words that I’ve managed to suppress all this time. Today I don’t have the courage to push away images floating in my brain of myself after Dad’s death, of Ray facing some similar challenge.

I end the voice mail before falling down, hiding my sobbing face in the pillow.

An hour later, I have a response from Zach.

Your Highness:I won’t let anything happen to you and Ray. We’ll talk once I’m back in St. Peppers.

“What didthe lady ask you, munchkin?” My gaze drifts toward Zach, who has been uncharacteristically quiet since he arrived an hour ago, before it settles back on Ray.

“She asked if I was happy and if I get food.” Ray scoops some ice cream from the glass bowl in front of him before looking up at me. “She also asked if our house was cold and if I shower with hot water.” The confused expression on his face stays when he turns toward Zach. “She asked why we are living with you, Your Highness, and also about Grandpa William.”

My muscles quiver in anger and nervousness, and I notice how Zach’s jaw clenches as he brushes back the hair on Ray’s forehead. I have seen so many sides to Zach’s personality so far. The impulsive Zach, who stormed into our lives and became a family member. The caring Zach, who not only pays for my mom’s care but also stays with her at the hospital. But this enraged expression where his forehead creases and nostrils flare has never touched his handsome face.

His face immediately softens when my son looks up at him. “I told her that Gigi had an accident and because you are a prince who loves me, you brought me and Mom to your home.” Ray pauses for a second before whispering, “You love me, right, and you will always protect me?”

My pulse shoots up and my heart clenches so tight that, for a second, I can’t breathe.

What have I done?

With each passing day in this house, I worry how Ray and I will survive back in our home, especially if Mom stays in the hospital. Somehow, until this moment, I have managed to silence the voice that continuously reminds me we are getting too attached to Zach’s charms, but now Ray’s words are in my face, showing me what a fool I’ve been.

Zach clears his throat before he looks at me and then he smiles at my son. “I do. I’m going to be in your life as long as your ma allows. You, my buddy, are as important as my brothers. I would protect you always,” Zach states as a matter of fact and grabs my cold hands resting on the table.

The butterflies go crazy inside me at his unexpected gesture and my throat dries. He presses on my hands before taking the empty ice cream bowl from Ray.

“Now it’s time for bed, buddy.” As soon as the words are out of Zach’s mouth, William appears in the kitchen.

“Shall I put you to bed tonight, Master Ray?”

Ray slides down the barstool and waves a good night to Zach and me before walking to William. “Will you tell me the story of that ninja again?”

Ray’s chatter fades as they march out of the kitchen.

“The CPS lady called you?” Zach’s words pull my attention back to him. His face is once again serious as a heart attack.

I nod. “She informed me that she talked to Ray and they were convinced that he’s safe…for now.”

“And you don’t have any idea who called them?” His twisted jaw and hands resting on the table in tight fists force me to shake my head. I don’t want Zach to get into any more trouble for us.

My voice trembles as I whisper, “I can’t lose Ray.” Fresh tears find escape from my eyes.

“Shh, you’ll lose no one. I told you once if there is one quality in me, it’s honesty. What I said to Ray is true. I’m not a nice man, Hope, but I am honest.”

My heart pounds so fast it’s ready to burst out of my chest. He runs the back of his hand along my cheeks, trying to wipe the tears. “I can’t believe that. You are one of the most wonderful people I know. But—”

“I have a proposition. Come with me.”