Page 28 of Marrying Hope

“Now you’re downright destroying my reputation. What’s wrong?” He comes around me and hesitantly puts his arms on my shoulders. That reluctant, warm contact feels so foreign, and for a second, I wonder how it would be to always have someone’s support.

I shake my head, pushing away the wayward thoughts. “I haven’t bought anything fun in so long and I’m just tired,” I reply meekly.

“Mr. Teager, if you don’t mind, I have a solution.”

I take a deep breath and Zach’s expensive cologne still lingers even when I take a step back from him.

“I have a cooler in my car. I can load everything that needs to be delivered.” William motions toward the counter. “When it’s time, I’ll take the cupcakes to the bakery and later deliver the cake. This way, Ms. Davis doesn’t have to wait and you both can get some sleep.”

“You have a cooler in the trunk of your car?” I gape at William as my heart rate picks up.

He smiles before nodding in confirmation. “Mr. Teager asked me to bring all my baking tools.”

“But what will you do for half an hour?” Zach asks William, looking down at his watch.

“I started fixing Ms. Davis’s van while I was outside. By the way, it’s not a good idea to leave keys in your car.” William pulls the keys of my van from his suit pocket and smiles. “I just need twenty more minutes.”

“It’s settled, then.” Zach nods at William as I stand dumbstruck by everything going on before me.

I feel like this is all a dream or I’m in one of Ray’s stories where elves come out at night to help the princess. The only difference is my elves are handsome men in suits and I am no princess.

I covertly pinch the back of my hand, still having a hard time believing everything as Zach and William load the orders in the cooler.

Once they’re done, I can’t help but pull William into a tight bear hug.

“Thank you. Thank you so much, Will. You’re like my personal genie tonight. If there’s anything I can ever help you with, please let me know.” My throat chokes with emotion.

William squeezes my shoulders lightly. “I had a wonderful time working with you, Ms. Davis. You’re very talented.”

“What? William gets a hug. What about me? Don’t you remember, I gave you a lift to the store andIinvited Will,” Zach says, feigning hurt, and I can’t help but smile.

I give him a hug for a little too long.

Though I don’t approve of his cockiness, he does have a unique caring side.

Finally closing the main door, I return to my bedroom and jump under the covers. As much as I try to force my brain to be quiet, it drifts back to Zach. His insane ways of caring. I can’t believe I met this man just a few hours ago.

I getup to the sound of the most beautiful laughter in the world.

“Hey, munchkin. What are you doing?” I ask Ray, who is draped on top of my blanket like a starfish.

“Prince is so funny.” He giggles, tapping something on my phone.

“You’re texting, Zach?” I get up so fast that Ray gets rolled to the foot of my bed, which only gets more laugh out of him.

“How did you get his number?” I try to ask my son who is tapping on my cell phone screen.

How the hell is Ray typing?He is so bad with spelling.

“Come here, monkey.” I pull him on my lap and blow some raspberries on his stomach.

“Ma. Noooo. It tickles,” he cries in laughter.

“Tell me, what are you doing with my phone?”

“I’m talking to Prince. See.” He thrusts the phone in my face.

Holy crap! They are talking in emojis.

The last message from Ray is a poop sign. I can’t hold my laughter at the sight of him scampering out of bed toward the bathroom.

I scroll up in my screen and try to follow their conversation.

It’s as crazy as Zach with signs of breakfast, a schoolbag, a football, and so many more.

My heart skips a beat when I see Zach’s profile picture.

It’s a photo of him with Ray, most likely taken by one of his brothers.

My breath picks up at the sight of my son smiling with his new friend totally unaware of the world.