“Kara is angry about missing out on the money.” Jo checked her ammunition and looked at Jenna. “She only had a couple of days to wait, so the news that Rio had added an extra three years must have ticked her off. In that state, and armed, she shouldn’t be taken too lightly. She’s been living off the grid, hunting for survival. She’ll be one tough cookie.”

“We’ll head out and get into position.” Jenna headed toward the door. “Kane, go and update Rowley. I’ll get Duke in the truck.”

Kane headed to the locker room as Rowley was heading out. He’d changed his shirt and carried his duty belt over one arm. He looked just like many of the guys in town. “Okay, go up to the door casual-like, ring the bell, and stand way back. If one of the girls answers the door, just say you’re there to speak to Rio. You’ll have to play it by ear from then on, but press the ring before you go to the door. It takes a few seconds to connect and anything can happen in a few seconds.”

“Gotcha.” Rowley smiled at him. “I’ll lock my weapon in my desk and I’ll head out. Is it okay with Maggie about using her sedan?”

Kane shrugged. “I’ll go ask her, but I figure after all the years you’ve known her, she’ll trust you with her vehicle.” He walked to the front counter and smiled at Maggie. “Mind if Rowley takes your car just down the road to Rio’s place? We’re checking that he’s okay and don’t want to tip off anyone if there’s a problem.”

“You sure can.” Maggie pulled the keys from her purse

and handed them over. “Just make sure you check in and keep me updated on your status.”

Kane took the keys and tossed them to Rowley. “Yes, ma’am.”

Jo and Carter had sped off into the distance by the time Kane reached the Beast. He climbed in behind the wheel and headed toward Olive, the road running behind Rio’s house on Main. It took no time at all before they met up with Jo and Carter. Both were wearing their FBI jackets. He turned to Jenna. “How do you want to do this?”

“I figure me and Jo take the alleyway four doors down and go round the front. You hightail it through the backyard behind Rio’s house.” Jenna indicated to the curious old man peering at them in his front garden. “Maybe speak to him first?” She headed off toward the alleyway with Jo at her side.

Kane explained the situation to the old man and was waved in without any problems. They dashed through vegetable patches and came to a sturdy wooden fence. He gave Carter a nod and they both gripped the top and hauled themselves up just enough to peer over the top. Everything in Rio’s house appeared normal. The back door was shut and no one was looking out of the windows. “Let’s go.”

Kane followed Carter over the fence and they dropped to the ground in silence. Indicating to Carter to go left, he went right and, keeping low, peeked into the lower windows. He had a good view of the kitchen. Dirty plates sat on the table and evidence of both supper and breakfast littered the counters. This concerned him as Mrs. Jacobs was a fastidious housekeeper. There was no way she’d leave as much as a dirty spoon on the table. He turned as Carter came to his side. “There are dirty dishes everywhere. Something’s up.”

“The blinds are drawn on all the windows. I couldn’t see anything.” Carter frowned. “No sound from inside. Have you checked the back door?”

Kane pulled out his vibrating phone. “No. It looks like Rowley is heading for the front door now.”

“Good time to try that door.” Carter moved toward the door. He paused with one hand poised over the handle. “Ready?”

Holding up one finger, Kane listened to Rowley calling out Rio’s name.

“No one is answering the door. It’s all quiet. I’ll keep trying.”

“The door is locked.” Carter turned back to him. “I can try and pick the lock.”

“No time. Stand back.” Kane lifted his size-fourteen boot and slammed it into the door just beside the lock. The door splintered and crashed open, hitting the wall and bouncing back. He pressed his com. “We’re in.”

Pulling his weapon, Kane moved inside. He went right and Carter left. They eased along the wall and checked each room. They found Piper tied to a chair in the family room and Rio in the office opposite, face down in a pool of blood.


“Call the paramedics.” Kane’s voice came through Jenna’s earpiece. “Rio has a headwound but he’s breathing. Piper is here but that’s all. Carter is heading for the front door to let Rowley in.”

Jenna made the call as she ran toward the house with Jo at her side. She pushed past Carter and checked on Rio. He was in bad shape, bleeding heavily from a deep gash on the back of his head. She looked up as Jo fell to her knees beside him. “Stay with him. Rowley, grab some towels and try and stop the bleeding.” She looked at Carter. “Where’s Kane?”

“Across the hall in the family room untying Piper. She might know what’s happened.” Carter crouched beside Rio. “Go! I have field medical training and we’ll stay with him until the paramedics arrive.”

Jenna found Kane cutting Piper from a chair and trying to calm her without any luck. The girl was hysterical and tears streamed down her face. Jenna took her hands and looked her in the eyes as Kane tried to remove the gaffer tape from her hair. “Take some deep breaths. You’re safe now.” She waved a hand to the open door. “See, Carter and Jo are caring for Zac. He’s alive but has had a nasty bump on the head. The paramedics are on their way.” She glanced at Kane and then back at Piper. “Come on now, deep breaths, that’s right. What happened. Who did this?”

“K-Kara Judd and her sister Amber.” Piper shuddered. “Cade went to their cabin with them at Bear Peak after school and didn’t come home. They showed up last night and tied up me and Mrs. Jacobs. They waited for Zac to come home and then hit him with the frying pan and took his gun. They wanted Zac to change the inheritance back so they could get Cade’s money. Zac said he’d do it but couldn’t call the lawyer until this morning. We sat up all night, but Zac insisted we eat and have bathroom breaks. After breakfast, when he made the call to the lawyer, Kara suddenly went crazy. She said she didn’t trust him and pressed the gun to his head and made Zac go into the office. Amber searched for money and found none. She kept telling Kara to stop being stupid, but that only made her madder. Kara ordered Amber to dig the knife into Mrs. Jacobs back and take her out to the truck. Then Kara said if Zac didn’t come up with ten grand by two this afternoon, they’d throw Mrs. Jacobs and Cade over the ravine.” She let out a wail. “Then she told Zac to turn around and she hit him real hard. I could see them from here. He fell on the floor and didn’t move. I thought he was dead.”

“Has Kara got a phone with her?” Kane tugged off the last strip of tape and looked at Piper. “If so, do you have her number?”

“Yeah.” Piper pointed to the mantel over the fire. “Our phones are up there. Mine is the pink one. Her number is in my contacts. It’s not locked.”

“Thanks.” Kane made a call. “Hi, Bobby. Can you find this phone and feed the coordinates into the GPS on my phone. Yeah, it’s owned by Kara Judd. She’s kidnapped Rio’s housekeeper.” He waited for a few minutes and looked at Jenna. “Got it.”

Jenna looked at Piper. “Jo and Carter will wait with you until the paramedics arrive. We’ll go and find Cade and Mrs. Jacobs.”