Jenna stared at him in disbelief. “Why didn’t you inform us about your contact with the suspects?”

“Because I haven’t been here and at the time they weren’t listed as suspects.” Rio sipped his coffee.

“Jenna.” Carter raised both eyebrows. “He’s likely in shock. I figure we get him something to eat and drive him home. He needs to get his head straight.”

“I’m sitting here.” Rio’s dark eyes flashed. “My brain is working just fine. I’m just exhausted is all and have a drug hangover. You need me, in this investigation. We know Duffy and Hahn both had access to the inside of the victims’ houses. They’d have had the layout, could’ve left a window unlatched, or could’ve made an excuse to drop by. The women would have opened the door to them at night. I’m wondering now if I’d asked Duffy to replace the furnace, would I have made my housekeeper, Mrs. Jacobs, a target.” He swung his gaze to Carter. “Her part of the house is separate from where I live. She has her own front door but access to our part via an internal door. Although, we use the same furnace. If he’d dropped by when we were out, Mrs. Jacobs would have taken him through the connecting door. I don’t lock it. She’d have been a sitting duck.”

Considering Rio’s thoughts, Jenna nodded. “Hmm, something to consider, but would a killer be so confident to murder a woman in a deputy’s home? Most people know it’s owned by the department. We’ve had deputies living there for years.”

“It wouldn’t be a first in that house, would it?” Carter raised one eyebrow.

The phone rang an

d Jenna lifted the receiver. It was Maggie from the front counter. “Yes, Maggie.”

“Mr. Duffy called to say he’ll be here by one. He’s finishing up a job. Ah… you might want to come down here. Kane’s back and it looks like we have a new deputy.” Maggie disconnected.

Standing, Jenna glanced at Carter and Rio. “Do you want to join Jo? She’s in the conference room going over some old cases for comparison. I’ll meet you there. Kane’s back with takeout and it seems we have a new deputy.” She hurried down the stairs and through to the reception area and stopped dead. Cedar Canyon, yeah, now I remember.

Poppy was climbing out of Kane’s truck, long blonde hair flowing over her shoulders, laughing and smiling like she’d just won a beauty pageant. Jenna pushed through the glass doors and walked to the Beast. “Need a hand with the food? We’ve moved to the conference room.”

“Thanks.” Kane’s gaze moved over her face. “You didn’t mention Poppy was joining us?”

Jenna shook her head. “I had no idea. I’ve never received her application.”

“Hi, Jenna, nice to see you again. Mayor Petersham hired me.” Poppy indicated toward Kane. “I just got into town and met Dave at the diner. He gave me a ride. I’m staying at the Cattleman’s Hotel. Mayor Petersham said maybe I can stay with you for a few days until my rental is ready. I’ll need a cruiser as well.”

Jenna shot a look at Kane but got a blank stare in return and then moved her attention back to Poppy. “I’m sorry, I have two FBI Agents staying with me and we don’t have any spare cruisers, ah, Deputy… Sorry, I don’t recall your last name.”

“Anderson.” She smiled at Kane. “I’m sure Dave will give me a ride back to the hotel later. I’d like to start now, so I can get to know everyone. I haven’t even bothered to unpack.” She smiled at him. “You promised to take me to dinner. How about tonight? You can tell me all about the current caseload.”

“I… ah… sorry, I’m too busy.” Kane’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. “I’m in the middle of a case right now.”

“Oh, come on.” Poppy pouted. “You’re not going to dump me here alone, are you? Have you any idea how difficult it was to persuade the mayor to allow me to come work with you?”

Wanting to throttle Mayor Petersham, Jenna took a deep breath. She didn’t have the time to deal with a new deputy. “I’m sorry. I’ll need Kane with me. Perhaps, our receptionist, Maggie, might be able to assist you with a ride.” She took the carton Kane handed her. “Maggie will arrange a uniform for you and a badge, but you’ll need to put up your hair. Long hair obscuring your view is a liability on the job. Maggie will give you a copy of our dress code. All deputies are required to adhere to the dress code, except for the deputy sheriff.”

“Oh, Jenna, don’t tell me you’re going to be a stickler for every little rule?” Poppy’s over-white smile almost blinded her.

Jenna heard Kane’s low whistle and watched him shoulder his way through the glass doors, carrying a carton filled with takeout. He was heading for the hills. She turned her attention back to Poppy. “I play it straight down the line, Deputy, and my deputies refer to me as Sheriff Alton.” She hoisted the box on one hip and climbed the steps to the office.

She dropped the carton on the front counter and met Maggie’s surprised expression. “This is Deputy Anderson. Can you find her a uniform shirt and a rubber band for her hair? Oh, and a copy of the dress code? She’ll be working desk duty. I’m sure you’ll find her something to do. I’ll be in the conference room. Call me when Mr. Duffy arrives.” She glanced back at the door. “And send Rowley right along when he gets back.”

“Sure thing, Sheriff.” She smiled knowingly at Jenna and then turned her attention to Poppy. “I’m Magnolia Brewster but you can call me Maggie.” She opened the flap to allow Poppy behind the counter.

Pushing the new deputy from her mind, Jenna went into the conference room and placed the carton on the table. She noticed Carter grinning like a baboon. She rounded on him. “What?”

“Oh, don’t let him rile you.” Jo stood and laid a hand on her arm. “We had our fill of Poppy Anderson at the conference. Dave knows what she’s like. What on earth possessed you to allow her to join the team?”

Jenna shot a glance at Kane, who was munching into a roll. “I had no say in the matter. She got into Mayor Petersham’s ear.”

“I should never have taken her to lunch all those years ago.” Kane shook his head. “Now she figures we’re best buddies.”

“Oh, this is going to be classic.” Carter’s grin spread from ear to ear as he turned to Kane. “Haven’t you told Jenna what a pain in the butt that woman is? We spent the entire conference in the men’s bathroom trying to avoid her.”

“I tried to.” Kane gave Jenna an apologetic shrug. “We ran into her in Helena and she mentioned wanting to come here.” He sipped a soda. “And no, I didn’t encourage her.” He tilted his head and his gaze flicked over her. “You don’t have to keep her. You could give her a week’s trial, and if you’re not happy, send her back.”

“That sounds like an option.” Jo smiled. “From my impression of her at the conference, she doesn’t have the stability you need in your team.”