“Sure.” Kane ordered and leaned back in his chair staring out the window.

“Dave, is that you?” A statuesque blonde woman in her early twenties stopped at the table and flashed a perfect white smile. “What brings you into town?”

“Ah…” Kane stood and smiled at her. “Poppy, nice to see you again.”

Poppy? Jenna looked from one to the other. Kane had never mentioned anyone called Poppy. It wasn’t a name she’d forget.

“Well, aren’t you going to ask me to join you?” Poppy’s smile hadn’t faltered. “Or introduce me to your friend?”

“Ah…” Kane looked at Jenna. “I guess. Poppy this is my boss, Sheriff Jenna Alton.”

His what? Jenna gaped as he pulled out the chair beside him for Poppy to join them. She waited for the server to pour coffee and stared at Kane and raised an eyebrow in question as Poppy ordered a meal.

“I feel like I know you, Sheriff.” Poppy squeezed Kane’s arm. “Dave’s told me so much about Black Rock Falls. It sounds like an interesting place to work.”

Taking her time to sip her coffee, Jenna shrugged. “I guess that depends on your definition of interesting. Personally, I find discovering dismembered corpses and chasing down serial killers frightening. I’m never sure when I step out of my door if I’ll get to return home again.”

“You’ve never left a case unsolved, have you?” Poppy leaned forward. “I guess having Dave to profile for you has helped. I’m so interested in serial killers and how you managed stop them. It’s a compulsion—no an addiction to kill. Is that why you send them to jail rather than gun them down… to make them suffer?”

“I don’t think that’s an appropriate question.” Kane’s brow furrowed. “Every case is different. It’s not something we can generalize.”

Hackles rising, Jenna wondered if this woman worked for the media. “I don’t shoot people unless they’re trying to kill me, but do I send serial killers to jail to make them suffer? You bet your ass I do.” She caught the flash of amusement in Kane’s eyes but kept her attention fixed on Poppy. “Why the interest? What line of work are you in?”

“Me? Oh, I’m a deputy out of Cedar Canyon.” Poppy smiled at Dave. “I first met Dave at the behavioral analyst convention a few years back. I went, like he did, to learn more about the workings of the criminal mind. Then I ran into him again at the last one before Halloween. It’s a small world, isn’t it?” She did the squeezing thing again and laughed. “We had a great time.”

Jenna leaned back as the server slid plates of food onto the table. She lifted her gaze to Kane and then moved it to Poppy. “That must have been an enjoyable weekend. I was a little preoccupied when Dave came home to discuss his trip, so I guess meeting you again slipped his mind.”

“That was the week a serial killer escaped from jail.” Kane’s head bent over his chili. “I was kinda busy.”

“Well then, never mind.” Poppy chuckled and picked at her salad. “I had planned to make contact with you, Sheriff, later in the year.” She turned her attention to Jenna. “Dave mentioned you planned to take on more deputies this year. I’d value the opportunity of working with you and Dave.”

Meeting her gaze, Jenna kept her expression bland. “We always look forward to experienced candidates for any position.” She lifted her fork. “When we do, we’ll advertise as usual. It depends on what I’m looking for at the time.” She lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “I already have three qualified deputies on my main team. I was considering a second team to handle the day-to-day running of the office when we’re busy. So, it might only be a few days a week to start.”

“Hmm.” Poppy shrugged. “Maybe we can work something out? A temporary position perhaps? I could take leave and come to Black Rock Falls for on-the-job training in criminal behavior. I’d sure learn more about it there than in my little town.”

Noticing Kane’s blank stare, Jenna pulled a notepad and pen from her purse. “What’s your last name?”

“Anderson, Poppy Anderson out of Cedar Canyon. Sheriff Tom Griffin will give you a reference if needs be. He’s a friend of Mayor Petersham.”

Folding the notebook and pushing it back into her purse, Jenna smiled at her. “There you go. Now I’ll be sure to look out for your application.”

“Thanks. What brings you to Helena?” Poppy became more animated. She poked Kane in the arm. “Why didn’t you give me a call to let me know you were coming?”

“I didn’t know myself until yesterday.” Kane shrugged. “Most times, we don’t get enough downtime to leave town.”

Feeling like a third wheel, Jenna ate slowly, uninclined to chat, but Poppy’s attention had moved to her. “We’re here to do some shopping. When we get a break, we like to get away from town for a spell and spend time in the city.”

“Are you staying at the same hotel as before, Dave?” Poppy pushed away her plate. “Maybe we can get together later for dinner?”

“Ah… no, we’re heading back this afternoon.” Kane went back to eating. “We came in the medical examiner’s chopper. Maybe some other time?”

“I’ll hold you to it.” Poppy stood and opened her purse searching for bills.

“My treat.” Kane gave her a smile. “It was nice seeing you again.”

“Until next time then?” Poppy bent and kissed him on the cheek and giving him a flash of white teeth hurried out the door in a cloud of perfume.

Staring after her, Jenna waved to the server and ordered more coffee. She turned to see Kane eyeing her over the rim of his cup. She looked back at the server. “Apple pie, hot with ice cream.”