Jenna blinked. She’d assumed the teenager was Cade’s girlfriend but said nothing as Cade climbed into his truck and pulled it over to allow Kara to drive past. She turned to Kane. “I didn’t see that coming.”

“Hormones.” Kane shrugged. “Add that to a woman who can tie a young guy around her little finger and that’s what happens.” He sighed. “I’ve seen kids of Cade’s age throw their lives away for raging hormones. He can’t see straight right now and he figures he’s in love, but I’m not sure how he’ll handle sharing her with the rodeo cowboys when they hit town. She is what they fondly refer to as a buckle bunny, and no doubt she’ll have her sister following right along behind her soon enough.” He raised an eyebrow. “She’s a hooker, Jenna.”

Shocked Jenna gaped at him. “Her, really? I thought they all left with the rodeo. Do you recognize her?”

“Oh, yeah. Kara Judd has been working the rodeo circuit for a time.” Kane watched the women drive away. “Rowley pointed her out to me over two years ago. He asked me plain if we could book her for prostitution, but as she’s as smart as a whip, there’s not a chance of her approaching a deputy. I’ve seen guys push bills down the front of her shirt, but there’s no law against that or what they do in the privacy of their own trailers.”

“Yeah, I recall you mentioning it at the time. So that’s what she meant about working at the rodeos.” Jenna narrowed her gaze at him. “You never thought to mention this to me before now?”

“Jenna, these things go on at all festivals and rodeos.” He shrugged. “This goes way back hundreds of years to the camp followers who followed the troops during the civil wars, and even the railway workers. Trust me, buckle bunnies go back to the first rodeo. Many follow the circuit. Not all ask for money. For some, just bedding the local champion is all the payment they need.” He laid a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t beat yourself up about it, Jenna. Most times you’re hunting down the bad guys.” He waved a hand after the dust cloud vanishing along the straightaway. “You shouldn’t worry yourself about something there’s nothing we can do about.” He scratched his chin. “Unless you can convince Carter to ride a few broncos and do well enough to get her attention. He’s the only cop I know who’d be able to pass as a rodeo cowboy.”

Jenna grimaced. “That wouldn’t be worth the risk… although he has been bored lately.” She checked her watch. “We need to move things along if we’re going to meet with him and Wolfe before they head out to view the wreck.”

“I’ll do the retrieval. I’m fitter than Wolfe. Are you coming with me?” Kane raised both eyebrows and stared at her.

Jenna shook her head. “I know my limitations and I’m not trained in body retrieval. I’ll likely get washed away in the rapids and you’ll be searching for my body next. I’d only get in the way. I’ll head up to the other side of the ravine. I’ll be able to see from there and the road is safer.” She wet her lips. “You’ll trust me with the Beast and Duke, won’t you?”

“I guess.” Kane scratched his cheek considering. He indicated toward Cade, sulking in his truck. “We’ll need to follow him home. I sent Rio to get some sleep and I don’t want any trouble.” He glanced at his watch. “We?

?ll have time.”

“I’d like to talk to him.” Jenna pushed her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. “Maybe I can get through to him.”

“I doubt it.” Kane flicked Cade a glance and then looked back at her. “He’s angry, maybe see how he responds if you tell him to hand over his keys. It would be safer if you drove down the mountain, and I’ll be in front of you all the way.”

Straightening her spine, as if readying for a fight, she nodded. “Okay. Drive slowly.”


Taking her time to gather her thoughts, Jenna strolled to Cade’s truck and held out her hand. “Move over, I’m driving.”

“Think you can handle her?” Cade gave her an amused look, but climbed into the passenger seat.

Meeting his gaze, Jenna nodded. “My cruiser could eat this for lunch.” She climbed inside the truck and started the engine.

Ahead, Kane moved off slowly and Duke looked back at her through the open window with a wide grin. She moved down the bumpy mountain road and cut him a quick glance. “I’m not telling you how to live your life, Cade, but Dave told me about—”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Cade blew out a breath. “First, it’s Mrs. Jacobs. I mean, she’s employed by us… she started on me about dating a hooker. That old biddy doesn’t have the right to interfere in my life. She’s worse than my grandma and that’s saying something.” He slammed his fist down on the edge of the seat. “Kara swore to me that she’s not seen another man since we met. Mrs. Jacobs is wrong about her and so is Dave.” He barked a laugh. “The pious Dave Kane is living a lie, Jenna. If he knows all the hookers around town, he isn’t as old school as he’s led you to believe.” He pushed a hand through his hair. “Kara told me she did it a few times to make money, but that’s in the past now. I get my inheritance when I turn eighteen in two weeks. Kara and I will be married. It’s all planned. I’ll be able to look after them. They won’t need to sell their bodies to survive.”

Rio had mentioned how smart his brother was, but right now he was acting like a jerk. “How do you plan on getting by once your inheritance runs out? You should finish school and get a decent job.”

“My share is around $30,000.” Cade grinned like a wolf. “It’s a fortune. I won’t need a job.”

Jenna drove the truck with care around potholes, going way too close to the ravine edge, and gritted her teeth. Once on another straightaway, she relaxed a little and snorted. She’d tell him like it is in the real world. “That won’t last a year. Your girlfriends will need clothes and they’re expensive. They need to visit the beauty parlor about every six weeks and then there’s food, gas, bills, taxes. Amber still attends school and you’ll have to pay for that too. Nope, you’ll be working seven days a week hauling manure or sweeping up after people to keep them unless you find a decent occupation.” She shrugged. “Then what if kids come along? How are you going to manage, Cade? Or do you want them living with your grandma? You know darn well welfare will take them from you if you can’t feed them and send them to school.”

“Hey, you’re getting way ahead of yourself, Jenna.” He pushed a hand through his hair in an agitated manner. “I’m not planning on kids.”

Going for the jugular, Jenna shrugged. “Well, if you can’t keep it in your pants, and it’s obvious that’s the only reason you’re planning on moving in with them, then you need to face facts. These things happen and with DNA paternity tests these days, you can’t just walk away from your responsibilities. That’s eighteen years of support, Cade. Are you sure you’re ready for that?” She cleared her throat. “Kara might look good now, but how will you feel when you’re twenty-one and she’s starting to show her age? The smoking and drugs take a toll on a woman’s looks. They age them by ten years or more. Will you walk out on your kids when you’re tired of her and find someone younger?”

“You’re messing with my head.” Cade scrubbed his hands down his face. “Talk about something else. Why are you on the mountain?”

Jenna watched the Beast disappear around the next bend and, keeping in the tracks followed him, it was taking all her concentration to negotiate the road. Rocks had tumbled down since they’d driven up earlier and the sound of dust and gravel hitting the roof sounded like rain. She chewed on her bottom lip. “We were coming to check on Mrs. Darvish. She reported a road rage incident yesterday.”

“The old lady in the beat-up old truck?” Cade chuckled. “I’m not surprised she upset someone, she drives at, like, five miles per hour, and if you’re behind her, it takes a long time to get anywhere.”

The hairs on Jenna’s neck bristled. “You know her?”

“Not to speak to, no.” Cade turned in his seat to look at her. “Has she said it was me?”