Swallowing the lump in his throat, Dave slid one arm around Annie and stepped from the elevator. “Yeah. One day at a time.” He disconnected.

Chapter Twenty-Three

It was close to eleven by the time Dave arrived in Virginia on Saturday morning. With Annie to keep him company even the snow hadn’t spoiled the drive through the picturesque towns. It would be a good opportunity for him to introduce Annie to his last remaining family member. Although for all he knew, Josie could have driven home last night. He’d called his sister numerous times with no luck and left messages to ask her to call him. Problem was, she hated him checking up on her, and he’d probably re

ceive the usual eyeroll and lecture she gave him about being capable of looking after herself. Even without taking a call, she should have checked her messages by now. Something didn’t feel right and if he disturbed her tranquility, it was just too bad. He never ignored his gut feeling and it had saved his life many a time. He glanced at Annie as they turned onto the long road that led to the old house. Snow had fallen overnight, turning the surrounding landscape into a picture worthy of a Christmas card. It sure was beautiful out here. “That’s the old place up ahead.”

He drove through the open gate and spotted the pile of wood covered with snow. Ahead, the garage doors stood open to the weather and snowflakes dusted his sister’s blue SUV. Relieved to see she hadn’t left already, he drove in and parked beside it. “Well, it looks like she’s here.”

“Is she tall like you?” Annie pulled on her gloves.

Dave shook his head. “Nope, she’s more like you. Small and blonde. My mom had Swedish parents. She was tall and fair but her father was my size. I figure the genes missed a female generation with Josie. My dad was much like me, dark hair, blue eyes.”

“Was he as big as you?” Annie smiled at him.

“No, about six feet.” He laughed. “I take after my grandfather in everything but hair color. I have his eyes and physique. Like him, I was this size at fourteen, so I never had a problem with bullies at school.”

“Well, you know my dad is over six feet, so maybe our sons will be like you. I hope so.” Annie squeezed his arm and giggled. “Although, if we’re making wishes, I hope the girls take after me.”

Dave cupped her cheek and kissed her. “I’ll be happy no matter who they take after.” He shook his head, so incredibly happy he choked up. “I can’t believe I found you again and you want to marry me. In my line of work, I never thought I deserved a chance of happiness… it’s like an incredible dream.”

“It’s real.” Annie hugged him. “I’m real and I’m not going anywhere. It’s no dream. It’s happening on Monday at my parents’ house at two.”

Laughing, Dave hugged her. “We haven’t even decided where to live. My place is bigger.”

“Fine by me. I’d live in a lean-to with you. Just promise me one thing?” Annie gave him a determined stare. “Not even POTUS can stand in our way. I mean, how long can it take? The world can wait for an hour. It’s about time you came first for a change.”

Dave touched her flushed cheek. “I promise and I never break my word—not ever.”

Reluctantly, he slid from behind the wheel. Each second with her was a gift. He hated leaving her and had requested two days compassionate leave so they could at least have a short honeymoon. Terabyte had worked his usual magic and pulled in a few favors, and now he didn’t have to report until the following Friday. Annie too had found a legal temp to replace her for the week, so everything was set. There could be no turning back now.

Dave took her hand and they trudged through the thick snow to the front of the house. Lights were ablaze inside and as they climbed the front steps the door hanging open stopped him in his tracks. Someone had broken the lock. Leaves and melted snow covered the polished wooden floor. His stomach tightened. “Get behind me.” He pulled his weapon and they eased inside the door. After listening to the clock ticking for some moments, Dave moved down the hallway. He raised his voice. “Josie, where are you? It’s Junior. Josie, call out. Where are you?”


The old clock ticked and then with a whirring sound it chimed the hour. The eleven gongs echoed through the silent house. Dave pulled his backup pistol from his ankle holster and handed it to Annie. He backed her into the mudroom. “Someone’s broken into the house. I’m going to clear this floor. Stay here, keep your back to the wall, and watch the stairs. If you see any movement, call out. If anyone comes at you, shoot them. Don’t hesitate.”

“Go, I’ll be fine.” Annie chambered a bullet and gave him a determined nod.

After dropping into his calm, fully alert mode, Dave cleared the ground floor. He eased into the kitchen and stared at the obvious sign of a struggle. It was cold inside, the back door wide open. Pots, pans, and knives littered the floor alongside a mobile phone in pieces, and blood spatter covered one wall, but not enough to suggest a kill. Where are you, Josie? He switched on his power pack and touched his com. “Terabyte, do you copy?”


Swallowing the dread crawling up his spine, Dave used his professional calm to evaluate the situation. “I’m at my grandparents’ house.” He explained the situation. “I’m going to clear the upper floor. Get the local boys out as backup.”

“I’m on it.”

Dave hurried back and nodded to Annie. “Stay there. I’ll check upstairs.”

“Have you found her?” Annie’s weapon remained steady, her eyes darting back and forth.

Taking the steps two at a time, he reached the landing and paused. “Not yet.”

Easing along the wall, he opened each door and checked inside. The room Josie had been using had an open suitcase on a chair. She hadn’t unpacked. He hustled back down the stairs and went to Annie. “There are signs of a fight in the kitchen and the back door is open. The cops are on the way, but I’ll need to go around the outside of the house. There’s blood in the kitchen. It looks like someone was hurt and maybe ran out the door.”

“Oh, my God!” Annie gripped his arm. “Do you think…”

Dread dropped over Dave like a shroud. His gut knotted. He’d trained his sister to defend herself and she was good. Whoever had broken in wouldn’t have expected someone to fight back. The lights burning all through the house would suggest someone broke in Thursday or maybe Friday night. If Josie was okay, she’d have returned to the house by now. He gathered his thoughts. If something bad had happened, he’d need his professional calm to deal with it because, as sure as hell, without it he’d go ballistic.