Annie giggled. “It was worth the risk to hear your voice again. I’ve been trying to find you. I have a debt to repay.”

“No, you don’t.” Dave sounded serious again. “I was just following orders is all.”

Annie let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Dave. It’s just a coffee, but unless you’re married or involved with someone and meeting up will cause a problem, the invitation is still on the table.”

“Uh-huh.” Dave sounded highly amused. “I’m not involved with anyone, but thanks for asking. Are you? I’m a little old-fashioned about meeting up with married women.”

“No, not at the moment.” Annie chuckled. “So, are we on?”

“Yeah, I’d love a coffee.” Dave sounded so relaxed.

Wanting to squeal with delight, Annie took a deep breath. “When and where?”

“I’m outside your building, buzz me up.” Dave cleared his throat. “You do have a coffee machine? I’ve never been able to drink instant coffee since returning to the States.”

Dashing across the room, Annie pressed the door release beside the intercom. “I sure do. Sixth floor, the apartment opposite the elevator.”

“Oh, I know where you live. Once you gave me your phone number, I traced you. I wasn’t planning on you vanishing twice.” Dave chuckled and the line went dead.

Annie dashed into the bathroom to brush her hair and add a little perfume. The knock came on the door seconds after. She opened the door and stared at him. No longer in his black suit, he’d dressed in a dark blue sweater that matched his eyes and black jeans. He was taller and broader than she’d remembered and not so tanned. His hair looked darker, no longer in a buzz cut, but fashionable, and he looked relaxed and at peace. She must have been ogling him for some time because he gave her a slow smile. Heat rushed to her cheeks and she stepped to one side. “Hi, Dave. Come in. It’s so good to see you. What took you so long to find me? It’s been two long years, you know?”

“Hi, Annie. If I’d had your number, I’d have contacted you the moment I came home, but I wouldn’t have been able to see you before now anyway. POTUS hasn’t given me five minutes to myself since returning to the States.” He stepped inside and looked at her, his eyes dancing with amusement. “You sure look good, Annie. I couldn’t believe it was you in the crowd. I’m back in DC for good now.” His gaze scanned her face. “After two years, I thought you’d have forgotten me. I’m sure glad you didn’t.”

Annie laughed. “You’re not someone I could forget in a hurry, Dave. I asked around to see if you were okay when we got back, but Terabyte shut me down.”

“Yeah, he does that.” His gaze drifted over her. “You’re even lovelier than I remember.”

The electricity between them sizzled and, without thinking, Annie reached up, cupped his cheek, and looked into his eyes. He smelled so good it made her glow all over. When his arms came around her it was as if she’d known him all her life. This was where she belonged and coffee was the last thing on her mind.

Chapter Twenty

Six months later

Winter had come as usual with freezing temperatures and snow, but the entire world could freeze over and it couldn’t cool Dave’s love of Annie. She was the dream he’d never dared to imagine, the life he’d never thought possible. He wanted to marry Annie and had already purchased a set of rings, but he understood the risk involved. Before he asked her, he wanted to speak to her father to make sure he wouldn’t be called back to active duty. His work had become more involved of late, his time taken up with solving many types of crime. He often traveled to investigate, but POTUS still had his finger in the pie of his life. After so long without retribution from Syrian militants, it had become a little stifling. He couldn’t expect Annie to live her life never knowing if he’d come home. Life as a sniper or government assassin, whatever the fancy label, meant being expendable, and given the bounty on his head, his best-by date was closing in fast.

On arrival at General Parkes’ office, he waited for some time in the outer office. The room had a strange odor of cigars and stale aftershave. Once inside, he found the general to be formal to the max. Parkes ignored him for some minutes and when he finally raised his small eyes from his computer screen, he didn’t ask him to sit. Although inactive, Dave held the rank of colonel, and the general’s attitude surprised him. But he remained at ease before his desk. As Dave had never been discharged from service, with a flick of a pen, POTUS could order the general to send him back to the desert with his rifle.

“What can I do for you, Agent?” Parkes’ eyebrows drew together in the middle. “I’m not the person you should be speaking to if you have a problem. I’m no longer in your chain of command.”

Dave cleared his throat. “You’ll be aware I’m seeing Annie?”

“Yes, she never stops talking about you. You must have made a good impression on her in Syria.” Parkes gave him a long stare. “She calls you Dave. I imagine you’re not revealing your true identity to her by order of POTUS?”

The tightening in his gut came as a warning that Parkes wasn’t impressed by him. He nodded. “It’s better that no one knows my true identity, for the safety of everyone I work with, sir.” He met the general’s

hard gaze. “This is why I came to speak with you. I love Annie and want to marry her. It’s been over two years since Syria, and I figure I’m safe.”

“What does Annie say about this?” Parkes leaned back in his chair, twirling a pen in his fingers. “You could be called back into service at any time. You’re the best we have, and should the need arise, we might need you again. Would she be happy knowing the chances of your survival on a mission would be negligible?”

Uncomfortable, Dave straightened. “I haven’t discussed it with her, but she’s aware I might be called back to active duty. I thought it would be better to speak with you before I proposed. I don’t want to hurt her by asking her to marry me and then walking away if POTUS needs me.”

“You’re in love, you say?” Parkes stopped twirling the pen.

“We’re in love.” Dave smiled. “She means the world to me, but my fear is once we’re married, she becomes a target. I’ll have to use my real name to legally marry her.”

“There is a way to protect her.” Parkes dropped the pen into a cup. “If you married in secret and she retained her last name, no one would be the wiser. In fact, we could change your name to Parkes as one of your various identities should you need to travel, but I think traveling overseas might cause undue attention. The name is one thing but you can’t change your face—well that is an option, but only in the most extreme cases.” He paused, a beat. “I’ll do what I can to run interference should POTUS decide to call you back into active service, and we have other superb snipers I can suggest.” He smiled. “I do have POTUS’s ear in these matters.”

Euphoria poured over Dave and he stared at the general in disbelief. “So, we have your blessing?”