The old steps to the hayloft groaned and Vicky could hear footsteps above her and to the right. The bark came in the distance and she rolled to one side to look up at Dale. His face, lit by a shaft of moonlight through a skylight on the roof, was set in a gray mask, lips turned down at the corners. She looked at him willing him to untie her and let her go.

“If I let you go, will you keep your mouth shut?” Dale’s warm breath tickled her ear.

Jumping at the chance to get away, Vicky nodded and then the moonlight glinted over the knife in his hand as he bent over her. She held her breath. Voices loud and official broke the silence followed by footfalls and a second later, flashlight beams dazzled her.

“Sheriff’s department. Drop the knife. Drop the damn knife now.” A tall man emerged from the darkness.

The knife dropped onto the plastic and Dale was thrown face first against the wall and cuffed to a rail. “Who else is here?” The man had his back to Vicky. “Is Marlene Moore with you?”

Dale said nothing and just gave a shake of his head.

“Clear the area, I’ll check Vicky.” A woman bent and switched on the lantern on the floor and then turned to her. “It’s okay, no one is going to hurt you now.” She kneeled beside her.

Vicky recognized Sheriff Alton and Deputy Kane and panic gripped her. She screamed against the rag and tried to indicate to the loft with her eyes.

“Hey calm down, it’s going to be okay.” Sheriff Alton pulled at the tape covering Vicky’s mouth. “It’s over. Sit still, I’ll have to cut you free.”

Vicky shook her head and tried to yell the word “no” and tipped her head toward the loft. Too late, terror hit her like a tsunami. Deputy Kane was walking straight into Marlene’s trap.


Marlene smiled to herself, how stupidly self-confident the deputy had walked through the barn. Like most men, he’d allowed a woman to make decisions for him. How easy it was to manipulate men and she’d become an expert. Yeah, she’d started with Dale but she had ambitions, to use men to get everything she wanted in life. She crouched in the shadows waiting for the deputy to search the barn, he’d turn soon and walk back, maybe head for the steps and then she’d launch herself onto him. He was big, a nice wide target and she’d aim for his neck. No one could live with a hunting knife plunged into their throat. She looked at the two sharp blades. If she missed with one, she’d strike with the other. He’d never expect her to be carrying two knives and once he was down, she’d deal with the sheriff. Watching her bleed would be exquisite.

Excitement shivered through her as she breathed slowly through her nose. This was what she lived for— the thrill of the kill. She took a look at the sheriff, still busy trying to calm Vicky who seemed to have gone crazy and was jumping around like an idiot. What a shame, she hadn’t had time to watch her die. Her heart raced as the deputy turned back, checking the stalls, and moving the bales of hay to peer behind. In just a few more steps he would be in just the right position. Heart racing, she gathered her legs under her, gripped the knives, and launched from the hayloft with a triumphant scream.

It was like hitting a brick wall as she plunged the knife deep into his chest. She heard his intake of breath but instead of staggering away, his arms came around her, as if to break her fall. She lashed out, burying the second knife deep under his arm and then caught the expression on his face and the sight frightened her. His eyes were cold like those of a killer— like her own. He hadn’t reacted to her attack. It was like fighting a robot, and she couldn’t even slow him down. Suddenly terrified of him, she kicked out but he had her fast in his huge hands. “Get away from me.”

“Next time you attack someone, don’t give them a warning.” He glared down at her. “Stupid little girl, pulling a stunt like that, I coul

d have killed you.”

Tossed into the stall, Marlene scrambled to her feet and backed away as Deputy Kane, with a knife protruding from his chest, stepped in and grabbed her by the arms. Satisfaction surged through her at the spray of crimson spilling down his arm. She grinned at him. “You lose, Deputy. You’re bleeding.”

“You really need to try harder, if you’re planning to take down a guy my size.” The deputy glared at her. “You’re lucky I noticed you were a little girl. I don’t take too kindly to people attacking me.”

Marlene laughed at his stern expression. Oh, she’d cut him bad and he couldn’t handle being beaten by a kid. She lifted her chin and glared right back. “Loser. I won’t go to jail for jumping out at you, I’m just a kid protecting myself. Maybe they’ll give me a fine is all. You were trespassing on private property.”

“You’ll go for murder one and likely never see the light of day again. You see, in this state you’ll be prosecuted as an adult. Including an assault on a police officer with a deadly weapon.” He spun her around and turned to the sheriff. “She’s all yours, Jenna.”


Shocked at the bloody sight before her, Jenna grabbed Marlene as Kane slid down the wall and slumped onto the floor. “Dave, look at me.”

“I’m okay, cuff the prisoner.” Blood poured down Kane’s side and pooled in the straw.

Jenna gaped at him. “You do know you have a knife sticking out of your chest?”

“That obvious, is it? Thank God for liquid Kevlar vests.” Kane grunted and pushed into a sitting position and then rested his back against the wooden panels inside the stall. He touched his side and, after examining the blood dripping from his fingers, looked at her. “It’s nothing.”

Terrified at seeing the color drain from Kane’s face, but with a prisoner to secure, Jenna had no choice but to cuff Marlene, drag her outside the stall, and attach her to the same hitching post as Dale Collins. Immediately the prisoners started arguing.

Jenna glared at them. “Shut up, the pair of you, or I’ll gaffer tape your mouths.” She went back to Kane. “I’ll call the paramedics.”

“No, help Vicky, she’s our first priority.” Kane’s voice came out in a gasp.

Against her better judgment, Jenna bit down hard on her bottom lip. Kane needed medical attention but their duty of care to a victim was a priority. She dropped on her knees beside Vicky. “Okay, let’s get you untied. The cut on your face isn’t too deep.” She had the gag out of her mouth in no time but the tape was stuck hard in her hair. “That will have to wait.” She cut the tape on her hands and feet. “Better?”

“Th-thanks. You g-got here just in time.” Tears streamed down Vicky’s cheeks as she lifted a trembling hand and pointed to Kane. “I’ll be okay but he doesn’t look so good.”