Jenna made swift notes and glanced up at the others. It was nine-thirty. “Did she mention going anywhere else?”

“No but I spoke to that photographer guy and he said she got a ride in a red pickup. He can’t recall the time.” Perez sucked in a long breath. “Since Laurie’s murder, we’ve been taking Vicky anywhere she needed to go and collecting her at a specified time. I set the rules, and she wasn’t to go anywhere without telling us. She always answers her phone, it’s never out of her hands. Something’s happened to her.”

“This is Special Agent Carter FBI. Give me your daughter’s phone number and I’ll get someone to run it down.” Carter picked up a pen and took down the details. He stood and went out into the hallway to call Bobby Kalo.

Jenna could hear the muffled conversation. “The photographer you spoke to, would that be Stan Williams?”

“Yeah, that’s him. He hangs around the cheerleading squad taking their pictures all the time.” Perez sucked in a deep breath. “Look, Sheriff, my wife has called all Vicky’s friends. Not one of them knows anyone apart from Laurie with a red pickup and yet Williams told me, she waved at the person and ran out to meet them. He didn’t see who was inside the truck. I’m at a loss to know what to do. I’ve been waiting here in case she comes back. I didn’t want to wait any longer before I called you. Not in Black Rock Falls with a killer on the loose.”

“You did the right thing. Could you hold the line, Mr. Perez? I need to speak with my deputies.” She looked at Rio and Kane. “Run our suspects and family members through the MVD and let’s see if anyone else owns a red pickup.” She unmuted the phone. “Did Williams mention a make, or model?”

“Nope but he’s still inside. I’ll go ask him.”

Jenna waited chewing on the end of her pen. The sound of computer keyboards tapping was the only sound in the room. Photographers being observant, it was likely Williams would recall the make at least. She sighed with relief when Mr. Perez came back on the line. “Yes, I’m here, Mr. Perez.”

“He figures maybe a Dodge Ram.”

When both Kane and Rio shook their heads, an overwhelming sense of failure swept over Jenna. “Okay, stay where you are, I’ll get a search organized and send someone to your location to wait with you.” She disconnected and called in old Deputy Walters, who lived close by, to head out to Aunt Betty’s. She looked at the three men before her. “Rio, get a media release out, now for a missing girl, you know the drill.”

“Sure.” Rio stood and headed for his desk.

A phone rang and Carter took his phone from the desk. “It’s Kalo.” He stared at the whiteboard. “What have you got for me, Bobby?” He listened. “Uh-huh. Did you trace the number? Okay thanks.” He disconnected. “The last call she received was from the same number as four previous calls in the last twenty-four hours or so. The number is from a burner and Vicky’s phone is inoperative. I figure Vicky has been targeted as the next victim.”


Nauseous and giddy, Vicky forced her eyelids to open. She couldn’t lift her head and something was stuffed inside her mouth. Her face hurt. Her cheek stung as if someone had slapped her repeatedly. The memory of being attacked flooded through her mind on a tidal wave of fear. She wanted to scream but remembered her father’s words after Laurie was taken. He’d told her if she was ever kidnapped, to remain as calm as possible, that crazy people fed on fear. If she kept her head, there’d be a chance she’d stay alive long enough for someone to save her. It had been easy for him to say that, he wasn’t tied up in a barn. Panic rose in a rush at the sensation of being tied hand and foot. She clenched her muscles but found no give against the thick black tape binding her. Against her hands, she recognized the slick feel of plastic. The dim half-light from a battery-operated lantern close by reflected in the sheets attached to the walls. Ice-cold fear wrapped around her. She’d seen enough horror movies to know they were holding her in a murder room. When the sound of people arguing in whispers drifted from outside her prison, she listened intently watching from beneath her lashes.

“I told you you’d given her too much.” The muffled male voice was accompanied by footsteps as they came into the stall. “She’s been here too long. We should have finished her by now. Why not just strangle her and we’ll dump her somewhere in Stanton Forest?”

“After what she put me through?” A girl’s voice she thought she recognized sounded angry. “I want her to pay. There’s no way she’s gonna sleep through her punishment. I’m going to make her feel every cut.” She laughed as they walked into the stall. “See this? It’s salt. I’m going to fill her cuts with it to make them unbearable.” She chuckled again. “I found sulfuric acid on the shelf but that stuff stinks, so the salt will have to do.” She wet her lips. “I’ll let you cut her too. Did you bring a knife as well?”

“Yeah. My pa’s hunting knife. He won’t miss it. He never comes by the house no more.” He pulled out the knife and waved it at her.

“Perfect.” She stroked his cheek. “Now, try to wake her again. Slap her, she’s got to come around soon. I didn’t use that much chloroform.”

“If I hit her any harder, I’ll break her jaw.” He sounded concerned. “I’ll get a bucket of water and throw it over her.”

“No!” The girl was obviously in charge. “Then the blood will run everywhere, we need to keep it clean in here. Slap her again. I’m going to get a bottle of water from my backpack and I want her awake by the time I get back.” She flicked a zippo lighter. “I have something else to try if you can’t wake her.”

Heart threatening to burst with fear, Vicky remained slumped against the wall with her head on her chest. Footsteps came closer and someone wearing surgical gloves cupped her chin, and lifted it. Fighting the need to pull away, she forced her breathing in and out, in and out, slow, and even. Like when she was a kid and pretended to go to sleep. His touch was almost tender.

“Vicky, wake up now.” He patted her cheek. “Please wake up, I don’t want to hit you again.”

He didn’t want to hit her again? Did she have an ally against the raving lunatic planning to cut her? Pain sliced through her cheek and she toppled over, rolling onto the floor from an unexpected blow. Her head hit with a blinding crack and she couldn’t muffle a moan. Dragged back into a sitting position, thick fingers forced her eyelid open and she stared into the face of her date but dropped her head the moment he released her. If the girl wanted her awake before she cut her, she’d play possum for as long as she could. Her pa would have discovered she was missing by now and someone would have seen her getting into his truck.

“Wake up.” He shook her violently. “You’re just making her mad. The longer you stay unconscious the madder she’ll get and she’ll take it out on you.”

“Making nice with Vicky, huh?” The girl’s voice was as sweet as molasses. “Now I’m jealous.” She moved closer, making the plastic rustle with each step.

Her breath brushed Vicky’s face and then a cold line flashed across her cheek. A rush of warmth oozed down her face and she could feel droplets hitting her bare arm. Had she cut her?

“Not so pretty now, is she?” The girl dragged back Vicky’s head. “Is she?”

“I never said she was pretty.” His voice was a little shaky. “I just wanted her awake so we could kill her and then make out before we dump her body.” He gave a hesitant laugh. “It’s only ever been you. You’re my girl, the others mean nothing to me and never will.”

“That isn’t the plan.” She kicked the bottom of Vicky’s boots. “I want her awake when I cut her into pieces. I want to hear her beg for her life. She needs to know what it’s like to be bullied. Now her little circle of friends are dead and when she’s gone, I’ll be the captain.”

“You’ll be the captain now anyway.” His voice dropped to almost a whine. “Let’s get this done before we’re missed. It’s getting late.”