“Nope but Jo is on her way.” Kane glanced at Maggie. “Do you think Maggie would mind watching Jaime for a while?”

“I’ll ask her.” Jenna went to the front counter. “Jo has offered to assist with a couple of interviews but she has Jaime with her. If Rio takes over the front desk, would you be able to look after her for me? You can use my office.”

“I’d love to.” Maggie beamed. “She is such an agreeable child.”

The door opened and Agent Jo Wells came in with her daughter, Jaime, who was cuddling a Boston Terrier. Jenna smiled at Jo. “Thank you so much for coming. Maggie will watch over Jaime for you.”

“I was driving through town looking for something to do.” Jo shrugged. “Jaime is tuckered out and I can’t reach Carter. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to return home early.” She smiled. “At last, two cases I can get my teeth into. Kane has brought me up to date. Who is first?”

Jenna led the way to the interview room. “Wyatt Cooper and his father, the subject is only sixteen and was the boyfriend of Laurie Turner before they broke up just before she was murdered.”

“Yeah.” Jo looked at her iPad. “I have the case files if I need them. I know I’m here as a consultant but do you want me to take the lead? I might be able to get under his guard.”

Jenna nodded. “Yeah thanks, I’m getting mixed messages from this kid. I’m sure you and Dave will be able to untangle them between you. I’ll take notes and observe.” She scanned her card outside the interview room and they all walked inside. “Thanks, Rio. Take over the front counter. Maggie is busy.” Before she took her seat, she turned on the camera and recording devices. “Mr. Cooper and Wyatt, this is Special Agent Jo Wells and you know Deputy Kane.”

“The FBI? What is going on here?” Mr. Cooper’s face drained of color. “Do we need a lawyer?”

“You are within your rights to have one present but it may not be necessary.” Jo’s face had set into a pleasant expression. “We have to divulge some information that is sensitive.”

“However—” Kane leaned forward, “—I have to inform you that anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.” He finished giving them their rights. “Do you understand?”

“I haven’t done anything wrong.” Wyatt leaned forward palms up on the table. “I’ve got nothing to hide. Ask away.”

“Are you in agreement, Mr. Cooper?” Jo looked at the worried man.

“I guess so.” Mr. Cooper shrugged.

“Do you recall missing any underwear, a pair of green briefs to be specific?” Jo stared at Wyatt.

“No, I’ve tons of pairs of shorts. I don’t really keep track of them once they’re in my laundry basket.” Wyatt’s cheeks pinked. “Why?”

“A pair of your briefs were found at the murder scene of Laurie Turner.” Jo was watching him so intently, she didn’t as much as blink. “They’ve been identified as belonging to you by DNA found on the garment.” She leaned forward slightly. “How do you figure they got there?”

“I have no idea.” Wyatt pressed a finger into the table. “Laurie was a nice girl. We didn’t have sex and I’ve never removed my shorts in her presence. Nor did I give her a pair as a souvenir or whatever. You must be mistaken.”

“No mistake.” Jo made a few notes on her iPad but didn’t look up. “Is there any way a person could obtain a pair of briefs you had worn?” She lifted her gaze. “Are your soiled clothes ever left in a place where someone could steal a pair?”

“I don’t think so.” Wyatt stared at the wall for long minutes and then snapped his fingers. “I was thinking where I’ve been, I figured the pool but my things are in a locker and I’d notice if my underwear was missing, but not at training or after the games. I’m usually sweaty, I strip off like most of the guys and shower. After I’m dressed, I stuff the dirty socks and underwear into a bag. I give it to my mom to wash and she replaces them in

my backpack.” He shrugged. “So, my things along with all the other guys are usually in a pile on the floor in the locker room during the time we take a shower.” He leaned back in the chair. “No girls are allowed in the locker rooms, so how she came by them I don’t know.”

“How well do you know Laurie’s mother?” Kane straightened the statement book and picked up a pen.

“I’ve met her a few times.” Wyatt frowned. “Why?”

“Did you know she was once a cheerleader?” Jo smiled. “She continued on in college as well. I bet she taught Laurie a few moves.”

“Yeah, that’s all they would talk about as if it was the only thing on earth.” Wyatt pushed an agitated hand through his hair.

“When did you last go to Mrs. Turner’s apartment?” Jo’s eyes bored into him. “Did you go to see her recently?”

“No. The last time would have been Independence Day. We dropped by to see her because Laurie wanted her to come see the parade. We ended up missing most of it because her ma was having one of her headaches.” Wyatt rolled his eyes. “That was the last time I went to her apartment.”

“Here’s our problem.” Kane leaned forward and eyeballed him. “We have two dead women and have evidence to prove you were at both crime scenes.” He tapped his pen on the desk. “Where were you last night between seven and midnight?”

“In town with the guys. I got home before ten.” Wyatt looked horrified. “I haven’t killed anyone.”

“What do you drive?” Jo’s attention had never left his face.