“Give it to me.” He took the lantern from her and set it on the nightstand but didn’t take the light from her eyes. “Show me your pompoms.”

Blinking, Becky slipped her backpack from her shoulder and unzipped it. She pulled out her pompoms and setting her backpack at her feet, waved them at him. “Now will you lower the light?”

“Nah, you promised me a special routine.” He indicated to the bed. “I wouldn’t want your clothes to get all messed up. Your folks will know we’ve been making out. Why don’t you slip out of them for me?”

Becky’s face grew hot. “You first.”

“I’d love to—” he chuckled “—but then I’d have to put down the flashlight. “We’ll take turns. Come on now, wriggle out of the skirt and top before I lose interest and take you home.” He tilted his hea

d and looked her up and down. “I went to a ton of trouble to organize this just for you, Becky. I figured we wanted the same thing? I thought you were special.”

“You think I’m special?” Becky dropped her pompoms and removed her top and skirt. “Better?”

“Much.” He trained the flashlight on her. “Kneel on the floor and fold up your clothes, I don’t want them getting messed up. When you’re done you can watch me.”

Confused, Becky stared at him. “You’re starting to creep me out.”

“Did you think I’d just jump your bones? I don’t treat my girls like that, Becky.” He shook his head. “I like things slow and easy. I’d like to be your last boyfriend so let’s make our first date one to remember.”

He seemed so sincere. Could he be asking her to go steady on their first date? She couldn’t believe her luck. She fell to her knees and quickly folded her clothes. A swishing sound came from behind her. Like a whisper of a breeze but she ignored it, engrossed in looking at him. “I worry about the girl in the library causing trouble. Are you sure she didn’t follow us?”

“I’m sure, I’m only interested in you right now.” He shrugged. “If she bothers us, I’ll deal with her.”

Becky smiled up at him. “What will you say to her?”

“I’ll tell her I love her more than life.”

The flashlight blinded her. Surprised by his reply, she squinted at him through the glare. “What did you say?”

The floorboards creaked behind her and something dropped over her face to settle on her neck and tightened. Slammed down with a knee in her back, and her face pressed hard against the wooden floor, she fought for air. “Help me.”

As she opened her mouth gasping, he stepped forward and bound her hands with tape. Bewildered, she gaped at him. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I like you.” He grabbed her chin. “And it makes my girl angry.”

Cloth hit her tongue. She gagged, shaking her head to dislodge his grip but he wound tape around her head covering her mouth and then stood back, aiming the flashlight into her eyes. She gaped in disbelief as he leaned casually against the nightstand as if enjoying the show. Using her last ounce of strength, she rolled, trying to unseat the person behind her. The cord slackened and she flipped to her feet. She’d done the move a hundred times as a cheerleader. She sprinted for the door and ran down the stairs, tripping over and rolling to the bottom. Battered and heart pounding with fear, she staggered to her feet and bolted for the backdoor. Light spilled through the kitchen windows like a beacon to show her the way.

She could hear them behind her. Footsteps ran in all directions hunting the hallways. She reached the backdoor and turned around, using her bound hands to search for the handle. Fingers slipping, she turned the knob and the door swung open. Cold air hit her bare flesh as she dived outside narrowly missing a hand trying to grab her. In terror, she ducked away and dashed along the narrow path heading back along the way they’d entered the house. She’d seen lights in nearby homes and increased her pace. The person behind her was gaining, she could hear heavy breathing and footsteps on the gravel. The edge of the building loomed, highlighted by a streetlamp. In a few more paces, she’d be out on the road and sprinting toward another house, people, and safety. She rounded the side of the house at speed and a figure stepped out of the shadows. Strong hands grabbed her and spun her around. The person who’d chased her moved into the light and she recognized her at once. She wanted to scream but the gag was filling her throat and making it hard to breathe through her nose.

“Take her back upstairs.” The young woman’s lip curled. “I haven’t finished with her yet.”

Terrified of what was to come, Becky aimed a knee at her dream date’s groin but he sidestepped and hoisted her over one shoulder and then headed back inside. Blood rushed to her head as he carried her up the stairs but when he dropped her on the floor, she kicked out. She wanted to inflict as much damage as possible. He flipped her over as if she weighed nothing, dragged her back to her knees, and an instant later the horror began again.

Terror gripped her as the cord slipped around her neck sliding into already painful grooves. Her tormentor pulled her head back and the cord cut deeper into her flesh. From behind her she could hear the young woman’s heavy breathing and in front of her, her dream date had dropped to his knees to watch her intently. What had she done to make them so angry?

“Kiss her.” The female’s voice rasped from behind her. “Take her last breath. Do it!”

“I can’t.” He looked past Becky to the person strangling her. “She’s turning blue.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Why is it taking so long?”

“Because I want her to suffer.” The young woman behind her giggled. “Kiss her and I’ll end it.”

Unable to breathe and losing consciousness, Becky pushed back hard and managed to drag in one precious breath. She tried to fight but the girl behind her was strong. In panic, she rolled again. She had to get free.

“Do something.” The female tightened the cord again and pressed a knee harder into her spine. “Or I’m leaving you to deal with this mess.”

Fighting for her life, Becky stared at him, willing him to take pity on her but the flashlight didn’t move from her face. God help her, he was enjoying seeing her suffer. Terror had her in its grip but she’d never give up. A beam of light moved across the room. Maybe he’d changed his mind or this was just a prank but the next instant, agony seared through her temple. Oh Lord, he’d hit her. Dizzy, she slumped to the floor. Head splitting, she glanced up to see him in a shaft of moonlight, his eyes wild as he raised the flashlight above his head, and then the room folded in on itself.
