“I spoke to strangers mostly, tourists, I guess.” Williams smiled at her. “I’m a sociable guy.”

“What’s your ride?” Kane looked at him. “Is it one of the trucks parked out back?”

“Yeah, the GMC.” Williams checked his watch. “Is that all? I want to grab breakfast at Aunt Betty’s before the parade.”

Jenna headed for the door. “Thank you for your time.”

“Do you have a card?” Kane wasn’t following her. “I’d like to drop by sometime.”

“Sure.” Williams pulled one from his wallet and handed it to him. “I’ll look forward to it.”

Jenna headed down the steps and walked to the truck in silence. She climbed in and waited for Kane to slide behind the wheel. “Don’t tell me, we came here to investigate a suspect in a murder and stumbled over another darn pedophile ring?” She thumped her fist on the seat. “In my town? Again?”

“Maybe, maybe not. He still had time to commit murder, although he doesn’t drive a Chrysler sedan.” Kane pulled the truck out of the space and they crawled up main to the office. “We’ll see what’s on the file and if he’s sending out underage images to a bunch of friends over the internet, including law enforcement, judges, and lawyers. It may just be talk but if it isn’t, we’ll turn it over to the FBI.”

Jenna leaned over the back seat and rubbed Duke’s ears, he had been fast asleep and yawned explosively. “Okay but that means you’ll have to drop by his place and sit there while he shows you disgusting images.”

“If there’s anything suspicious on the file he gave me, I’ll go with Carter, then we have the FBI in at the get-go.” Kane shrugged. “He can turn it over to the sex crimes unit, then it will be Josh Martin’s problem.”

“Okay.” Jenna rubbed her temples. “I’ll need to write this up and plan our next move. At least all the cheerleaders will be together for the rest of the day. They have the par

ade and then there’s a photoshoot with the football team. So, they’ll be occupied as a group until at least midday.” She glanced at her notes. “I’d like to have a chat to Dale Collins and Marlene Moore to see if they recall anything from their conversation with Laurie on Saturday night at the gym.”

“The best time to find them will be before they get organized, after the parade they’ll split up and go see the attractions around town.” Kane stared out the window. “Some of the parents will be here as well, if we need statements. Almost everyone has a day off today apart from us. Even the bank is closed.”

Jenna pushed open the door. “I feel as if I’ve done a day’s work already.” She checked her watch. “It’s only ten-thirty.”

“You go ahead.” Kane stared down Main. “I’m going to grab something from the cake stall before everything is sold.” He hurried away with Duke bounding behind him.

Shaking her head, Jenna walked up the steps, through the glass doors and went to greet Maggie on the counter. “Anything for me this morning?”

“Nothing new, no, but Rowley and Rio have organized the Blackwater deputies in your absence.” She wrinkled her brow. “We have four from Blackwater and two of Crenshaw’s boys coming in from Louan for the duration. Rowley reserved rooms at the motel for them some time ago, and some of them are willing to work double shifts if you feed them right and give them a bed for the night.”

Relieved, Jenna smiled. “The mayor insisted I get all the help I needed for the festival, to free us up for the Turner investigation, so agree to anything they need and send the accounts to his office.”

The front door opened and Sandy walked in, smiling broadly. “Hey, Jenna, Maggie.”

“I’m afraid Rowley isn’t here. He’s out organizing deputies.” Jenna waved her toward her office. “I’m just about to brew a pot of coffee, are you allowed to drink coffee?”

“Yeah sure.” Sandy rubbed her swollen belly. “We’re doing just fine.” She smiled. “I didn’t want to miss the parade and I’ll be going to see my mom later, but while Jake is on duty here, I’m going to finish up at the old house.”

Jenna filled the coffee pot, collected cups and the fixings, and set them on her desk. “You sound like you’re missing work.”

“Me?” Sandy shook her head. “Not at all. The ranch keeps me busy, now we have chickens and horses to tend. It is remote though and I’m a town girl but I have the dog to keep me company. Dave was saying he’s going to help Jake beef up the security. The house is safe enough but with the baby and all, I’d like a perimeter fence alert as well.”

Jenna nodded. “Well, once we’ve solved this case, Kane’s your man and I’m sure if Shane’s not busy, he’ll be over to help as well.”

“That would be good.” Sandy took the cup Jenna offered. “Thanks. I hope I’m not holding you back from working?”

Jenna sat down and shook her head. “No, we’re just taking a few minutes to regroup and it’s been a long time since breakfast for Kane. He’ll be here soon with armfuls of cakes to keep himself going.” She grinned. “I had no idea men ate so much food.”

“Yeah, since Jake built the gym out at the ranch and with his visits to the dojo, he is always hungry as well.” Sandy chuckled. “But he sure looks good.” She sipped her coffee.

“Who looks good?” Kane came into the office and dumped bags onto Jenna’s desk. “Hmm coffee.” He went straight to the counter to pour a cup and then dropped into a chair.

Jenna pushed the cream and sugar toward him. “Girl talk.” She winked at Sandy. “What did you buy?”

“Everything.” Kane pulled a bag toward him. “You can have anything you like but the banana cream pie is mine.”