Jenna looked at Rio’s puzzled expression. “Sandy is Rowley’s wife and they’re expecting. She gave up work last week and has been keeping herself busy is all.”

“Ah, I see.” Rio smiled.

Jenna waved him away. “Okay, head off home. Maggie has already left for the day. We’ll lock up. See you in the morning.” She smiled at Rowley. “Give my best to Sandy.”

“I will.” Rowley touched his hat and headed for the door.

Jenna shook her head. “I hope Sandy doesn’t overdo things, with the baby and all.”

/> “I’m sure Doc Brown is keeping a close eye on her.” Kane took his hat from the desk and ran his fingers down the center crease. “You ever thought about having kids?”

Although taken aback by his question, Jenna didn’t hesitate. “Yeah, and I’m aware the clock is ticking. Why?”

“Just asking.” Kane seemed consumed by a fleck of cotton on his black Stetson. “It’s been great sharing everyone’s kids but it’s not the same as having your own.”

Jenna tidied her desk. “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

“That’s good to know.” Kane pushed the hat on his head and then bent to rub Duke’s ears.

A low rumble filled the room and Jenna’s attention moved back to Kane. “Do you mind if we drop by Aunt Betty’s for dinner? It’s been a long day and I’m famished. We still have to feed the horses and I don’t feel like cooking tonight.”

“Sure.” Kane collected his things and closed his laptop. “I’ll finish up filing my reports at home. Let’s go.”

Jenna inhaled the instant she stepped into Aunt Betty’s Café. Its sinfully delightful aromas of dishes that were guaranteed to go straight to her hips made her glance at Kane, suddenly understanding his need to buy takeout to keep in his freezer. Living the long hours during cases, it was good to have something to pop into the microwave when they arrived home. The problem was, apart from a freezer filled with steak, Jenna didn’t really have anything she didn’t have to make from scratch.

Aunt Betty’s was busier than usual with the tourists in town. As she edged around tables filled with people and made her way to their seats, she heard a bark. She turned to see Duke sitting in front of the counter. She looked at Kane. “Won’t you look at that, he’s ordering his dinner.”

“He jumped the line as well.” Kane grinned and sat down at their reserved table and picked up the menu. “I could eat just about everything on here tonight. Pulled pork, honey glazed potatoes, and peach pie for me tonight.”

Jenna removed her jacket and hung it over the back of the chair. “I think I’ll have the same but I’ll take the small portion.” She laughed at his expression. “I do get hungry too, you know.”

After Suzie arrived to take their order and placed a filled bowl for Duke on the floor, she smiled at them. “What will you have tonight?”

After giving Suzie their order, Jenna sipped a glass of water and leaned back in her chair. “Mind if we talk about the case?”

“Nope.” Kane stood, removed his jacket and hat, and then sat down closer to her. “We’d better keep it generic. We don’t know who might be listening.”

With their backs to the wall and in the corner, the hum of conversation would cover any discussion. Jenna lowered her voice. “I’m not sure about Wyatt Cooper, I know you figure he’s not involved but I still reckon we should talk to him about where he might have lost his underwear. I mean, could anyone have been in the vicinity of his laundry basket?”

“That’s a good point.” Kane was leaning close listening intently. “There wouldn’t be many places he’d be changing his shorts.” He stared into space for a few seconds. “A swimming hole maybe, but he wouldn’t take spares, most would jump in the water and head home wet.”

Nothing came to Jenna. She’d had no experience with teenage boys. She thought back to the first time they’d spoken to Wyatt. “He asked if you’d played football. He is on the team.” Her face grew hot and she looked away. “Never mind.”

“Out with it.” Kane bumped her shoulder. “That’s the first time I’ve seen you blush. Come on, ask me, I know you want to.”

Jenna huffed out a breath. “It’s not something I really need to know but it’s a theory.” She could feel her cheeks burning. “When you practiced or whatever, I guess you sweated a lot, is it usual to shower and change clothes after training?”

“It depends, on how much gear you’re wearing and the temperature, but yeah I used to sweat right through. We practiced before classes, so we showered and changed. Before you ask yeah, I changed my shorts. I figure most guys would.” Kane smiled at her. “I know the high school team practices before classes. Do you figure someone took his dirty laundry from his locker?” He pushed a hand through his hair. “Thinking back, most guys just stripped off and left their clothes in a pile on the bench. So, if your assumption is correct, we could be looking at someone who is either on the team or works with the team.”

Jenna nodded. “I think we should ask him.” She glanced at him. “Although, it’s pretty embarrassing asking a sixteen-year-old about his underwear.”

“Not if they were found stuffed in the mouth of his murdered ex-girlfriend.” Kane shook his head. “He has motive. He was jealous. He’s admitted it and didn’t like her talking to Hughes. The problem is it’s just too darn obvious that he’s the killer unless I’ve read him all wrong.”

“Well, Jo agrees with you.” Jenna rubbed her temples. “Personally, I figure divulging where we found his briefs will be giving away vital evidence. Something only the killer would know and I don’t believe Cooper is stupid enough to leave a calling card.”

“We need to inform him we found his shorts at the crime scene and watch his reaction.” Kane shrugged. “Although, Jo did offer a variety of scenarios, I agree with you, and I’m leaning more toward Hughes and his sister. I have a gut instinct about a dominant woman being involved, and if Verna is as tough as they say, she fits the profile.”

“Yeah, we’ll need to see for ourselves. Sometimes people’s reputations are unfounded. We’ll head out first thing in the morning and catch her before she leaves for the parade.” Jenna pulled out her phone and searched her files. “Taking the possible football link into consideration there’s another name, well two names that Vicky Perez mentioned, we should follow up. The quarterback, Dale Collins, runs the refreshments kiosk for his aunt on training days, and both he and a cheerleader by the name of Marlene Moore were seen chatting to Laurie before she disappeared. They might have some information. I’d like to know what they talked about that night.”