After pulling the fingerprint scanner device from his pocket, Kane moved closer. This is painless too. He guided Wyatt through the process. “Thank you for your cooperation.”

“That’s okay.” Wyatt rubbed the back of his neck. “I hope you find who killed Laurie.”

Kane waited for Mrs. Cooper to join them. ?

?I have some paperwork for you to sign.” He rested the documents on a side table and explained the contents. “Thank you.” He sighed. “We’ll get going. We have to get this sample back to the lab.”

“I’m so sorry for your loss.” Jenna headed for the door.

As they drove away, Kane turned to her. “Now that was genuine grief. Blaming himself is normal, he felt responsible for her and wanted her back. I don’t see him as jealous.”

“He seems like a normal healthy teenager to me.” Jenna shook her head. “But then Ted Bundy was regarded as a really nice guy too and he murdered thirty-six women. He makes the psychopaths we’ve had to deal with in Black Rock Falls look like amateurs.”

After dropping by the ME’s office to give the samples to Wolfe, Kane took the backroads back to the office to avoid the crowds. They arrived a little before five to see Duke’s nose pressed against the door. From the marks spread across the glass, he’d been there for some time. As Kane stepped inside, a bark of excitement greeted him followed by a happy dance of epic proportions. He was used to having an excited dog weighing a little over one hundred pounds charging at him but it was only by his quick reflexes he managed to catch Jenna before she headbutted the front counter. As she hung over his arm, Duke was licking her face with enthusiasm. “Hey, settle down, Duke. We’re happy to see you too but Jenna doesn’t need a bath.”

Oh, he’d said the “B” word and Duke stopped moving and hightailed it under Maggie’s desk. Kane straightened and tried not to laugh at the saliva dripping from Jenna’s chin. “Sorry. He was just being loving.”

“Yuk.” She shuddered. “I told you he’d be frantic.” She headed for the bathroom. “I need to wash up.”

“There’s someone here to see you.” Maggie was grinning from ear to ear. “Those FBI agents and their dogs.” She glanced down beside her. “But best you settle Duke. He’s shaking so much, if I put my feet on him, I’d get a foot massage.”

Kane nodded. “Sure.” He smiled and pulled a bag of cookies from his jacket pocket. “Duke, I have cookies.” He coaxed him out and rubbed his ears. “I’m sorry we took so long. We’ll go by Aunt Betty’s on the way home. Okay?”

It seemed the cure for all that ailed Duke was covered by cookies and the mention of Aunt Betty’s Café. Kane leaned on the counter. “Any idea why Jo and Carter are here?”

“They didn’t say.” Maggie shrugged. “They arrived about five minutes ago and they’re not wearing their FBI jackets.”

Kane nodded. “Where are Rowley and Rio?”

“In the communications room.” She smiled. “They work well together. They had people lining up to give statements in the Law case and had them all filed in no time at all. The county picked up Law and now they’re searching through CCTV footage for the vehicle you’re trying to hunt down.”

“Thanks.” He glanced up as Jenna came through the main office and headed his way. “Jo and Carter are waiting in your office, Rowley and Rio are scanning CCTV files.”

“Okay.” Jenna headed for her office door. “I wonder what they want?” She bent to rub Duke’s ears. “He seems fine now.”

Kane chuckled. “Yeah, he’s much like me. Give him a cookie and he’ll forgive anything.”

“I’ll try and remember that jewel of information.” Jenna laughed and pushed the door open to her office.


“Jo, Ty. How good to see you again and who is this beautiful young lady?” Jenna smiled at the young girl clutching a Boston Terrier on her lap.

“This is Jaime and Beau.” Jo smiled warmly at Jenna. “We’re staying at The Cattleman’s Hotel for the Fall Festival.”

“Nice to meet you, Jaime. I’m Jenna and this is Dave Kane.” Jenna smiled at the little girl. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Did you come in the chopper? I bet that was fun.”

“I liked it fine but Beau was shaking all over.” Jaime frowned. “He seems okay now. What happened to your face?”

Jenna touched her sore cheek. “Oh, I just bumped it is all.”

“When I hurt myself, Mommy kisses it better for me, but adults don’t do that, do they?” Jaime gave her a wide-eyed stare.

“Well, Kane’s dog gave my face a good lick before so I’m good to go now.” Jenna glanced at Ty Carter sprawled in a chair, his trusty Doberman, Zorro, sitting beside him. The pair of them were a complete contrast: Carter gave the impression of a lazy cowboy, chewing on a toothpick, untidy blond hair at his collar, wearing cowboy boots and a battered Stetson, while his dog sat upright, ears pricked, coat glossy, and ready for action. “Ty, nice to see you. Are you all here for the festival?”

“Nope, I’m here for some recreational pursuits: eating, playing cards, or pool and drinking. I might find time to go fishing as well.” He looked at Kane. “Do you have any vacation time due? I’d appreciate your company.”

“Unfortunately, we have a homicide to investigate.” Kane shrugged. “We had planned to call you.”