Another male voice came on the line. Jenna introduced herself again and explained who she was looking for. “Do you remember their vehicle?”

“Yeah, it was a rental. A white SUV. I asked him how it was going and he said he couldn’t get it back to the airport quick enough and get something else. He tipped me a twenty.”

Jenna frowned. “What mood was he in, and did you see anyone else with them?”

“He and his wife seemed happy and they drove off alone.”

“Okay, thanks.” Jenna disconnected then contacted Bradford at the office. “We found Bailey Canavar and a John Doe murdered. I want you to contact the closest airport and find out the details of a car hired by Jim Canavar. Then get out a BOLO. Next, put out a press release. I want folks to be on the lookout for him and the rental car. We have his details on file in the murder book on the cold case, and get a photograph of him from the Kansas DMV. Make sure you tell them to inform the public not to approach him as he is considered dangerous but to call 911, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Bradford took a deep breath. “I haven’t put out a BOLO before but I can handle a press release.”

“Then ask Walters to show you.” Jenna chewed on her bottom lip. “Oh, and don’t mention anything about the homicide in the press release. Her next of kin hasn’t been notified yet.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Jenna would have to contact the Canavars’ local police and notify them of Bailey’s murder. “Can you get me the number of the police headquarters in Kansas? I’ll wait.”

She pulled out her notepad and scribbled the number then disconnected. After taking in the progress of the crime scene, she called Webber over. “What is the status of the ME’s investigation?”

“We have recorded the scene and have bagged the victims.” Webber’s expression appeared drawn. “I believe Wolfe wants to recreate the murders with Kane then we can pack up and leave.”

Jenna nodded. “Good work. After this are you still keen to work with Wolfe?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Webber brightened.

She noticed Wolfe and Kane on their way back to the crime scene. “I think Wolfe is looking for you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Webber headed in Wolfe’s direction.

Jenna made herself comfortable on a boulder with Duke sprawled out at her feet and called the Kansas Police Department. After a few moments, waiting for the desk to connect her to the homicide department in the right division, a woman’s voice answered.

“Detective Brennan.”

Jenna introduced herself and informed her about Bailey Canavar’s death and her suspicions about her husband. “I need to get the press involved and let them know there is a threat in the local area; will you be able to contact the next of kin today?”

“Yeah, right away. I seem to recall a case involving a man named Jim Canavar. I wonder if it is the same person. Give me a moment.”

In the small clearing, Kane and Wolfe moved around the crime scene in animated conversation. From what she could make out and from the laser pointer Kane was using, they had determined the trajectory of bullets. One thing sprang out at her: From the damage to the victims, shell casings should be littering the ground but they had not found one. The maniac who did this awful crime had cleaned up the area and removed the trail cams. A chill crawled down her spine. This killer was overconfident and arrogant. He had not only removed all traces of himself, he had lured the couple into an area frequented by bobcats and black bears. He expected the wildlife to clean up his mess.

The voice on the phone startled her. “Yes, I’m still here.”

“Well, this is interesting. I checked the DMV info you gave me with the case and it is the same man. Canavar’s ex-fiancée went missing and we hauled him in for questioning. Bailey gave him an alibi. In her statement, she said Canavar was staying in Blackwater. She called him every night when his ex-fiancée went missing. He had broken up with his fiancée a few months prior. We checked the phone records. He was where he said and the hotel in Blackwater confirmed he was there. He has stayed in Black Rock Falls before as well.”

“Really? So, he does know the area. He didn’t give me the impression he’d been here before. Did you find the ex-fiancée?”

“Nope, she is still listed as a missing person. Her new boyfriend is missing too.”

Jenna’s mind reeled with the implications. “That’s interesting. How long ago was this?”

“A little over a year.”

“What else can you tell me about Jim Canavar?”

“He works in real estate. I read about his marriage to Bailey, it made the social pages here. His father-in-law owns a number of businesses in the local area and has residences all over the world. He hit the payload when he married Bailey: She is loaded, inherited millions from her grandmother, and there was no prenup. I remember the news team discussing it at the time. Bailey made a point of telling everyone who would listen.”

Jenna shuddered as the image of Bailey’s damaged body percolated through her mind. “That would give him motive to kill her and leave her in the forest for the animals to devour.”

“It sure would. I’ll do some digging and see if I can find out anything else of interest and get back to you.”