“No, not without a body.” Wolfe shook his head. “We have nothing conclusive to indicate rape but I believe the killer removed her clothes and there is every indication they were dragged from her. The indentations on the bones need closer examination, but I believe we have both animal and knife markings.” He moved closer to the tree, indicated to the bullet hole, and lifted his concerned expression to Jenna. “From a preliminary examination of the remains, she had blunt force trauma from maybe the grip of a pistol then he shot her between the eyes at close range. The damage to the skull is extensive. The bullet traveled through the skull and embedded in the tree.”


Jenna could visualize the horrific last minutes of the poor woman and ground her teeth. Alone and helpless, she probably witnessed her fiancé’s murder then ran for her life. She dragged in a deep breath. Death had come again to Black Rock Falls. She raised her chin to look at Kane. “I gather it will be some time before we’ll have an approximate time of death but what can you tell me about this killer?”

“It depends if we find more victims.” Kane leaned nonchalantly against a tall pine. “If the two victims are the extent of his murder spree, and taking into account this crime scene and comparing it to the death of the other victim, then this could be a one-off crime of passion.”

Jenna nodded. “Yeah, I’ve seen quite a few domestics and the man always attacks the woman’s face.”

“It’s common in homicide as well.” Kane rubbed the dark stubble on his chin. “This was particularly vicious, so a jealous lover, ex-boyfriend would be someone we need to look at.” He sighed. “If we find more victims, we’re talking about a whole different ball game.”

“Okay, so worst case scenario?” Jenna swallowed the lump in her throat. “I have a real bad feeling about this murder.”

“A thrill-killer who hates women or a particular type of woman.” The nerve in Kane’s cheek twitched. “Unpredictable and happy to bide his time until he gets the perfect victim—think Bundy. He liked college girls: long brown hair, similar body type. This type of psychopath is your typical nice guy but he is intelligent, cunning, sly, and as slippery as an eel. I would say Caucasian, late twenties to mid to late thirties, or maybe older if he has been doing this for some time.” His lips flattened into a thin line. “If this is the profile of our killer, the male victims are collateral damage and no woman who resembles our female victim is safe in Black Rock Falls.” His attention moved over her. “As we’re talking, five six with shoulder-length black hair between twenty and thirty-five… That includes you, Jenna.”


Later that afternoon, he walked to the Weapons, Fishing and Ammunition store. He peered across the road at a couple walking by hand in hand and snorted in disgust. To think a man could tie himself willingly to a viper like her. The way she tossed her hair and fluttered her eyelashes at every man they walked by was no better than hearing her long red nails scrape down a blackboard. Why men committed themselves to years of mental torture, he could not imagine. He had to admit the woman was attractive, but looks fade and it was likely she would be in another man’s bed before the year was out.

With a grin, he lifted the rifle and aimed it at the couple through the window, lining them up. No sport on earth matched the rush he experienced hunting humans, and it lasted because he could watch the reruns anytime he chose. Oh yes, he used the trail cams to record every delicious moment.

The shopkeeper’s voice speaking to another customer brought him back to reality and he lowered the rifle. Not that he planned to purchase anything. He had never been a foolish man, and buying a rifle in town then using it to kill someone would be beyond stupid.

He had little preparation left to do. His guns waited in his cave, loaded and ready. Earlier, he’d set the trail cams in place, spread over a wide area, just in case Bailey managed to get away from him. He had covered every contingency to provide a good hunt. His client would meet him at an appointed spot, no names would be exchanged, no trace left to connect him to her murder.

He strolled to the counter and smiled at the assistant. “Nice, very nice, but I’ll think it over. I’m not planning on hunting again until spring. I’ve been too busy of late.” He handed him the rifle then strolled from the store.

He glanced up at the sky; the forecast for the morning was clear and cool with expected carnage. A chuckle spilled from his throat. He could almost taste blood in the air. I can’t wait.


After dinner, Jenna flopped on Kane’s sofa and rubbed her eyes. Exhausted did not come close to how she felt. Her bones ached from riding and hauling equipment from one crime scene to the other. She took the cup of coffee from Kane and smiled. “I’m exhausted. I thought I would fall asleep standing up in the shower.”

“You didn’t have to help me tend the horses.” He sat beside her and placed his two large feet on the coffee table. “Although I did appreciate the help.”

Jenna shrugged and the small movement tugged at her sore muscles. “It’s my horse and I’m responsible for her. From now on I’m helping you muck out in the morning as well.” She stifled a yawn. “I actually enjoy grooming her; it’s a small piece of normality in a crazy world.”

“Yeah, I feel the same.” He gave her a contented smile. “I know you wanted to discuss the case tonight but I have nothing to add to what I said at the crime scene. I think we are in a holding pattern right now, stuck between a crime of passion, at least a year ago, and a thrill-killer who might strike again.”

“Wolfe will be able to tell us more when he and the forensic anthropologist examine the remains.” Jenna sipped her beverage. “I guess our idea about taking a couple of days for a short vacation is off the cards now?”

“Maybe not.” Kane’s grin flashed white. “It’s been at least one year since the murders and Wolfe has a lot to do before we can start investigating. We only want one weekend and could head away from this side of the mountain and follow the trails that wind up into the ranges. Yeah, it will be cold, but we have thermal underwear and the cabins have fireplaces. You’ve been through a lot worse in basic training, I’m sure.”

Oh, the coffee he made was so good. She stared at him over the rim of her cup, savoring the taste. “I was much younger then but apart from being exhausted from the gruesome murder we had to deal with today, I do enjoy being in the mountains. It has a tragic beauty.” She sighed. “Inside, I know what has happened there, but somehow it’s as if the scenery is trying to make up for man’s mistakes. It’s different every time I go there—the trees are the same but the colors and variety of flowers and wildlife amaze me.”

“I concentrate on how peaceful it is up there.” He reached for his steaming cup. “It’s like the beaches where many men died in battle. The sea has washed away the blood, leaving no trace of the tragedy. Same here, the forest grows over the damage as if hiding the memory of what happened.” He sucked in a deep breath. “The sea and forests see death every day, animals and fish eat each other. To them it’s survival, to us it’s murder.”

“How poetic.” Jenna drained her coffee and pushed to her feet. “Thanks for dinner but I must be getting home. I’ll put my cup in the dishwasher and see you in the morning. As much as I would like to stay and chat all night, I don’t really want to sleep in your spare room again.”

“Leave the cup, I’ll walk you home.” Kane whistled to Duke then headed for the door. “Duke needs to go outside before I turn in.”

They strolled across the grass to her front porch and she opened the door, punched in the code on her house alarm, and turned back to Kane. He had a habit of waiting until she was safe inside the house. “Thanks for walking me home.”

“My pleasure.”

His lips quirked up into a tentative smile and he turned away. “I’ll see you at five if you still want to muck out the stables with me. It won’t take long and will be a good warm-up for our exercise routine.”

Jenna could not help a smile spreading across her face. She had seen this gentle side of Dave Kane break through his tough exterior before and enjoyed another glimpse. “Sure, I’ll be there to help, and tomorrow is my turn to cook breakfast.”