Kane glanced at his watch. “Getting on for three.”

They moved off again, looking like elephants linking trunks. Kane had picked this particular trail for the canyon that split the forest with its bottomless ravine. The killer could only come at them from one side, and he figured if an attack came, it would be on their return to camp and from the rear. So far, the killer had used the forest to his advantage, and on the way back they would be traveling uphill, and be slower targets. If they heard him, which he doubted, and turned to look at him, they would be looking directly into the sun and would not see him coming.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. He waited. If Wolfe needed to speak to him, it would stop and start up again. If the team had laid eyes on the killer, it would keep on going. It stopped then started up again a few seconds later. He squeezed Jenna’s shoulder. “Hold up. Nature calls.”

“Me too.” Jenna darted into the undergrowth.

It was a planned move. They had noted the position of the trail cams and made sure they were out of sight. Kane walked into the forest, leaned against the widest trunk he could find and scanned the area. Sure that no one could see or hear him, he took out his cell. He needed to keep it short and get back to Jenna. “There are trail cams set out along the path. He’s here, I can almost smell him.”

“If he is, we can’t see him.” Wolfe sounded tense. “It’s later in the day than we reckoned and the sun is blinding us. Right now, he could pick up a reflection from the scopes. I’ll move lower down the mountain but it will take time. I’ve sent Rowley to the plateau and Bradford to the crevice on the far right. They’ll be able to cover you, but when sun drops lower we’ll need to reposition again.”

“Roger that.” Kane disconnected and hurried back to the trail.

He glanced around and worry cramped his gut. Jenna had not appeared. “Mariah, where are you hiding?”

“Right here.” Jenna pushed out of the bushes. “I need the wipes out of the backpack. Peeing in the forest is gross.” She opened a flap in his bag and pulled out the wipes.

Kane bent and pretended to nibble her ear. “The team is moving. We are on our own until they relocate so take it slow.”

“You say the sweetest things.” Jenna wiped her hands then glanced behind him. “I guess we better keep moving.”

He looked at her and his heart skipped a beat. Had he made a fatal mistake by risking her life? The canyon loomed out of the forest and he paused to take in the scenery. Pine trees marched up each side and he could see the tops of some. The ravine at the bottom of the canyon must be over 100 feet deep. A multitude of bushes covered the bottom and he wondered what lurked down there. He touched Jenna’s arm to slow her. “I know you’re anxious to get back but I need a rest. There’s a log over there—let’s take five before we go on.”

“Okay, I need a drink.” Jenna dropped down onto the log. “It’s beautiful here. I didn’t know there would be so many varieties of birds in the forest, and look over there, squirrels scampering up the trees.”

“Yeah, it is, now I guess you’re glad you came hiking with me?”

“Hmm, one weekend will probably be enough for me.” Jenna brushed ants from her boots. “I don’t like the insects, and if we run into a bear, I’m running all the way back to the car.”

The fallen tree was on the edge of the canyon and Kane figured that if they kept their backs to the drop, they could keep watch for the killer. He shrugged out of his backpack and pulled out a bottle of water then handed it to Jenna. He rolled his shoulders and leaned back as if closing his eyes, but beneath his sunglasses, he scanned the forest from one side to the other. Nothing. Oh, the killer was good. If he was close by, he had the skills of a Navy Seal.

A high and piercing sound cut through the peace and sent birds rising in flocks. The noise made his heart pound but it shot Jenna into combat mode. She swung around and stared up the pathway, one hand going to the zipper on her jacket. In a moment, she would pull her weapon and the killer would disappear like an ice cream on a hot day. He rested one hand on her arm. “It’s okay. That could be a bobcat some ways away. They are territorial and a rival has probably walked by or challenged him.”

The screech came again and Jenna stiffened beside him. “That sounded more like a woman screaming than a cat.” She shuddered. “I’ve heard stories about forests at night. All sorts of supernatural creatures roam around. It might have been a banshee or a spirit bent on revenge.”

Oh boy, Jenna is playing her role to the hilt. Kane pulled her against him. “Don’t worry; I’ll protect you against banshees and ghosts.” He leaned in then dropped his voice to a whisper. “Stay in front of me once we hit the switchback. If he is planning on hitting us before we get back to camp, it will be soon.” He wanted her some distance away from him and glanced around, taking in the trail cams.

“Okay.” She turned away and strolled ahead. “Coming?”

Kane smiled at her. “Yeah.” He continued down the path at a leisurely pace.

Sometime later, Jenna stopped and turned around to look at him.

“You are slow.” Jenna pulled a face. “It’s taken us over ten minutes to walk a hundred yards.” She turned and walked away.

He grinned and raised his voice. “I’m not as young as you.”

Pain shot through his

head in an explosion of agony and the forest went out of focus. He lifted one hand to his head and stared at the blood on his fingers. I’ve been hit.


The loud scream Rowley heard worried him; it could have been the bobcat but Bradford could be in trouble. After trying without success to contact her via her com, he used the scope on his rifle to scan the area between her last position and the crevice. The thick vegetation hampered his view but he could see the trail she had headed down earlier, and nothing moved in the immediate area. She should be safe by now and had only been out of his sight for a few yards before she reached the crevice. Why isn’t she answering her com?

His job was to watch for the killer and protect the sheriff and Kane from a surprise attack during the time it took the sharpshooters to move into a better position. He scanned the forest again then reached for his cellphone, breaking Kane’s instructions to remain silent, and called Bradford. The call went to voicemail and he cursed under his breath. Where are you?

Unable to leave his current position, he contacted Wolfe and explained the situation.