
When the ringtone designated to incoming 911 calls pealed, Jenna ran from the shower. She glanced at the digital readout on her bedside clock and reached for her cellphone. “Sheriff Alton, what is your emergency?”

“We think we found a body up near Bear Peak. It’s not full daylight yet, but we’re pretty sure it’s a body.”

Jenna grabbed a pen and notepad. “Okay, can I have your names and contact details?”

“I’m Luke Evans and I’m with Jack Turner.” Evans gave their details as residents of Black Rock Falls.

“What is your location? Do you have a GPS?”

“Sure enough.” He rattled off the coordinates. “We caught sight of a ten-point buck heading for a designated hunting area, and followed him along this old trail. We could smell something dead and thought it was an illegal kill, so went to investigate.” He took a long, shuddering breath. “I contacted the ranger at the checking station. He said to stay here, not to touch anything, and contact you. He can’t leave his post but is calling it in.”

“You did the right thing. Is there road access in that area?”

“Sure is, take the back road past the falls. The FWP have a check station signposted, take the road on the left into the forest, it leads to a parking lot. The ranger there will point you in the ri

ght direction. You can take the trail from there. I figure it’s ’bout a thirty-minute hike.”

“Okay, we’re on our way. Stay where you are and I’ll call you when we get to the parking lot. We’ll be coming in on horseback.” Jenna disconnected and called Kane. “We have a body up near Bear Peak. We’ll take the horses; you get them ready and I’ll contact Wolfe and Rowley. The others will be able to manage the office in our absence.”

“Roger that, I’ll be ready in ten.”

* * *

A cold wind rustled the pines, buffeting Jenna and lifting the sides of her open jacket as she stepped from Kane’s SUV. She glanced around, taking in the number of vehicles in the parking lot and the variety of both men and women lining up to check in with the ranger before proceeding to their designated hunting areas. The excited conversations masked the usual eerie moans and creaks from the dark depths of the forest. She walked to the front of the line and waited for the ranger to finish speaking to a hunter.

“Morning, I have a team with me to investigate the complaint we received this morning.” She glanced at the faces of the people eager to get going, not wanting to advertise the fact someone had found a body. “We can manage on our own, and by looking at the people lined up, I figure you’ll need all your men here.”

“I would appreciate it, ma’am.” The ranger offered her a smile. “It is a busy time and we’re spread thin over the checking stations.”

“I’ll keep you informed.” She turned away and waved to Wolfe as he arrived with Rowley then strolled into the trailer to help Kane unload the horses.

Duke barked and spun in circles with an exuberance she hadn’t seen before. “Have you been giving that dog coffee or something?” She took hold of her mare’s bridle and followed Kane’s horse down the ramp.

“Nah, he does that when I come home too. It’s his happy dance. I figure he is used to seeing these folk and believes we’re going hunting.” Kane’s eyes narrowed and he indicated with his chin to the other end of the parking lot. “Looks like Blackhawk is here.” He glanced at her. “Did you call him?”

“No. Wolfe told me he planned to hire him when necessary, just in case we find anything close to the res. He won’t be working with us all the time.” She turned and her attention went straight to Blackhawk’s stunning Appaloosa. The coat of the spotted horse rippled like silk over its toned, muscular body. “Oh, wow, that is one beautiful horse. He must spend hours grooming it to make it look like that.”

“Yeah, he would.” Kane’s lips quirked up at the corner as he moved to her side and cupped his hands for her to mount. “Food is important too. I make sure both Warrior and Lady have all the supplements they need.”

She took the offered leg up and mounted Lady. Noticing the way the sun glistened on Warrior’s black coat, Jenna turned and smiled at Kane. “You polish him more than you do your car and that’s saying something.”

“Morning.” Blackhawk touched his hat. “Shane called, said you needed a tracker, so here I am. I know the trail.”

Jenna smiled at him. “Great! You can show us the way.”

Wolfe rode up to her side with Rowley beside him. “Webber is on his way. He is bringing a packhorse and the rest of my gear. He should be here soon.” He frowned. “Did you get any details on the body?”

Jenna sighed. “No, the men didn’t get close. They are on scene waiting for us.”

A truck with trailer attached approached in a cloud of dust and parked beside Kane’s black rig. Before Jenna could say a word, Kane offered her Warrior’s reins and strode off to help Webber unload the horses. A few moments later, they all headed into the forest with Blackhawk in the lead.

They had traveled about half an hour when Duke let out a howl like the devil was chasing him. Kane’s horse reared and Jenna’s Arab danced sideways, not wanting to continue. She calmed the horse but a sense of foreboding crept over her then a blast of wind curled through the trunks and the smell of rotting flesh hit her full in the face. She gagged and glanced over at Kane. “Can’t be far now.”

“Here, put this on.” He handed her a face mask then attached his own.