“Maybe they were running out of cash.”

“That seems unlikely but you have a point. I’m going to be spending the next couple of days digging into the couple’s past. The detective I spoke to sent his files. I’ll contact their friends. If this is a crime of passion, Paige’s BFFs will know about her boyfriends. There is always gossip. I can’t let this go, Kane; I’m going to catch the lunatic who murdered Paige Allen and Dawson Sanders.”

Kane sighed. “We’ll find him.” He stared out the window and into the peaks in the distance. “One thing we know for sure, with the reputation this place has gained in the last couple of years, anyone planning on hiking into the mountains unarmed is crazy.”


A cool breeze lifted Bailey Canavar’s hair and she turned to embrace it. “Oh, Jim, it’s amazing here; I can feel the cold wind toning my skin.” She giggled and danced along the trail beside him, feeling like a young kid on her first outing. The spectacular views had her spellbound. Jim had picked the perfect place for them to visit. “This part of the forest is beautiful, I’m so glad you convinced me to come with you. I was getting a little bored in the hotel. How did you find this place?”

“After finding the skull, I thought you’d prefer to be far away from any potential ancient burial sites. I promise that will never happen again.” Jim’s tanned face creased into a broad smile. “I had the maps from the counter at the hotel and wanted to find somewhere secluded. There are tons of old trails people don’t use as much here, mainly because they are too far from the highway, but they are perfect for us to get away from people for a while.” He caught her in his arms and spun her around. “Thanks for leaving your cellphone behind. I don’t want to be disturbed. Mine is at home as well. I’m sure as hell not taking any damn calls from the office on my honeymoon. We can use the burner I purchased for emergencies.”

She gave him her best sexy smile, the one that made his eyes smolder, and ran a hand through his sandy hair. “I’m not going to miss my phone for a few days. I think I’ll be busy.”

A shot rang out and pain struck her side in a glancing blow. “Ouch! Something hit me.” She ran her fingers down her side and found a tear in her shirt. “How did that happen?”

“Get down.” Jim pushed her to her knees behind a tree. “Are you okay?”

Blood coated her fingers and she sagged in his arms then collapsed to the ground, gaping at him. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know.” Jim peered around nervously. “I didn’t hear a gunshot.”

Blood spattered her jeans and oozed from a small tear under her ribs. “Oh my God, I’ve been hit.”

“Stay down. I can’t see or hear anyone.” Jim examined the wound and his voice dropped. “It’s just a nick. You’ll be fine. Take a few deep breaths.”

As usual, Jim tried to calm her but panic tightened her chest and she looked around terrified another shot would hit her. “Who would shoot at us?”

“Don’t be silly. If anyone was shooting at us they wouldn’t give up that easy. Look at me, Bailey. You need to calm down.” Jim squeezed her arm. “You’ll be okay. It’s just a scratch. Probably just a stray bullet or something. Some of the hunting rifles can reach five hundred yards.”


bsp; “Okay. I have a dressing in the first aid kit.” She took a few deep breaths. “How did this happen? I thought the hunters were miles away.”

“They should be. You fix up the scratch. I’ll need to report this accident and get help.” He pulled out his cellphone. “No bars. I’ll walk up the trail a ways. That huge boulder is probably blocking the signal.”

Terrified of being alone, she glanced around. “Okay but hurry. I don’t like it here.”

“Stay in the trees. I won’t be more than a few yards away.”

Bailey watched him walk out of sight then took a few seconds to check her side. She shrugged out of her backpack and pulled out the first aid kit then heard the sound of something big moving through the undergrowth. In sheer panic that a bear had smelled blood and was heading her way, she searched the backpack for bear repellent then froze in terror when a man dressed in army fatigues came out of the forest.

The man had his face covered with camouflage face paint, he had a strange contraption covering his mouth, wore sunglasses and a woolen cap pulled low over his ears. She tried to crawl away but the man was on her in seconds and dragged her to her feet. Bailey tried to slap him. “Let go of me.”

A backhand from Face Paint sent her reeling and she fell onto her back, head spinning. She tasted blood in her mouth. Confused, she scrambled on hands and knees to get away. Her husband was only a few yards away and he would hear her. “Jim, I need help.”

Without a sound, Face Paint lifted her with ease, pushed her to her knees, and dragged back her arms with such force she cried out. As tendons ripped, pain shot through her shoulders. She sobbed as he fastened a zip tie around her wrists and pulled it so tight it burned through her flesh. “Stop it, you’re hurting me!” She let out a long scream. “Jim, help me!”

No one came running and Bailey let out a sob of fear. “Why are you doing this?”

Relief flooded over her when she heard footsteps coming down the trail. “That’s my husband and the rangers will be on their way.”

“Get over here. I wouldn’t want you to miss all the fun.” Face Paint’s voice was strange. A smile flashed white against his gruesome, multicolored, camouflaged skin. He stared at her. “Do as you are told and everything will turn out just fine.”

With every muscle trembling, Bailey gaped at him in terror. What was happening? Tears stung her cut lip and she tried to crawl away but Face Paint’s boot blocked her way. Her disorientated mind tried to make sense of what she was seeing. How does Jim know this lunatic? She looked up at Face Paint through her tears. “Please let me go. I’ll give you money. I’ll give you anything you want.”

Face Paint smiled down at her.

“Hello, Bailey. Now, let me think. What do I want? Tell me, how fast can you run?”