“Oh shit!” Rowley’s eyes rounded in horror. “You’re saying she wanted us away from Craig’s Rock so she could murder Bobby-Joe Brandon?”

Kane nodded in agreement. “Yeah. We need to get up there now.”


When Duke barked and jumped, as wildly as possible for a hound, Jenna turned to see Wolfe and Webber coming into the clearing carrying a ton of equipment. She hurried to meet them and explained the situation. “I’m heading up to Bobby-Joe Brandon’s cabin. I think we’re wasting our time searching here.”

“If you leave Webber with me, we can handle the crime scene alone. I’ve organized a huge team from Helena and surrounding counties to exhume all the bodies at Craig’s Rock. They’ll be here first thing in the morning.” Wolfe walked over to the cabin and peered into the door. “I’ve already called the local mortician to bring transport for the body.”

“We think this is Chris Jenkins; he fits the description as far as I can tell on his driver’s license. Kane found his truck parked some ways up the main road. See if his prints are on file. I’ll need you to confirm his ID and find out if he has any next of kin.” She rubbed her mouth, remembering the flies and ants crawling over the victim’s face. “You’ll need to clean him up before you get a positive ID.”

“That’s given, ma’am.” Wolfe looked slightly annoyed.

With her mind juggling a multitude of cases, being nice sometimes slipped into obscurity. “That was rude, I apologize, Wolfe. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you about procedure.” She turned to her other deputies. “We’ll go in your SUV, Kane. Rowley and Bradford, with us.” She tossed her keys to Webber. “Drive my car back to the office when you’re finished here.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Webber’s face was sheet-white.

With a girl in danger, Jenna did not have time to boost morale. She offered him a small smile. “I know you’ve had a gruesome introduction to Black Rock Falls but it’s not like this all the time. You’ll be back to writing tickets before you know it.”

“I’ve seen death before, ma’am, but it’s never easy.”

“He’s doing a fine job.” Wolfe slapped Webber on the back. “Suit up, we have work to do.”

Jenna spun away to face Kane. “Let’s go.”

Frantic for the safety of Sandra Doig, Jenna jogged along the trail to Kane’s black SUV. When Kane moved to her side, she glanced up at him. “Lights and sirens. I want to get to Bobby-Joe’s cabin yesterday.” She yanked open the door to his car, tossed her backpack over the back, and climbed into the passenger seat. “Hurry!”

“You got it.” Kane hoisted Duke in the back and slid behind the wheel then cast a glance over to Rowley and Bradford. “Strap in, it’s going to be a wild ride.” His gaze settled on Rowley. “My sniper rifle is under the seat in a case. Get it out for me, please.”

“Roger that.” Rowley gave him a curt nod then clicked in his seatbelt.

Thrown back in her chair as the powerful SUV took off then spun one-eighty degrees before tearing back to the main road, Jenna gripped the edge of t

he seat. She had confidence in Kane’s ability to keep her safe but his look of grim determination worried her about his mood. His opinion of pedophiles was quite clear, and he would kill on her command without blinking an eye. She would need to keep a tight hold on her deputies if Bobby-Joe Brandon was alive and had the missing girl in his cabin.

“Go straight ahead at the intersection then take the first right. The road runs parallel to Stanton Road and will bypass the traffic in town.” Rowley leaned forward in his seat. “It’s residential but loops back around to Stanton Road near the college.”

“Okay.” The engine roared like an angry bull as Kane turned onto the highway.

Jenna concentrated on the road ahead, and with the siren blaring, the forest became a green blur as Kane increased speed, hardly slowing to take the bends. Behind her, she could hear Rowley checking his weapons and assembling Kane’s rifle. They flashed past cars, most pulling over to allow them to pass, and hit the intersection doing sixty. “Holy shit, Kane, slow down or you’ll kill someone.”

“We’re good. I could see a good hundred feet each way.” His blue gaze landed on her for a split second. “Trust me.”

As they flashed by houses, people came out open-mouthed to watch them go by. The end of the road came up fast, and with a quick glance in both directions, Kane hit the gas again and they surged down the open highway. Jenna gaped at the needle on the speedometer: eighty, ninety. She sucked in a breath and looked away when it slid over 120 miles per hour. She heard a strange whooshing sound as they passed cars, trucks, and buildings without slowing. The turnoff leading to Craig’s Rock and the entrance to the falls was coming up at speed.

A shower of gravel had washed down in the last rain and coated the end of the road, spilling onto the highway and making a muddy smear on the blacktop. Jenna held her breath. The car slowed, the motor rumbled, and she squeezed her eyes shut as Kane slid the car around the hairpin bend on the gravel, then, wheels spinning, the SUV gained traction and increased speed up the mountain road. He was scaring the hell out of her now. With her heart pounding, she tried to act nonchalant. “You should compete in drifting competitions. You’d win.”

“Nah, it’s an idiot’s game and I’d never risk my life on something so stupid.”

“That’s good to hear.” She glanced at him. “Turn off the lights and sirens, we don’t want to advertise the fact we are here.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

As they climbed high into the mountain range, Jenna scanned the forest for cabins. Her wholesome idea of a wonderful trek up the peak to enjoy nature had been shattered of late. With hundreds of log cabins spread throughout the forest, she wondered how many people used them for illegal activities. The road weaved in all directions and Jenna swallowed hard as the SUV came perilously close to the edge of the falls, sending pebbles tumbling down the rock face. Then, to her relief, Kane turned down a side road leading into the forest. As they drove deeper into the mass of trees, the shade from the tall pines turned the bright summer’s day into dusk. A short time later, they approached the private road Walters had informed them led to Bobby-Joe’s property. She stared at the open gate with signs all over prohibiting entry. “That was padlocked when we came past last time.”

“This can’t be good.” Kane drove slowly through the opening and hung out the window, examining the gate. “Someone has cut through the chain.”

“It might be Lizzy Harper. She could be on foot.” A jolt of adrenaline hit Jenna, making her hand tremble. “Scan the area. Rowley, take the left; I’ll take the right. Kane, proceed with caution.”