“Take a look.” Bradford grimaced then turned away, shaking her head.

Disgust and anger slammed into Jenna at the lurid images on the screen, and using her elbow, she closed the lid. She dragged out latex gloves from her pocket and pulled them on then peered into a carton sitting on the table. Inside were clown masks, twenty or more thumb drives, and piles of photographs. She forced her mind to cut out the depravity and concentrate on the victims’ faces. “Oh my God, I recognize some of these girls from the newspaper articles.”

“Do you think he’s killed the girl?” Bradford’s hands were shaking.

“No, men like him prefer to keep them alive for as long as possible. She has to be here; he probably has her and Alison stashed close by.”

Frantic to find them, she glanced around, then Kane’s voice came into her ear.

“I’ve continued up the trail but I still can’t see anyone. I can see a ledge higher up; I’ll get up there and scan the area with my scope. Any luck finding Sandra and Alison?”

She pressed her mic. “No. The cabin is empty and we are searching for a cellar. They have to be here somewhere. I know Brandon is one of the pedophiles. He left a laptop open with porn files on the kitchen table. There’s a box containing clown masks, thumb drives, and photographs. I recognize some of them from the missing girls in the newspapers.”

“Roger that. Just a minute. I see movement up the top of the mountain and the sound of water is getting louder. I’m close to the falls and I can make out a few shapes ahead.”

“Okay, hold your position. We’ll check out the cellar then meet you on the trail.”

“Ma’am.” Rowley caught her attention. “I’ve found a safe with the door open. It looks empty.” He walked into the pantry and pointed to a door set into the back wall. “That might be the cellar door. I’ll check it out.”

“Wait!” Jenna moved to his side and pushed him against the wall. “Always assume someone may be down there with a weapon. Keep your back to the wall and ease open the door.”

The door opened without a sound but it was pitch-black at the bottom of the stairs. “This is Sheriff Alton. Come to the bottom of the stairs where I can see you.”

“I can’t.”

Jenna’s heart missed a beat at the small glimmer of hope. The voice was young. “Is that you, Sandra?”


She flicked a glance at Rowley, and his eyes flashed with a rage she had not seen before. She took a breath. “Is Alison with you?”

“No. I don’t know Alison.”

Jenna flicked a look at Rowley’s concerned face then called out again. “Are you alone?”


It took every ounce of willpower not to charge down the stairs. She edged back into the pantry and unclipped her flashlight from her belt. “I can’t see a thing down there. Can you see a light switch anywhere?”

“Nope, it must be inside.” Rowley turned on his flashlight.

She turned to Bradford. “Watch the door. Rowley, with me.”

With Rowley close behind and holding their flashlights flush to their Glocks, they flooded the cellar with light. She sighed with relief at finding the girl seemingly alone. Still unsure if Bobby-Joe was hiding under the bed or in the shadows, she edged down the creaky old stairs step by step. “I can see you, Sandra. If anyone else is hiding in here, we are armed. Come out with your hands up.”

“I’m alone. No one else is here.” Sandra’s small voice sounded weak and shaky.

She holstered her weapon and ran to the girl locked in a cage. “It’s okay, we’re going to get you out.” She opened her mic. “Kane, we have Sandra and she is fine. No sign of Alison or Bobby-Joe.”

“Roger that.”

“Get right over to the back of the cage, Sandra.” Rowley appeared at her side with an ax and smashed the door with a couple of blows.

Jenna peered at the huddled, wide-eyed, trembling figure and her heart shattered into a thousand pieces. What kind of animal does this to a young girl? “You’re safe now.” With delicate care, she eased her from the cage and, shielding her from Rowley’s line of sight, glanced around for something to cover her. “Grab me those clean bath towels then go back upstairs.”

After taking the folded towels from Rowley, she turned back to the girl. With effort, she kept her emotion in check. “I’m going to catch the man who did this to you. I want you to stay upstairs with Deputy Bradford, ah, Paula, for a few minutes. She will look after you, okay?”

“I want to go home.”