It was a shame monsters roamed the forest.


After spending the morning searching through the Sexual and Violent Offender Registry for all known offenders in Montana, Jenna then checked the statewide database of fugitives to see if the victims’ names came up. Stu Macgregor was the only name that did. When Kane knocked on her door, his arms laden with takeout, she glanced at the clock. “Oh, I didn’t realize it was so late.” She stifled a yawn. “Ask Rowley and Webber to come into the office and we’ll discuss our findings over lunch.”

“I don’t think our search yielded much information, I’m afraid.” Kane placed the bags on her desk then headed to the door. “Bring your food with you, and your notes. We’ll eat with the sheriff.”

Once everyone had settled, Jenna glanced at her deputies. “I found zip on our victims and a bit of info on Stu Macgregor. Price and Dorsey haven’t had as much as a parking ticket. What have you found?”

“Not much, only what we know already. Amos Price, Ely Dorsey, and Stu Macgregor all worked for Party Time; they often went to the same gig. I spoke to the owner of the establishment and he has never received a complaint against them. He informed me as far as he recalls not one of the men working for him has a spider tattoo on his hand. He said he would likely refuse to hire someone with something that might disturb the kids.” Kane took a sip of his coffee and sighed appreciatively. “I looked into our murder suspects as well. Apart from the molestation as kids, I can’t find a link between them at all. They all went to different schools and have different occupations. I checked social media to see if they have any friends in common and came up empty. In fact, they had hardly any friends at all, and Lizzy Harper hasn’t got an account. She is a real loner. I guess we’ll have to wait until Monday to speak to a social worker about possible support groups. That is the only other link I can think of right now.”

“Rowley, what did you find?” Jenna munched on a turkey sandwich. She had not realized how long it had been since breakfast.

“All the missing girls on my list are still listed as missing. I had to check all over the state but most of these are from the three surrounding counties. I left messages for the journalists to contact me if they had an update on the stories but the missing persons’ files would be up to date.” His dark eyes moved over her face. “I contacted two of the girls’ parents in Blackwater. The cases were all seven to ten years ago. I checked their alibis for the time of death of our victims to rule them out. I asked what they remembered about the days or weeks prior to their kids going missing. All had taken their daughters to a party in the week before their disappearance.”

Jenna nodded. “That’s very interesting, so the Party Time link is definite. Have you narrowed it down?”

“Yeah.” Kane’s gaze rested on her. “They employed four clowns and two magicians in the last ten years: The two we know are involved, and the Booval brothers. The other magician died last year.” He raised one eyebrow. “The manager mentioned the FBI was all over them this week as well, so

I gather they are working statewide on the pedophile ring or they would have notified you.” He shrugged. “So it seems none of their employees are part of the pedophile ring.”

Damn. The leads were running through her fingers like water. She glanced at Webber. “Anything to report?”

“Nothing on my list of missing girls.” Webber cleared his throat. “I found an arrest report on Lizzy Harper but nothing we don’t know about already. The other missing girls on my list are still missing. I didn’t have any luck contacting the journalists at all.” He sighed. “There is a mention in the Blackwater files about the Angelique Booval case and the conviction of Stu Macgregor but her file is sealed as well.”

Jenna let out a long, disappointed sigh. “Dammit, I hoped we would find something. Thanks for coming in today. Go home and get some rest. Walters is on call today and I’ll only contact you in an emergency.”

She noticed the way Kane remained seated. She flicked him a gaze. “Is there anything else?”

“Yeah, now we’re finished for the day, are you ready to leave?”

Collecting the food containers and stuffing them in the garbage, she nodded. “Yeah, a break will do me good but keep it short, okay? I want to re-check everything before we head out to Blackwater tomorrow.” She collected her notepad and cellphone. “Do you mind going over a few things on the ride out to the ranch?’

“No, ma’am.” Kane stood and stretched. “Do you want to go home first and change?”

Exhausted and with the case weighing heavy on her mind, she met his gaze. “We don’t have time to go home and change. Going for a ride is out of the question.” She glanced down at Duke, lounging at Kane’s feet. “Sorry, Duke, maybe next time, okay?”

“Are you feeling okay, Jenna?”

“Yeah, it’s just my head is reeling from all that’s happened.” She shrugged. “I’m not sure what help I’ll be—I don’t know a thing about buying horses. I’ll be useless at offering an opinion.”

“That’s okay.” His voice had lowered to the caring tone he used when she became angry with him. “I’ll pick out a suitable mount for you. What color do you prefer? I don’t want to buy something you’ll hate.”

Laughter bubbled at his serious expression and the tension of the day lifted from her shoulders. She grinned and tapped her bottom lip as if trying to make up her mind. “Well, let me see, black goes with everything, but then so does white.”

“I hope we can find something to suit you.” Kane’s lips curled into a smile. “We’ll be able to take them today. The stables are ready and I have a horse float.”

Jenna stared at him. “You have a horse float?”

“Yeah, I had it delivered to Gloria’s ranch on Friday.” He rolled his broad shoulders and suddenly looked abashed. “She is very, ah, accommodating. Rowley introduced her to me the other day in Aunt Betty’s.”

Jenna headed for the door. “Really? You’ve never mentioned meeting her before.”

“I didn’t think it was a relevant part of the current caseload, ma’am.” He attached a leash to Duke’s collar and straightened.

She noted the high color in his cheeks and bit back a snort of laughter. “That’s why you want me along, isn’t it? So she doesn’t hit on you again.”

His expression had closed into his professional persona and he ignored her question. After working with Kane for almost a year, she knew by his face that the subject of Gloria Smithers was not open for discussion. Hmm, maybe he likes her.