“Not exactly. Just insert this toggle into the back of your laptop and we can communicate secretly online, which means outside of the games room. I can place bonus cards directly into your gift box so you’ll be able to jump levels and beat the boys.”

“That all sounds interesting, Mr. Provine, but nothing is free. What do you want from me or any of the girls you have in your club?” Emily’s voice came through loud and clear. “I mean, if you’re looking for a BJ or sex, I’m out of here.”

“Say it and I’ll punch your teeth down your throat.” Wolfe’s threat came out in a growl.

“No, nothing at all like that, heaven forbid.” Provine chuckled. “No, just ask your parents to buy the latest devices from me. I’ll help you and you’ll help me.”

“Okay, I’ll do it.” Emily cleared her throat. “I have to go. My daddy is waiting for me.”

“Our little secret then? I don’t think your father would understand.”


“I’ll give him ‘our little secret,’ the asshole.” Wolfe’s face paled and his eyes flashed with rage. “I’ll insert his damn toggle where he’ll never find it again.”

Trying to control his own anger, Kane grabbed his arm. “Cool it. What’s the bet the toggle is a remote access device? I guess you have the know-how to discover just how often he is interacting with the girls online?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ll go deep and find out all his dirty little secrets, he won’t be able to hide anything from me. I’ll conduct the search via Kate’s or Felicity’s laptops, then we won’t need a court order. I already have written permission and what I discover will be admissible in court.” A shudder went through Wolfe and he clenched and unclenched his big hands. “It might take some time but I’ll be able to monitor him.”

“So, remote access means he can control their computers?” A wave of disgust washed over Kane. “What about their webcams?”

“I’m not sure yet but if he has, just leave me alone with him for two minutes.” Wolfe shot him a glance of cold fury. “Filthy little pervert. We’ll need to keep a check on him. When I get back to the office, I’ll set up a tracker and attach it to his car because we don’t have the manpower to put someone on surveillance.”

Emily’s voice interrupted their discussion.

“Daddy? I’m safe and walking toward Aunt Betty’s Café. Did you get all that?”

Kane slapped him on the back. “Go, I’ve got this. I’ll see you back at the office.”

* * *

After Wolfe took off at a run, Kane strolled back onto the street and walked into the store. He moved close to Lionel Provine and spoke softly but in a tone that demanded his immediate compliance. “I need to speak to you—alone.”

“Yes, of course.” As if Kane had just asked him about the latest technology, Provine led the way into a storeroom off the main shop floor. He waved at a screen displaying the entire store. “Can’t be too careful.”

Seeing a way to track Provine’s movements, he acted dumb. “So, do you keep the disks and check them each day in case something is stolen, or are they automatically written ov

er every few hours?”

“I have the latest technology, so unless something is missing, I re-write the hard drive weekly.” Provine gave him a haughty stare, then, as if seeing him as a potential customer, smiled. “I see you’ve been shopping—is there anything I can help you with today?”

Kane slid the plastic sack up his arm, took out his notepad and pen, then inclined his head. “Can you account for your movements between the hours of six and nine thirty yesterday evening?”

“Yes, I was here as usual but I was online. Playing a new game called Thunder Clap. My online user name is Geek Twenty-Four. The kids meet me in the online games room and we often play against each other or on the same team.” His small eyes narrowed behind his glasses and he held out his hand for Kane’s notepad. “I can write down the games room’s URL. It’s easy to check the logs. In fact, I’m sure your new deputy will be able to find it okay.”

“Just tell me the address, I’m not computer illiterate.” Kane took down the URL then frowned. “I also know anyone can log on and not play or have some type of remote player. You’ll need a better alibi than that, I’m afraid.”

“Let me see, I went into Aunt Betty’s Café around nine thirty to buy some snacks. Tilly the older waitress served me.” Provine gave him a concerned stare. “Two of the rodeo cowboys were there as well and one of them was Lucky Briggs. He could have seen me but he was in deep conversation with the other waitress, the young one who does the late shift… ah, Sally, I think.”

“Nine thirty, huh? Must have been hungry work playing that new game.”

“With the store filled with kids during the school breaks I don’t get time for lunch most days, let alone shopping for groceries. I’m lucky to have a group of the older girls who’ll run errands for me.”

“Why don’t you make your lunch and bring it downstairs with you?” Kane looked down his nose at the man and noticed sweat forming on his top lip. He had rattled him. Good.

“I do sometimes, it depends on the weather.” Provine wiped a hand over his mouth, the nails bitten down to the quick. “I wouldn’t expect them to run around for me in the rain or snow.”

“I see, and what do the girls get from you for running these ‘errands’?”