“Provine, I think.” Aimee fiddled with the cushion on the chair. “Why are you asking questions about Felicity? Has something happened to her?”

“I’m afraid Felicity was involved in a serious incident yesterday.”

“What kind of incident?” Aimee leaned forward in her seat. “Did someone hurt her?”

Jenna sighed. “I’m not able to disclose that information just yet but I must caution you to be very careful and don’t go out alone. Keep away from the forest right now it’s not safe.”

“That’s awful.” Aimee looked at her friend. “We’ll go and see her.”

“No, she isn’t at home.” Jenna glanced at Mrs. Fox. “I’ll explain everything to your mother when I’m able.” Jenna turned her attention back to the girls. “I need all the information you can give me. When did you last see Felicity?”

“Sunday at church but I spoke to her yesterday morning before breakfast.” Aimee met her gaze. “She said she would drop in here before nine. We planned to go into town. Lionel sent all of us a bonus card for one of the new games and I guess she got engrossed in the game because she didn’t show. She is totally addicted to games, so I wasn’t really surprised. We all are and sometimes I get so involved I’d rather play than go out with my boyfriend.” She shrugged. “I did call and leave a message but she didn’t get back to me.” She sighed. “Then Lionel closed the store for almost two hours and we had to cool our heels in Aunt Betty’s.”

This is way over my head. Jenna blinked and wrote down as much of the girls’ ramblings as she could remember. “Okay, so I gather these ‘bonus cards’ are ways to move up levels in the game faster? I’m afraid I’ve never had time to be a gamer.”

“Yes, and they are like gold. They can be awarded as you complete the tasks or missions and you can share or swap doubles of them too.” She let out a long sigh. “I know old people don’t understand but these days most teenagers play games or talk online.”

Jenna flicked a glance at Mrs. Fox, who gave her a non-judgmental stare, then moved her attention back to the girls. “So, where did you go yesterday around nine?”

“I picked up Kate and we went into town.” Aimee chewed on her bottom lip. “We spent most of the day in the computer store with Chad and Lucas but I didn’t give them a ride. They always catch the seven-thirty bus into town. Dad doesn’t like me having boys in the car.”

“May I have their full names please?”

“Yeah, Lucas Summerville and Chadwick Johnson.” Kate twirled a strand of blonde hair around her finger.

“Did you speak to anyone other than them and Lionel or see anyone on the way?”

“We spoke to Mr. Rogers at the stoplight. He crossed the road in front of the car and I called out to him.” Kate smiled in a flash of straight white teeth. “He is one of the new teachers that started this year.”

Jenna flicked over another page of her notebook. “What did you talk about?”

“Not much. We didn’t have much time before the light changed to green. He was coming back from looking for his dog. I guess he’d been running. He was all sweaty and had bits of grass and wildflowers stuck to the Velcro on his sneakers.” Kate giggled. “He ran off in such a hurry with them trailing out behind him.”

The mention of wildflowers prickled the hairs on the back of her neck. The coincidence plus the timeframe was significant. “I take it he lives close by?” She looked at Mrs. Fox.

“Yes, with his wife at the far end of Stanton Road, number 206, I believe.” Mrs. Fox patted her auburn hair and frowned. “Is this about Felicity’s boyfriend, Derick Smith? He is far too old for her, I don’t know how her parents allow her to see a boy over three years her senior.”

Jenna straightened and stared at Aimee. “I heard they’d broken up.”

“That’s because of Lucky Briggs.” Kate giggled. “Felicity thinks he is all that and plans to dance with him on Friday night. Derick got real mad and stormed off. He is such a jerk. As if Lucky Briggs would be interested in Felicity. Everyone knows he prefers blondes.”

“How do you know Lucky?” Jen

na moved her gaze from one girl to the other.

“Who doesn’t know Lucky?” Aimee smiled. “He comes from Black Rock Falls and his ranch has been in his family forever. He is a star and everyone loves him.”

“We can’t wait to watch him ride on Saturday.” Kate’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “I wish we could follow him on the circuit. I will the moment I turn eighteen.”

“Me too.” Aimee turned on her cellphone and held it up. “I have his photograph as my wallpaper. He is so hot.”

“I see.”

“You can put that man right out of your mind, young lady.” Mrs. Parker’s cheeks reddened with anger. “She is not usually so forward.”

“Teenagers are a handful, so I’m told.” Jenna took in her horrified expression. “Maybe Aimee will be at college by then and Lucky Briggs will be a distant memory.”

“I live in hope.” Mrs. Fox cleared her throat. “Is that all?”