She swallowed the lump in her throat. He had gone to hell and back yet been supportive and kind to her from the first day he arrived. He had become her rock and she had to say something, give him something in return. “I worked undercover for the DEA.”

“Okay, say no more.” Kane’s worried gaze moved over her face. “Now I know why you stuck a gun in my face the day we met.”

“She what?” Wolfe’s mouth gaped open.

“Leave it alone, Shane.” Kane drained his mug then flashed a white smile at her. “We are BFF’s now.”

“Right.” Jenna laughed.

“You don’t know, do you?” Wolfe looked from one to the other in amazement. “Viktor Carlos’s right-hand man turned informant and gave up the entire gang. The next day someone murdered Carlos in prison. It happened the day before I left home. I guess it didn’t make the news here. You are safe, Jenna. It’s over. He can’t hurt you.”

She gaped at him in disbelief. “So why am I still here?”

“Because you know too much.” Wolfe sighed. “It’s the way of things, I’m afraid. I guess you could ask to be reassigned?”

Suddenly feeling as if a great weight had lifted from her shoulders, she looked at the men. “I happen to like being the sheriff of Black Rock Falls.”

“So are we good?” Kane scratched his chin.

“Yeah and now we have cleared the air, are you ready to catch a killer?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Kane’s grin had not faded.

She stood and pulled out her notepad. “I’ll need my car keys.” Flipping open her notes, she looked at Kane. “I sent emails out to the other sheriff departments in the state requesting information on similar cases. I cc’d you in, Kane, so the emails will go straight to your cellphone.” She sucked in a breath. “I gather from your talk with Felicity’s parents, the boyfriend, Derick Smith, has a part-time job at Miller’s Garage on Saturdays and during summer break? I want you to interview him just to see if he is as squeaky clean as George thinks. He lives on Pine Forest Road, a block away from Felicity’s house, he could have driven past her on the way to work.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“After you’re done with Smith, pick up Wolfe and head back out to the crime scene and check out the other trail.” She glanced at her notes. “Something you said last night made me think. It wasn’t hot yesterday and yet I didn’t notice any pools of water at the scene. The victim’s hair was damp but the killer had taken the time to brush it. I studied the images as well and didn’t notice any muddy footsteps leading away from the rock in any direction as you mentioned. You were correct. All the footprints led away from the river. If the killer placed the body on the rock, cut her up, dried her hair and brushed it, then picked flowers before he left, somehow he left no trace of his movements in or around the clearing.”

“We’ll look closer.” Wolfe gave her a determined stare. “I’ll break down the area into a grid and we’ll search every damn inch. I’ll find something we can use.” He handed Jenna her car keys.

“Do you mind if I grab Row

ley and take him with us?” Kane rubbed his chin. “As he’s lived here all his life, he’ll know all the tracks throughout the forest.”

Jenna nodded in agreement. “Good idea. I’ll be out of the office for an hour or so.” She headed for the door. “Maggie will have to manage for a short while. I’m going to visit Aimee Fox and see if she can shed some light on Felicity’s movements before her death. I’ll call first to make sure one of her parents is there before I question her.” She stopped walking and gave Kane a long look over one shoulder. “I’ll take Deputy Walters as backup.”

“Good idea.” Kane followed close behind her. “I’ll call you if we find anything.”

She turned and flicked a gaze over both men. “I’ll do the same.”


Kane strolled into Miller’s Garage to interview Derick Smith with his military mindset fully loaded. A familiar calmness descended on him, bringing everything around him into perfect clarity. If Derick had killed Felicity, his instincts would scream, “Guilty.” He avoided the office and walked past the gas pumps and into the garage.

Two cars sat on the hoists with a man working on each. He had spoken to George Miller, the owner of the place, many times, so the young muscular man in dirty coveralls had to be Derick. He took in the size of him—not only young and as strong as a bull but he could plainly see marks on one forearm resembling scratches. The strong, fit football player could render a full-grown man unconscious with one punch, and overpowering a sixteen-year-old girl would be a piece of cake.

The image of the mutilated body and the surprised look of horror etched into her expression flashed into his mind. Anger welled and he fought hard to swallow his emotion. He approached Mr. Miller. “Hey, George, mind if I have a quick word with Derick?”

“Oh, it’s you, Deputy Kane. Would you like my daughter to bring you a nice hot coffee? We have a fresh pot—no trouble.” George smiled and wiped his hands on an oily rag.

Kane had avoided Mary-Jo after a date six months previously. As he valued Jenna’s friendship and the comfortable ease he enjoyed with her off-duty, he had not asked Mary-Jo out again. Her father regarded him as son-in-law potential and tried to force her onto him at regular intervals. He smiled at the older man. “Thanks, but if I drink any more coffee I won’t sleep for a week. It’s been one of those days.”

“I know what you mean.” George went over to Derick and tapped him on the shoulder. “Deputy Kane wants a word with you, son.”

“Sure.” Derick pulled out his earbuds and gave Kane a worried frown. “My folks okay?”

“As far as I’m aware.” Kane led him to a more secluded area of the workshop. “Do you know Felicity Parker?”