“We’ll talk about this later.” His daunting expression gave no hope for a reprieve. “Can you stand?”

Biting her bottom lip, she nodded. “My head is sore. He punched me in the face too.”

“So I see.”

Flashing lights came into view as the paramedics drove toward them, sirens blaring. She looked at her father. “I don’t need to go to the hospital. If you think I’ll need an X-ray on my head, you can do that, can’t you?”

“I think an ice pack will suffice.” His pale gray gaze moved over her face. “You did good, kid. You survived because we planned for all contingencies, but if you ever put yourself in danger like this again, so help me, I’ll lock you in your room until you turn twenty-five.”

Emily smiled at him. “You have the killer. Do I get points for that?”


* * *

Two deputies arrived to escort Reverend Jones to the lockup. Emily sat in the back of the ambulance and allowed the paramedics to tend her injuries without complaint. Her dad had walked away and was speaking on the phone, no doubt to the Department of Homeland Security. He had mentioned the killer was probably responsible for identical murders across the state. With a dangerous man in custody, the Black Rock Falls Sheriff’s Department would likely need assistance.

A wave of relief flooded over her at the sight of the sheriff and Deputy Kane carrying Julia in his arms. Her friend had one arm wrapped around the handsome deputy’s neck, and as they came closer, she could hear her talking. When he deposited Julia into the ambulance, she smiled up at him.

“I’m fine now. You didn’t have to carry me, but thank you.”

“You should thank Emily, she saved your life.” Deputy Kane’s full lips curled into a smile, he touched his hat and walked away.

Seeing the dreamy look in her friend’s eyes, Emily snorted. “Don’t waste your time.” She glared at her friend. “By the way, I nearly got murdered because of you. The reverend was going to stab me so I tore his face apart with my nails.” She pressed ice to her face. “I’d be dead if the sheriff hadn’t flown through the air and tackled him then held him until Deputy Kane arrived. You should have seen her, she was amazing.”

“You look a mess.” Julia stared at her. “I guess you’ll be going to the hospital with me.”

“No, but I’m glad you’re going to the hospital. You need your head examined after running off like that alone.”

“I know that now.” Julia pulled a face. “I’m going to be grounded. I promised my parents I wouldn’t leave the hall. They are going to be so mad.” She frowned. “Oh shit, here they come now.”

Emily took one look at the sour expression on her father’s face and sighed. “Yes, they will, but not half as mad as my dad is with me right now.”


Five days later, Kane strolled into Jenna’s office and waited for her to look up at him. “They’ve picked up Steve Rogers just outside Blackwater. The deputies are bringing him in now but when they interviewed him, he gave them a signed confession to killing his wife. They’ll be here before twelve.”

“That’s great.” Jenna leaned back in her chair and gave him a long, considering stare. “If he pleads guilty, it will make our job a lot easier.” Her mouth turned up at the corners. “The mayor called me and, would you believe, the new road he had planned to his property has been axed and the funding is coming here. This means we get two new deputies, the computer system that Wolfe wanted, and money to spare.”

Kane dropped into a chair and grinned. “Lockers for our personal items would be something to consider. There are a few rooms sitting empty, we could turn one into a locker room and have a keypad to get in and out so it’s secure.”

“I’ll add it to my list.”

He rubbed his chin. “Wolfe has finished his reports; he’ll be here soon to give us the evidence he found at Jones’s house and update us on what he discovered on his computer.”

“I know you wanted to be involved in the search of Jones’s residence but with your DNA on two of the victims and me as your only alibi for Kate’s murder, it was best I ordered him to handle it with Rowley.” Jenna gave him an apologetic look. “Waiting for one of Helena’s forensic team to go in with them was the correct thing to do.”

He nodded. Her quick thinking had removed any conflict-of-interest accusations. “I appreciate your consideration, ma’am.”

“While we’re waiting for Wolfe, bring me up to date with the Rogers investigation.”

As a familiar headache threatened, he rubbed the scar on his head. “I’ve collated the evidence against Rogers; even if he hadn’t admitted guilt, the case against him would have been solid. I’ll print it up and have it on your desk within the hour.”

“Good work.” Jenna gave him a bright smile. “When Rogers arrives, I’ll send it along to the DA with his confession. I’d say the county jail will be taking him off our hands.”

A knock on the door heralded Wolfe’s arrival.

“Come in.” Jenna’s interested gaze flicked over his face. “Shut the door. I take it you have finished your reports on the Jones case?”