She looked into his compassionate gaze and smiled. “Oh, yes, thank you. My mind was on something else.”

“Are you okay? You seem a bit jumpy.” He squeezed her arm with his large hand. “Would you like me to walk you back to the sheriff’s office? I’m going in that direction the moment my order is ready. It would be no trouble, no trouble at all.”

She gave him her best bright smile. “I’m fine but thank you so much for your consideration.” She picked up her coffee and headed for the door.

As the sensation of someone watching her slid over her again, she hoisted her box of purchases under one arm then turned to look back at Aunt Betty’s and straight into the dark eyes of Lionel Provine.


After returning to her office, Jenna dropped into her chair, leaned back, and stared at the ceiling trying to absorb all the information gathered on Felicity’s murder over the last twenty-four hours and compare it with what she knew about Joanne Blunt. They had nothing in common apart from age. Joanne did not live in town and she had no friends in the area apart from her cousins. All of them had alibis, and as far as they knew, she had not met or conversed with anyone since her arrival. Jenna had absolutely no suspects or leads whatsoever. A knock at the door drew her attention, and she noticed Deputy Wolfe standing in the doorway. “Did you find anything?”

“Yeah, a pair of boots and a scrap of blue cloth likely from the victim’s T-shirt.” Wolfe moved into the room and pushed the door closed behind him. “I think I have a pretty good idea of the sequence of events at the scene.”

Jenna pushed to her feet. “Photos?”

“Yeah, we all took tons. I’ll upload them ASAP. Rowley is waiting outside the evidence room. Who has the keys?”

“Kane and myself. Tell Rowley to drop them down the evidence chute and we’ll log them later.” Jenna headed for the door. “Where is Kane?”

“Ah, he had to go home and pick up some underwear.” Wolfe stood to one side. He gave her a lopsided grin. “Rowley noticed a boot in the river and Kane volunteered to go in after it. Searching underwater he found the second boot, then we had the long walk through the forest back to the car. The insects are a bitch.”

“Why didn’t you leave a cruiser at both ends of the trail, it would have saved you a long walk?” She stared at him in amazement then laughed to herself. This is going to be a very long day. She headed for the coffee machine.

“Well, it was like this, ma’am.” Wolfe followed her out the office. “Kane had the theory the killer would be wet, as in soaking wet. We both believe the murder took place in the water, as there is no substantial blood evidence on scene. The killer carried her to the flat rock to cut her up after he cut her throat and let her bleed out. It would make sense he would be wet after washing in the river. But after dressing in dry clothes by the time he walked back along the trail, his hair would be dry enough not to draw attention.”

Jenna refilled the coffee maker. “And was Kane’s hair dry when he reached the road?”

“Nearly, but he was wet all over. He went into the river fully dressed.” Wolfe took four mugs down from the shelf. “That’s why he headed home.” He sighed. “I’ll get started on the Joanne Blunt preliminary examination now.”

“I’d like to hear all your theories because I need proof both victims weren’t killed elsewhere then carried to the forest to be put on show.” She turned and leaned her back against the counter. “After interviewing Felicity’s friends, my list of suspects is a mile long for her murder but I have absolutely nothing for Joanne Blunt. She literally arrived in town and someone killed her.”

“Kane thinks it’s a local who moves around, maybe in his job, but there are differences in both murders. We know Joanne Blunt was heading to the rock pool for a swim but Felicity Parker had no reason to be in the forest. I think the Blunt murder was opportunistic. The killer came across her, chased her down. From the bruising, she fought back. He pulled her hair and punched her rather than using a weapon. From what I could determine, he used one knife not a variety.” Wolfe went to the refrigerator and took out the cream. “But both murders are ritualistic and I have no doubt he has killed before and will again, very soon.”

She glanced up to see Kane strolling through the door carrying an Aunt Betty’s takeout box. His blue gaze moved around the room and rested on her, and he headed in her direction. “There he is now. If you handle the coffee, I’ll go with Kane and place the items you found into the evidence locker.”

“I’ve picked up some food. I’m guessing you haven’t had time to eat either.” Kane smiled at her and dropped the takeout box onto the counter. “We have a lot to discuss.”

“Thanks, but I’ve collected enough pies and candy for a month.” Jenna returned his smile.

“Great!” He grinned. “You hungry?”

“Famished. I’ve been waiting for you to get back. Once we’ve taken care of all the evidence you’ve collected, we can eat.” She turned to Wolfe. “I’ll send Rowley to give you a hand. Take the coffee and food into my office, we won’t be long.”

“We found a pair of cowboy boots, pink with sparkles. They fit the description of the pair Felicity was wearing the day she went missing. There is a scrap of blue material with a sequin, which might be a part of her top.”

She strolled beside Kane and they met Rowley outside the cage. The young deputy appeared a little frazzled. “Thanks, we’ll take it from here. Go and help Wolfe—Kane was kind enough to pick up our lunch so we might as well eat and discuss the case.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Rowley handed the box of evidence to Kane. “Thanks, I could eat a horse right now.”

She waited for him to go, and they used their keys to unlock the evidence room. As she entered a description of each article into the book then the computer, she glanced up at Kane. “I had the strangest feeling someone was following me today.”

“Did you see anyone?”

“Not following me but I went to pick up coffee from Aunt Betty’s and Lionel Provine was there with some kids. When I left, I had the same feeling. I turned around and looked straight into his eyes.”

“We have an inbuilt radar. Instinct or whatever.” Kane shrugged. “It may be nothing but we’ll keep an eye on him. I’m glad you told me.”

She sighed. “Okay, back to the job at hand. Any thoughts?”