“Then what happened?”

“She came in barking orders then told Daniels to head out to Stan Clough’s piggery and keep him under surveillance until she had obtained a search warrant for his place.” Rowley grinned in obvious glee. “Pete radioed in to say he had arrived and it was as quiet as a tomb but if the guy made a move toward him, he would call his brothers for backup in case the guy tried to feed him to his pigs.” He chuckled. “I guess he forgot there is zero phone reception out there.”

Kane ground his teeth. Sending a rookie out alone on surveillance of a murder suspect was not a move he would have made. How could so many bad things happen in the short time he left Jenna alone? “Is she in her office?”

“Nope. She left about twenty minutes ago and took off without a word.”

“Did you ask her where she was going?”

“Ah… no, but she had a folder with her and she is likely speaking to the judge.” Rowley grimaced and gave him a look of incredulity. “I didn’t dare ask her where she was going. He heaved a long sigh. “She did the Spanish Inquisition act on me earlier. Once is enough for me.”

Kane glared at him. “I gather that was around the time you threw me under the bus?” He waved a hand toward Alton’s door. “You told her about my date with Mary-Jo, didn’t you?” He sighed at Rowley’s nod. “It wasn’t a date as in romantic. It was a fact-finding mission. She is a gossip and I needed information.”

“Did you get any information out of her?”

“Nah, only that Rockford is a bit kinky.” Kane rubbed the back of his neck. “Apparently he liked her to dress up as a kid.”

“That makes sense.” Rowley grimaced and shook his head slowly. “Man’s a damn pedophile. After the sheriff caught him taking pictures of her, she seized his cellphone and found images of young girls. He likes to sneak about at night and take pictures of them.” His expression darkened. “The sheriff is trying to obtain search warrants to seize all his computers as well. From the texts and images on his phone, he is involved in some nasty stuff.”

“Jesus.” Kane let out a long sigh. “No wonder Jenna is pissed with me.”

“So why stay out all night?”

“After I took Mary-Jo home, I hung around the bar listening to the local gossip in the hope of hearing something, then I got a room because I’d had too much to drink.” Kane moaned. “I had no idea about Rockford. I thought Jenna was angry because she thought I spent the night with Mary-Jo. Not that what I do off-duty is any of her business.”

He turned on his computer. “While we are waiting for her to bring back the search warrant for the Clough ranch, I’ll go through the files again and see if I’ve missed any clues. Clough is the most likely suspect so far but who is his accomplice? Over the years I’ve found it best not to discount anyone until I’ve check out everyone’s alibis.”

“It wasn’t Rockford who attacked the sheriff in the bushes.” Rowley lifted his dark gaze and smiled. “I managed to track down the driver of the cab that picked him up on Saturday night and he took him to his apartment. You had his car keys, so he couldn’t have got back to the Cattleman’s Hotel in time.”

“Okay. I might drop over to speak to John Davis again too. I’d be interested to find out if he had anyone else looking at properties around the time Sarah planned to visit them.”

“I’m heading out to give a ticket to a dog owner.” Rowley pulled a face. “I’ll catch you later.”

He pushed to his feet and headed to the coat rack.

Kane pulled up the forensic files on both cases. He needed the details of the footprints found at Sarah’s crime scene. He called forensics and left a message. At a loss, he grabbed his jacket and headed out in the driving snow to speak to John Davis.


Kane strolled into the real estate office and waited patiently for John Davis to finish speaking to a prospective buyer. He listened to the usual salesman’s spiel. It was as if they all came out of the same egg, and born with a mission to persuade buyers they could afford something way beyond their means. When the young couple left, brochures in hand, he shut the door behind them and turned to him. “I’m afraid I’m here to notify you about a murder at the Old Mitcham Ranch.”

“A murder?” The color drained from John Davis’s face and he ran a hand through his thinning hair. “Anyone I know?”

“I’m afraid so. We found Sarah Woodward’s body in the root cellar on Monday.” He frowned. “That’s the reason the Daniels boys removed the property from sale.”

“Dear Lord.” Visibly shaken, Davis opened his desk drawer and took out a bottle of brandy and a shot glass. “Do you know who killed her?”

Kane rubbed his chin, observing the old man with interest. “Not yet.”

“That place is cursed.” Davis blinked rapidly.

Why do people blame everyone else but the killer? “I’d ask that you keep this information between us as it is an ongoing investigation.”

“Yes, of course.” Davis poured a drink and tipped it back with a gasp. “First the old man goes missing and now this dreadful thing. I can’t believe this has happened in Black Rock Falls.”

Kane stared at the man’s pallid face. “Who else knew the Old Mitcham Ranch was for sale? Did you send anyone else out to view the property?”

“Only her grandmother.” Davis sealed the bottle and pushed it back inside the drawer. “I didn’t bother putting details in the front window. No local would be interested, and it won’t sell now.” He cleared his throat. “I’d burn it down if I had my way.” He got to his feet and moved around the desk, staring sightlessly out the window. “Burn it and the damn curse.”