“Yeah. I dropped off some garbage on Saturday morning and I went back on Monday but it had a closed sign hanging on the gate. Why are you asking me the same questions as Pete?” Agitated, Watts moved around in his chair. “I didn’t dump no body in a barrel, if that’s what you’re thinking. I dumped a carton of beer bottles on Saturday and I took them to the recycling area.”

“Did you return home via Dutton Road?”

“Yeah, it’s the way to my house.” Watts eyed him suspiciously. “Why?”

Kane wrote a few notes then met his gaze. “We’re investigating a shooting incident in the region of Dutton Road around seven thirty on Monday morning.” He leaned back in the chair and tapped the pen on the notepad. “Did you happen to see a vehicle parked in or on the road near the back of the landfill?”

Billy Watts ran a hand through his thick blond hair and stared at the wall for some moments.

“Yeah, now I come to think of it I did see a dark blue Ford pickup, an older model, parked in the trees.” He scratched his cheek and nodded. “Yeah, I noticed it on the way to the landfill and it was still there on the way back. I thought someone might be dumping garbage over the back fence.” Color pinked the tips of his ears. “I thought about doing the same thing but I spotted a police cruiser behind me.”

“Okay.” Kane inclined his head. “Did you happen to see the driver of the pickup?”

“Nah, I didn’t see anyone, just the vehicle.” Watts grinned. “I did see Deputy Walters’ ugly face in his cruiser. He came past me doing seventy.”

“How do you know Sarah Woodward?” Kane twirled the pen in his fingers like a casino chip. “Where did you meet her?”

“Sarah?” Watts raised both fair eyebrows to the hairline. “What’s Sarah got to do with the body in the barrel?”

“Just answer the question.”

“Like I said, I’ve got nothing to hide.” Watts cleared his throat and gave a dismissive shrug. “Sarah was here being questioned on Saturday morning. I made some comment or other to her outside about the way you guys harass everyone. That night she showed up at the restaurant in the Cattleman’s Hotel. The waiter seated her next to my table. I introduced myself and as we were both dining alone, I asked her to join me.”

“What did you talk about?”

“Oh, this and that, mostly about hockey.” Watts grinned wolfishly. “She’d heard of me and we got on real well.”

“I assume you escorted her to her car?”

“No, she left alone. I followed a short time later and she called me over to tell me her car wouldn’t start.” He flicked Kane an annoyed glance. “Then you showed up and spoiled everything. I was ready to drive her home.”

“Okay.” Kane noticed Watts’ relaxed posture. He doesn’t know she is dead. Dammit, another theory out the window. So much for being Sherlock Holmes. “Did Sarah mention her plans or where she was staying?”

“She was looking for her grandma.” Watts huffed out a long sigh. “I know where she’s staying and about her missing grandma. I overheard you talking to her.”

“Can you account for your movements on Monday after you left the landfill?”

“Yeah, I went to the Larks ground and dumped my stuff in the bin.” He shrugged. “Then I called Dan, Dan Beal, and we went to Aunt Betty’s Café for coffee then hit the gym.”

“What time was this and what gym?” Kane raised his pen.

“The gym at Larks and it was about eight when we left Aunt Betty’s, I think. A couple of the players would have seen me there as well and the assistant coach, John Beenie. They’ll vouch for me.”

Kane pushed the pad and pen toward him. “Jot down those names for me, will you, please?” He flicked a glance over the man’s hands, no injuries.

“Sure.” Watts complied.

“Do you have any objection to giving a DNA sample?” Kane watched him closely and got his feet under him in case Watts decided to run.


sp; “Oh shit.” Watts rubbed both hands down his face and peered at Kane through his fingers. “Has something happened to Sarah?”

“I’m afraid Miss Woodward was involved in an incident yesterday morning.” Kane reached in his drawer for a DNA collection kit and placed it on the desk. “We’re eliminating everyone who met her. All I need is a swab of the inside of your mouth.”

“Do I need a lawyer?” Watts had turned sheet white.

Kane leaned forward and raised a brow. “That is up to you, Mr. Watts. As I said, I’m eliminating innocent people from a long list of suspects. If you have nothing to hide, do the test. It is voluntary but I can get a court order if necessary.”