Stunned, he swallowed a mouthful of scalding coffee. Oh, shit, what now? She had turned the tables on him in an instant. Okay, I can play that game. He would offer her a glimpse of his off-duty, normal side and see how things rolled between them. Right now, he needed a friend. Living a life filled with bad memories was miserable. He enjoyed Jenna’s company and they worked together as if they had been partners for a long time, but anything else would have to wait. Right now, a gaping, bleeding hole sat where his heart used to beat, but a friend he could handle. Maybe a way down the track, she would be the woman to cure the ache in his heart. Allowing a slow smile to curl his lips, he leaned back, adopting a nonchalant pose, and stared into her eyes. “That wasn’t a come-on, was it, ma’am?”

Expecting her to laugh in his face or reprimand him, he picked up his coffee, not moving his attention from her face. Jenna did not blink but met his gaze full on, as if considering her reply. He cleared his throat and dropped his gaze.

“Rowley told me you’ve had a lot of attention recently. He’s asked every waitress at Aunt Betty’s Café for a date without success and you have them falling at your feet.” Jenna observed him over the rim of her cup. “He thinks you’re gay, by the way. You cover your emotions very well but I see the way you react to women.” She chuckled and licked a droplet of coffee from the edge of her cup. “Do women frighten you?”

“Nope.” His attention followed her pink tongue and he glanced away, ashamed by the way

his body reacted, as if finding her sexy would be cheating on his wife. “I did tell him I prefer women—not girls.”

“So I hear.” Jenna raised a dark eyebrow. “It’s strange. I’ve only known you a short time but I trust you. It’s like an inbuilt instinct, as if we’re the same. Same background, same secrets.”

“I’m sure we are the same in many ways and I trust you too.” He reached across the table and covered her hand. Under his palm, her hand was small and cold. “I’m working through some stuff right now. Not just my injury. I’ve recently suffered a very painful break-up and I’m not the kind of person to use a woman for sex. I like stability and long term, not one-night stands.” He rubbed his thumb over her wrist.

One of the Blackwater deputies stomped down the hallway and they sprang apart. Kane turned in his seat and smiled at him. “Coffee is fresh.”

“I’m fine.” Deputy Jones touched his hat and looked at Jenna. “Ma’am, I just had a call from Deputy Rowley. The forensics team has updated their arrival since you notified them about the second murder. They are heading to Black Rock Falls by helicopter and Deputy Rowley directed them to come straight here. They’ve checked out the area and believe they have room to land in the driveway if we move the cruisers round back.”

“Do it.” Jenna pushed to her feet. “ETA?”

“Ten minutes.” Jones turned and headed back down the passageway.

Kane stood. “I’ll move my vehicle. It’s going to be a long night.” He finished his coffee and moved to the sink to rinse his cup.


He glanced at Jenna over one shoulder. “Yeah?”

“I like having you around.” She smiled at him.

He turned from the sink, placed one hand on her shoulder, and squeezed. “Thanks.”


The forensics team moved like a well-oiled cog. Three hours after arriving, Sarah’s body was loaded onto the chopper and the team had completed their investigation. Kane stood beside Alton and listened with interest to the head forensic pathologist, Simon Duvall.

“I don’t believe you’ve contaminated the crime scene, and I’ll use the hair samples we took from both of you for elimination. There wasn’t much to go on. We have Mr. Helms’s body and you’ll have my full report on both victims as soon as possible. I’ll complete a drug screen on both victims as well but from the defense wounds on Miss Woodward, I would imagine she was fully aware of her situation.” He rubbed one shoulder and winced as if in pain. “I’m not positive but I think I discovered a footprint partially covered by blood. Once we get the pictures back to the lab, I’ll have a better idea.” He held out a hand to Alton. “I’ll be in touch.”

“Thank you.” Alton shook his hand and let out a relieved sigh.

“Deputy Kane.” Duvall nodded cordially toward him then headed for the chopper.

Kane stared after him. “He seems competent. Known him long?”

“No, and yes, he is very professional.” The chopper’s engine started and she turned away and raised her voice. “I hope the Blackwater deputies have our gear packed up and ready to load. I’m looking forward to a long hot shower.” She headed toward the house.

Before Kane could follow, a sleek black sports car came around the trees and headed for the house at speed, the back wheels sliding in the ice. Whoever was driving was pissed to the max. The vehicle stopped a short distance away and Mayor Rockford climbed out and slammed the door with such force the side window shattered. So, he’s just found out we brought his son in for questioning.

Kane straightened and rested one hand on his service revolver. There was no way this idiot was going to browbeat Jenna. He moved to block the front door and waited at the top of the stairs. He heard footsteps and Jenna’s voice behind him.

“I was kind of expecting a visit from the mayor. He must be here to complain about our overuse of resources.” Alton snorted. “Oh, that’s right. We have his little boy in for questioning. He’ll be lawyered up by now.”

“Why don’t you leave him to me this time?”

Alton walked away as Kane stood his ground and glared at the mayor. He moved down the steps.

“Mayor Rockford, I believe? What can I do for you?”

“You can release my boy, that’s what you can do.” Rockford’s face turned a deep crimson. “Having too much to drink is one thing, but dragging him from hockey training is another matter. If you wanted to question him over the incident at the Cattleman’s Hotel, I’d have brought him to the station myself first thing in the morning.”