“Yeah. There are similarities, and after being released from jail, if Stan Clough is our man, he would be anxious to kill again.”

He stared into the distance but could not dislodge the image of Sarah’s blank stare. “The body at the landfill, and now Sarah. Whoever is doing this isn’t going to be easy to profile. Most serial killers are attracted to a certain type

of person and these victims are poles apart. If I’m wrong, and we’re not dealing with a psychopath, this may be the work of an opportunistic thrill killer. I suggest you make sure our deputies are carrying a backup weapon and rifle in their vehicles.”

“Are you saying if you hadn’t come along when you did the other night, I might have been dragged off somewhere and sadistically murdered?”

“Yeah, there’s a chance, but most likely it was a warning. Psychopaths aren’t sane; maybe he believes you know he killed the man in the barrel and decided to keep his secret. When I arrived, he panicked and tried to warn you off from telling me. Remember what that guy said to you? ‘Keep your mouth shut and your dog on a leash or I’ll show you exactly what I’m capable of doing.’ Maybe Sarah is another warning.” Kane sucked in a deep breath. “We have another problem. I found three other missing persons’ reports dated back before you took office. The last sheriff shelved them without a follow-up, which sends up a red flag. Walters’ name is on the original reports but he went on holiday, and the cases were handled by someone else or not handled at all. I asked Daniels to follow up before I left, so he may have something by now. Do you recall anyone mentioning similar cases?”

“No. The place was understaffed and chaotic after Sheriff Mitcham died. I didn’t have any communication from the missing persons’ families after I arrived. None of the officers mentioned one missing person let alone three. I previewed the current caseload on arrival and normal procedure should have had them listed as current or unsolved.” He could hear Jenna drumming her fingernails on the desk. “It might have been an oversight. When people die, the chain of communication often breaks down.”

“Yeah, I guess, but Deputy Andy Bristow was working at the time and he died after you took office, didn’t he?”

“Yes, in a boating accident on the river that runs adjacent to my ranch.” A long pause made Kane believe she had disconnected, then he heard her tapping on a keyboard. “There is no mention of these files in my current case folder or open case folders going back five years. Where did you locate the information?”

Kane kicked at a clump of ice and flicked a glance at Rowley, who stood staring at the root cellar door, face ashen as if in a trance. He needed to get him away from the scene. “In the archives, in the year prior to your arrival.”

“Found them. Okay, I’ll check for an update now.”

“Good. Ah, can you get out here ASAP? Rowley needs to be relieved.” Kane lowered his voice. “He is sheet-white and I don’t want him driving or I’d send him back in my vehicle.”

“Sure, I’ll be out there as soon as possible.”

“Be careful. You don’t know who you can trust.”

“Careful is my middle name.”

Kane swallowed hard. Jenna was in danger and they both knew it.


Jenna leaned back in her chair, the creak a familiar reassurance. She pressed the phone to her ear and listened to Kane’s calm voice.

“Don’t take chances with this animal. His fourth attempt on your life might be the charm.”

He was correct; after three attempts on her life, and two homicides in less than a week, she could not trust a soul except David Kane.

“I’ll make sure I have a deputy with me at all times. I’m not giving him another chance.” She sighed. “If the missing persons’ cases are active, then I’m worried about an inside cover-up. You mentioned the station leaked like a sieve and we don’t know who is involved, although Walters is the only remaining officer from that time. He doesn’t act suspicious. If Josh is involved and Walters is speaking to the mayor and reporting on everything we do, it would make sense he’d bury the files.”

“Yes, it would, and you’re traveling alone with him later. Be careful.”

“I will, but before I leave I need to ask the Blackwater Sheriff’s Department for backup. I’ll give them a call then grab my satellite phone and contact you when I leave.” She glanced at the door and a shiver of worry shot up her spine. “I’ll make sure Walters drives and I’ll keep one hand on my weapon.”

“Okay. Stay safe.”



She rubbed her temple. “I’ll be there within the hour.” She sighed. “I’ll chase up the forensics on the hood my attacker used as well.”

“Roger that.”

* * *

Jenna pushed to her feet and strolled into the outer office. Daniels was at the front desk relieving Maggie and she beckoned for him. “Have you made any headway on the old missing persons’ files?”

“Not yet. I’ve been filling in for Maggie.” Daniels narrowed his gaze. “I’ll get straight on it the moment she comes back from her break.”