Jenna pulled her arm from his grip. “I’m freezing. I’m angry too. I should have fought back. I feel like a complete idiot.”

“I don’t think so. He had you immobilized and with a knife at your throat.” Kane made a snorting sound. “In your place, I would have remained calm and tried to reason with him too.”

She glanced up at him and moved closer, glad of his company. “It was a warning to call you off and I’m thinking the accident was a warning too.” She blew out a huff of white steam. “You have to be tied up in this somehow.”

“Me? The question is why they believe I’m a threat to them unless they have a thing for you and now I’m living in your cottage.” Kane sighed and she heard a rasping sound as he rubbed his chin. “Rockford did mention where I am living, but frightening you isn’t something a man usually does out of jealousy or to get a woman to go out with him. It has to be something else.”

“Then I have zip.” Jenna sighed with relief as they entered the floodlit parking lot and made their way to the front of the hotel.

“No, we have the hood.” Kane pulled an evidence bag out of his pocket and held it up like a trophy. “I’ll get this to the lab ASAP and see what comes up. He could have grabbed it from the trash; it sure smells bad.”

“Yeah, I know. I had the damn thing rammed in my mouth.”

She found Rowley and Daniels leaning on the cruisers. Making an effort to appear casual, she smiled at them. “I came around the back way to check the parking lot. Did you report the lights are out to the management?”

“The lights round back are turned off after closing. They keep the parking lot floodlights on all night and here in the driveway.” Rowley’s face creased into a frown. “Kane wondered what had happened to you. It’s as black as pitch on that pathway at night. Did you get lost in the dark?”

“Not at all. I’m fine. I was making sure no one was hiding back there.” She avoided Rowley’s scrutiny by glancing away.

A few moments later Walters checked in to inform her he was on his way home. For once, the home game and dance had gone off without a hitch. She sucked up the worry gnawing in the pit of her stomach and smiled at her deputies. “Good job. I’ll see you Monday morning.”

“Just a minute.” Kane raised a dark eyebrow at her then skirted his SUV and jogged back toward the parking lot.

Jenna stared after him then noticed Billy Watts leaning into the window of a yellow sedan. She turned to her deputies. “Is that Sarah Woodward’s vehicle? I didn’t notice her leaving the building.”

“Yeah, I did. She came out the back door earlier.” Daniels smirked. “I’ve had her all wrong. I didn’t think she was the type to hang around a bar.”

“She’s not and she’s not old enough to be drinking. Wait here.” Jenna zipped up her jacket and headed toward the parking lot.

She arrived in time to see Kane pop the hood of Sarah’s car and peer at the engine. A few minutes later, the car rattled into life. Moving closer, she caught the young woman’s attention. “What are you doing at the Cattleman’s Hotel?”

“I went for dinner and was waiting to see if there was a room cancellation. I don’t like staying at the motel.” Sarah gripped the steering wheel. “Unfortunately all the rooms are taken so I’m heading back to the motel. I guess the noise will die down now the game is over.”

“You won’t have to stay here much longer. We have reason to believe your grandmother has left town.” Jenna smiled. “She may be in the next county.”

“No, she’s not.” Sarah worried her bottom lip and gave them a baleful look. “I have a letter mentioning her interest in buying a ranch somewhere in Black Rock Falls.”

“All done.” Kane slammed the hood and moved toward her with a confident smile. “Drop by the station on Monday and we’ll

take a look at the letter. I’ll send someone out to check the property.” He moved closer. “Do me a favor and leave the investigating to the police. Driving around in this old car in bad weather is dangerous.”

“Okay.” Sarah met his gaze and frowned. “It’s just you don’t seem to be doing anything and I’m really worried about her.”

“You have my word we are following leads to find your grandmother.” Kane smiled warmly at her. “We want to keep you safe and I’m sure your grandmother would feel the same. I’ll tell Deputy Daniels to follow you to the motel just in case the car breaks down again.” His hard gaze moved over Billy Watts and his mouth formed a thin line. “We’ll take it from here.” He waved him away.

Jenna bent to speak to Sarah. “You should get your car serviced. Kane is right. Breaking down at this time of the year could be life-threatening. Miller’s Garage is very reasonable and they have loaners.”

“I’ve been meaning to get it fixed. I’m staying home this weekend but I’ll stop in at the garage first thing Monday morning.” Sarah beamed at Kane. “Thank you for your help.”

“My pleasure.” Kane turned and strode off toward Daniels.

“He is a nice man.” Sarah’s face pinked.

Jenna watched Billy Watts’ truck fishtail over the patches of ice on the way out the parking lot then pulled on her gloves. “He is very efficient.” She indicated toward Daniels’ cruiser; the engine was running and spilling clouds of white vapor into the still night. “Off you go. My deputy will see you safely to the motel.”

When the car pulled out at a snail’s pace, Jenna trudged back through the gray frozen sludge to Kane’s SUV. He stood chatting and laughing with Rowley as if he had known him for years. They both stopped talking and turned to look at her as if waiting for instructions. She gave them her best superior stare and dismissed the younger man with a wave. “Go home and get some rest.” She grimaced at Kane. “Get a move on. I’m freezing to death here.”

“Yes, ma’am.”