“The bathroom is used by the public, and anyone passing would be able to read a roster; it only takes seconds.” He shrugged. “Why did you remove Rowley from Friday night?”

“I gave him the night off for personal reasons.” Jenna wet her bottom lip and lowered her lashes. “His cousin is in town for the game and he wanted to meet up with him.”

Kane snorted. “How convenient.” I’ll add him to my list of suspects.

Alton rounded on him, her eyes flashing with anger.

“Don’t you dare say another word about him.” She turned in her seat and glared at him. “Jake Rowley is the most professional deputy I’ve had the pleasure of working with since arriving in Black Rock Falls.”

“Okay, so he’s untouchable.” He narrowed his gaze on her. “So where else have you worked? The last place must have been a nightmare.”

“That’s none of your business, but as a professional courtesy, I’ll tell you. I came to Black Rock Falls after a stint as a detective in Los Angeles.” Jenna flicked him a glance with zero emotion. “I wanted to get away from the city. I’m a small-town girl at heart and the city is like a pressure cooker: something is always getting ready to explode.”

“Crime is like water: it levels out no matter where you live.” He kept his gaze on the road. “Don’t tell me Black Rock Falls is any different. From the court records I skimmed through earlier, you’ve been busy.”

“Yeah, but petty crimes, nothing comes close to the amount of murders, drug busts and drive-by shootings I’ve dealt with in the past.” She sighed. “Here, DUIs plus the odd domestic disturbance take up most of our time. We have increased crime rates during the influx of visitors into Black Rock Falls, and trouble follows the rodeo circuit like flies on horseshit. The cowboys come through town like a cattle stampede and the young women flock to them.”

Kane chuckled. “Oh yeah, girls love rodeo cowboys. I’m guessing the guys on the circuit clash with the local boys?”

“Every time. Although we have a few locals on the circuit, most from the outlying ranches. There’s a lot of whooping and hollering when they arrive home.” Alton waved a small hand toward a parking lot adjacent to the Cattleman’s Hotel. “The place is already packed. Pull up out front.”

Kane pulled into the space beside two cruisers in the “Reserved for Black Rock Falls County Sheriff’s Department” parking area and, leaving the engine running, turned to face her. “Where are the other deputies?”

“Walters will be at the dance.” She took a pair of gloves from her pocket and pulled them onto slim fingers. “Rowley and Daniels are at the stadium. After they drop the cruisers here, Rowley’s father takes them to the game.” She pulled out her cell and glanced at the screen. “They’ll be dropped back here in a few minutes.”

Not wanting to take charge, Kane drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and waited for instructions. He would have to bite his tongue if he wanted to fit in, and after commanding special agents for most of his career, coping with Jenna Alton would be a challenge.


Going into the Cattleman’s Hotel and making his presence known would avoid trouble. Kane swallowed his frustration and cleared his throat. “Does the department have a drunk bus?”

“No.” Alton made a huff of irritation.

“Then what happens if twenty or so drunks get behind the wheel? There are only three cruisers available and my vehicle isn’t equipped for the transportation of prisoners.” He caught her annoyed expression and softened his voice. “Perhaps if we went inside before closing, they might think twice before attempting to drive. Does Black Rock Falls have a Designated Driver program?”

“No to the last question, and yes, but I usually go inside when the deputies arrive. I agree, seeing us is a good incentive to avoid driving under the influence.” Her lips thinned. He had annoye

d her. “The sheriff’s department presence does work. Many stay here overnight or at the motel, and they can walk from here.” She waved a hand toward a line of cabs. “They often share a cab, not that four cabs are enough, but some people are prepared to wait.”

“Okay.” He rubbed his chin. “If you want to go inside, you don’t need to wait for the others.” He smiled at her. “Brilliant! Let’s go.” He killed the engine and unclipped the seat belt. “Do you want me to contact Rowley for their ETA?”

“No. I’ll manage.” She gave him a cold stare, reached for the radio attached to her belt, and made the call.

The reply came through loud and clear to inform her the deputies had left the stadium. Kane could not imagine why she would risk using the radio after an attempt on her life. A police scanner could pick up the signal and pinpoint her position. She had made a potentially fatal mistake. He slid from the seat and shut the door behind him. Wondering how to broach the subject of her security, he leaned on the front of the SUV and waited for her to come around to meet him.

The cold air sent a bolt of pain into his temple as a constant reminder of the lunatic who had murdered his wife. He pulled the woolen cap over his ears and noticed Jenna regarding him with a compassionate stare. Straightening, he tapped the Black Rock Falls Sheriff’s Department logo he had sewn onto the front. “I know my hat isn’t the official uniform and the badge is borrowed from one of my shirts, but I need to keep my head warm and a cowboy hat just doesn’t work.”

“Not a problem. We’ll make it official. Many of the other counties supply them for their officers.” Alton gave him a curt nod. “I think we could all do with one of those hats in this weather. I have a drawer filled with official cloth badges in the office and the hats aren’t expensive.”

“Thanks.” Kane cleared his throat.

“Okay, what’s wrong? Spit it out, I know you have something on your mind.” Alton moved around to face him, her eyes flashing. “Tell me.”

“The radio. Anyone on the frequency can listen in.” Kane gestured toward the device on her belt. “Every time you use that thing, you’re giving out your position. It would be better to use your cellphone. It’s more secure. Have you considered speaking to the mayor about earbuds and power packs? I have a friend in DC who can do me a great deal.” When she lifted her chin in defiance, he shrugged. “At least use your cellphone until we catch the person who tried to kill you.”

“I think the person who caused the accident was a coward who gets his kicks preying on women alone at night.” Alton’s head turned toward a noisy group of people leaving the hotel. When they walked down the main street and headed in the direction of the motel, she turned her attention back to him. “He wouldn’t be brave enough to try anything with you here.”

I can’t stop a bullet from a sniper. “Okay.” Kane conceded defeat and rubbed his cold hands together. “So what’s the usual procedure? I can’t imagine the management appreciates the sheriff’s department interfering with their business.”